Does God have Respect for Life


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Or does He have to? Can you be a creator and still have respect for life even if it didn't turn out the way you planned or is a lack of respect needed in order to make adjustments?

This is a question I asked a bishop once at a church rally when I was a mere lad. He told me that God respected human life. Animals and plants were life without consciousness and therefore not in need of respect. Of course I asked him about how god could be respectful of human life and still find it necessary to destroy us now and then. His response was to look at me strange and walk away.

So really I'm in a quandary, on one hand god respects only human life and on the other hand he doesn't respect any life. The latter may be a prerogative only a creator would be entitled to.
The whole idea of "respecting" something that you created entirely on your own and are wholly responsible for strikes me as pretty odd.
The whole idea of "respecting" something that you created entirely on your own and are wholly responsible for strikes me as pretty odd.

Couldn't agree more. Kind of puts us humans down a few notches from where we think we are in relationship with the Big Guy. So can God create life He'd respect?

As an outside observer I would have to contend that God does not have any respect for life. If He did then he would bugger off and leave us alone. Oh wait, maybe he's already done that.
I guess in might in the same way you would have respect for a picture you painted. If it was a really good picture and you were really proud of it then you would have a great amount of respect for it. Meaning you leave on the floor where it might get stepped on, you wouldn't throw it or use it as a coaster for your coffee. If you painted a picture that turned out terrible and looking at it just reminds you of your own failure you might have considerably less respect for that painting, you might throw it away or burn it. But thats if God considers humans to be artwork and that theory would also include everything in the universe that God thinks he did a good job creating.
...This is a question I asked a bishop once at a church rally when I was a mere lad. He told me that God respected human life. Animals and plants were life without consciousness and therefore not in need of respect...

-After that comment everything he said is pretty much irrelevant,
its like satanist talking, making excuse to rape the planet for pleasure of men.
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Or does He have to? Can you be a creator and still have respect for life even if it didn't turn out the way you planned or is a lack of respect needed in order to make adjustments?
why isn't life turning out correctly?
This is a question I asked a bishop once at a church rally when I was a mere lad. He told me that God respected human life. Animals and plants were life without consciousness and therefore not in need of respect.
this is a bogus argument from the bishop

Of course I asked him about how god could be respectful of human life and still find it necessary to destroy us now and then. His response was to look at me strange and walk away.

So really I'm in a quandary, on one hand god respects only human life and on the other hand he doesn't respect any life. The latter may be a prerogative only a creator would be entitled to.
Human life is simply the opportunity to understand god. Other forms of life are simply about sleeping, eating, mating and defending (although its indicative of modern culture to also bring human life to such a level ...)
I guess it depends how you sit with the balance of power - for instance you wouldn't expect a group of criminals to describe a legal system that prosecutes them as respectful ...
Not really. If you see from the 'horizontal' point of view (in relation among human), I see
God is fair, either we are criminal or not. He clearly states right from wrong. The right way
is hard, the wrong way is easy. If we don't respect the law, that is choosing the wrong way,
we just should prepare for the consequences.

But if you see from 'vertical' point of view (in relation between God and us), God is not fair.
God has no respect. He dictates us. He enacts law without involving us in composing it.
He uses fear to control us, etc.
Which God are we talking about? The one of the Torah, Bible, and Koran? Then the answer is no.

God has proven in those texts that life is on this Earth for one purpose: To worship him. If you don't fall in line, you can and will be killed, your wife and daughter put into slavery, and your livestock either scattered or slaughtered.

That God is jealous and insecure, as is evident by his followers, such as the lovely and charismatic fellow going by the name of "lightgigantic" who posted in this thread, and I quote:

lightgigantic said:
Human life is simply the opportunity to understand god.

See? Our lives are meant for servitude.
Which God are we talking about? The one of the Torah, Bible, and Koran? Then the answer is no.

Is this a question for me? If so, I was talking about the one in the Quran, which
I think is actually the same with the one in the Torah and Bible.

God has proven in those texts that life is on this Earth for one purpose: To worship him. If you don't fall in line, you can and will be killed, your wife and daughter put into slavery, and your livestock either scattered or slaughtered.

The first sentence is true. Where do you get the rest from?

See? Our lives are meant for servitude.

True. Or to be exact, to worship Him. By means of worship is to live life in the
way following what He states as right, and avoiding what He states as wrong.
That is to simply follow what is written in the texts.

so how do you propose that a criminal be treated fairly?

Is that a question for me, too? :confused: If so, just as what is written in the text (Quran).
I think it is a cruel rule, but in my understanding it is the best. For example, according
to Quran, you should cut the thief's hand. It is very barbaric, but I guess it will make
any thief thinks 1000 times before he steals. :shrug:

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
so how do you propose that a criminal be treated fairly?

Is that a question for me, too? If so, just as what is written in the text (Quran).
I think it is a cruel rule, but in my understanding is the best. For example, according
to Quran, you should cut the thief's hand. It is very barbaric, but I guess it will make
any thief thinks 1000 times before he steals.
I'm not sure I follow your thread ....

so in other words you wouldn't expect a criminal to have recourse for democratic input in regards to fairness?
Which God are we talking about? The one of the Torah, Bible, and Koran? Then the answer is no.

God has proven in those texts that life is on this Earth for one purpose: To worship him. If you don't fall in line, you can and will be killed, your wife and daughter put into slavery, and your livestock either scattered or slaughtered.
that and a whole lot more are just regular daily goings on in the material world :eek:
just read the newspaper

That God is jealous and insecure, as is evident by his followers, such as the lovely and charismatic fellow going by the name of "lightgigantic" who posted in this thread, and I quote:

See? Our lives are meant for servitude.
just try and propose an argument for a way of life that doesn't involve servitude
I'm not sure I follow your thread ....

so in other words you wouldn't expect a criminal to have recourse for democratic input in regards to fairness?

No. I don't believe in democracy, it makes everything catastrophic. :D Islam is actually
also flexible (PLEASE don't think I am preaching, though); when somebody steals
because they are very hungry, there are excuses (I have to recheck it, though).
I have no pity though for corrupter, bank robbers, those who manipulate others, etc.
They should all have hand cutting.
inzomnia said:
Is this a question for me? If so, I was talking about the one in the Quran, which
I think is actually the same with the one in the Torah and Bible.

Yes, I know they are the same god. That is why I said "Torah, Bible, and Koran".

inzomnia said:
The first sentence is true. Where do you get the rest from?

The Torah, Bible, and Koran.

True. Or to be exact, to worship Him. By means of worship is to live life in the
way following what He states as right, and avoiding what He states as wrong.
That is to simply follow what is written in the texts.

Which is to live in a dictatorship with no hopes of a foreign presence coming in and ousting the supreme commander. But it's worse than that, because your choice on Earth have eternal consequences. So no, there is no respect for human life.

that and a whole lot more are just regular daily goings on in the material world
just read the newspaper

That wasn't the question, so don't twist my meaning. The question was "Does God Respect Life" and I gave the answer and reasons.

just try and propose an argument for a way of life that doesn't involve servitude

We're not talking about theoretical servitude to the almighty dollar, we're talking about a servitude to God, where if you do not do his bidding, you are sent to hell for eternity.
Which is to live in a dictatorship with no hopes of a foreign presence coming in and ousting the supreme commander. But it's worse than that, because your choice on Earth have eternal consequences. So no, there is no respect for human life.

What makes you think human life deserves respect? Or do you think human life
deserves respect (from God)? If yes, why? :confused:.