Does God regularly reward rebellion?

no i don't see that. imo, the consequences of evil being what they are, suffering and death, is a good thing. leads me to discern that evil is a bad thing...something that we don't have to choose...something that i personally would like to get rid of.

You would like to get rid of what God created. Why not good at the same time? Tsk tsk.

I agree that he was a rebel and showed his reward in the O P.
Pay attention.

And what is the big deal with his conquering sin. Can God not conquer what he himself created?

Let's see, I will create sin, then make a show of conquering it and become the super hero of the whole world. Jesus looks like a glory hog.


ffs gia, you are definitely the self-proclaimed glory hog here.

yes, god can conquer it. jesus is the method. now you pay attention. how did you think it would happen, by magic? a better religion? ah yes, that's your answer...a better religion.

good luck with that. :rolleyes:
You would like to get rid of what God created. Why not good at the same time? Tsk tsk.


good and evil are always possibilities. you choose.

i would prefer to live in a world where people choose good.

why do you have such a problem with that?
Dream on.

Good song. Dream until your dreams come true.

Oh wait, are you suggesting that I dreamt it? That I was asleep? No, I was entirely sober and awake. It was the middle of the afternoon, I had just gotten back from a quick trip to walgreens for a cassette tape. I wanted to make a copy of an old tape I had. When I opened the player there was a tape in it already so I pushed play to see what was on it. It was a mix tape one of my friends had accidentally left there a while ago. I was sitting there listening and the paper did its thing.

Afterwards I did go upstairs and take a nap and a few hours later when I woke up the paper had still done its thing. Was I dreaming all that too? Have I woken up yet or am I dreaming I'm typing this right now?
Man does not reward rebellion: governments do not give in to terrorism because the terrorists will learn that their methods are successful; the negotiators will have taught them that by giving in to their demands.
ffs gia, you are definitely the self-proclaimed glory hog here.

yes, god can conquer it. jesus is the method. now you pay attention. how did you think it would happen, by magic?

take the magic out of the Jesus myth and there is nothing left. Invisible flying sperm indeed.

a better religion? ah yes, that's your answer...a better religion.

good luck with that. :rolleyes:

It would sure beat your scapegoat and profiting from the murder of an innocent man theology.

good and evil are always possibilities. you choose.

i would prefer to live in a world where people choose good.

why do you have such a problem with that?

Show where I said such a thing.
You cannot so stop trying to put your lies in my mouth.

So these beliefs are an arbitrary cultural form. The essential thing is your ability to have a spiritual experience, not the truth of the details about vicarious redemption for "sin" or the idea of eternal life, etc... I suggest that if our culture valued a god of corn, you would incorporate that into the interpretation of your hallucinations instead of some rebellious Jew.
Your talking about the Lord Of the Harvest now . Jesus talked about Him you know . The God of Corn is real and Jesus knew it . Ah what was his name again ? The beginning and the end dude of agriculture ? There was one in the beginning and there is only one now .
It would sure beat your scapegoat and profiting from the murder of an innocent man theology.


what scapegoat? a scapegoat for what? god has done work in me that i couldn't do myself, but the work has been done.

and profit as in greed? god has more than enough grace to go around and i dare say that if he didn't want to help he would not.

Show where I said such a thing.
You cannot so stop trying to put your lies in my mouth.


then what are you squawking about? if you don't have a problem with getting rid of sin, then i guess you're just salty it's him doing it and not you. you seem like a real egomaniac, and you're jealous of god.
what scapegoat? a scapegoat for what? god has done work in me that i couldn't do myself, but the work has been done.

and profit as in greed? god has more than enough grace to go around and i dare say that if he didn't want to help he would not.

then what are you squawking about? if you don't have a problem with getting rid of sin, then i guess you're just salty it's him doing it and not you. you seem like a real egomaniac, and you're jealous of god.
The scape goat would be the German wood god . He was known to live in the Teutoberg Forest in the Westphalia area . Yeah Way ! I think he is an extension of Arminus , yet the God may go back further in history. That was about 9 a.d. He kicked the shit out of Romans . Romans didn't want anything to do with Germans for a long time because of it. It is funny how Charlemagne ended up being who he was in light of the past if you ask Me . A guy from Westphalia . History can be funny that way
The scape goat would be the German wood god . He was known to live in the Teutoberg Forest in the Westphalia area .
The word "scapegoat" is a mistranslation of the word Azazel (In Hebrew: עזאזל). The Septuagint, an early Greek translation of the Old Testament, had incorrectly translated Azazel as ez ozel – literally, "the goat that departs" – and translated the word as tragos apopompaios, meaning "goat sent out".

Thanx crankmyster , Old connect the dots person you are . Love Ya. Azazel has a ring of Melek Taus and the name Israel too . Do you think ? It is said the Germans showed up about 300 B.C. in Germany . I don't know if that is true ? Speculated there was a migration of humans towards the north about that time . I would think there was already tribes in the area already . I don't know for sure but maybe it was a warm period around then . Or maybe they wanted to get away from Alexander type personalities . Yeah trying to get away from persecution. Like the protestants did after the Peace of Westphalia
Does God regularly reward rebellion?

God, in the beginning, rebelled against the status quo that he had lived in for millennia.
He rejected what was and created what we have today and gained a reward, pleasure. He was pleased and named it all good. To insure that the trend of rebellion continued, he brought Satan to earth and ordered him to tempt Adam and Eve. The only way Adam and Eve could know that they were autonomous entities was to go against God’s command.

Are you saying that God "chooses" (note the quotes indicating lack of free will) to defy his own ability to create perfect things? It would seem so.

Satan is said to be the first autonomous entity, other than God, to rebel. He was rewarded by being named the King of this world. God’s jewel and greatest achievement till that time. This truth is exemplified by his tempting Jesus by offering him the world. If it was not his world to give, there would not have been a temptation for Jesus to face and master. Mark 1: 13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan.

God sounds like a fucking idiot to be honest with no free will just like every other living thing.

Adam and Eve were next to rebel. Their reward as we know was to be elevated to God like status. Genesis : 22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil. They were also given dominion of the earth, as is plain to see.

Obladee obladda life goes on.

Moses, rebelled against Pharaoh and was also rewarded with a kingdom. Israel. Noah, rebelled against the rest of mankind and was rewarded with a new earth.

How did Noah rebel? i thought he just listened to God's voice and followed his commands?

Jesus rebelled against the status quo of the written laws and was rewarded by being said to have saved the whole of mankind. Even as believers think only their pitiful little numbers are saved. A hold over from old tribal thinking.

I think Jesus Christ was the shit. He wore long dirty robes and yet still made healing the blind and dancing with the lepers a beautiful thing.

There can only be one conclusion to what is written. God regularly rewards rebellion.

Okay, so does that give us a ticket to go out and deliberate into the province of rebellion?
OP should specify what sense of god he is discussing it's a very broad moot point presently. Christian/organized religion sense of god than yes, god himself does plenty of evil himself. In non organized religion sense god does as well because irritation and change is the only thing that we can ascertain from this physical reality and its corresponding non physical nature.
Afterwards I did go upstairs and take a nap

See, it was dream. Just with the phenomenon known as 'false awakening'.

I've had it several times, the last time I woke up to discover a dark haired woman was strangling me. She was very strong, only using one hand, but had me pinned down. I struggled, screamed, thrashed around, got onto my stomach, and then managed to stand, and turn around. She wasn't in the room, so I ran into the kitchen, got a knife, checked the back door was still locked, and removed the key. Then did the same with the front door, and then checked every fucking room, and she wasn't there. Then I realised it had just been a dream. All windows and doors were locked, there's no way anybody could have got in or out, and I had experienced a false awakening. It seemed so very real at the time, as the others I had did too. But you have to realise these things are merely dreams Lori.
See, it was dream. Just with the phenomenon known as 'false awakening'.

I've had it several times, the last time I woke up to discover a dark haired woman was strangling me. She was very strong, only using one hand, but had me pinned down. I struggled, screamed, thrashed around, got onto my stomach, and then managed to stand, and turn around. She wasn't in the room, so I ran into the kitchen, got a knife, checked the back door was still locked, and removed the key. Then did the same with the front door, and then checked every fucking room, and she wasn't there. Then I realised it had just been a dream. All windows and doors were locked, there's no way anybody could have got in or out, and I had experienced a false awakening. It seemed so very real at the time, as the others I had did too. But you have to realise these things are merely dreams Lori.

So you're saying I'm still asleep then. Interesting. Do all of you members realize you're just a figment of my imagination? We're not really having this discussion right now.
So you're saying I'm still asleep then. Interesting. Do all of you members realize you're just a figment of my imagination? We're not really having this discussion right now.

Stop being obtuse. I am saying that you were, not are. Such petty diversions do nothing to make you seem credible Lori.
Stop being obtuse. I am saying that you were, not are. Such petty diversions do nothing to make you seem credible Lori.

i don't think that you pretending to know when i'm awake and when i'm asleep makes you seem credible phlog.

that day, i had woken at the usual 8:30 am and had already had a productive day. i had already driven to my aunt's house and back to pick up the cassette that i wanted to make a copy of. i was very exuberant; told her i was on a mission from god. i'm sure she remembers that. it's a 45 min cruise to her place one way. i didn't do that in my sleep. i came home, realized i needed a blank tape, went to get one, came back, and then what i told you happened happened. then i went upstairs to bed and took a nap. then i was awakened by a phone call that scared the shit out of me, then god yelled at me, and then i went back downstairs, gathered up all of the stationery, that was still in the same morphed state i had watched it turn into hours ago, a notebook, and a full carton of cigs, and set them all on fire in the fireplace. a year later when i cleaned out the fireplace, i picked up the wire spiral from the ashes and stared at it remembering what a trip that day had been.

now then, at what point did i wake up?
i don't think that you pretending to know when i'm awake and when i'm asleep makes you seem credible phlog.

Let's look at the evidence:

1, You experienced a well documented sleep disorder.
2, The supreme being, creator of the Universe spoke to you by crumpling up some paper.

Get real, get sane, and stop hawking your bullshit.

I know it felt real, I have had real feeling experiences, as documented here. I realised mine for what it was, that's the only difference. Realise this and get sane.
i don't think that you pretending to know when i'm awake and when i'm asleep makes you seem credible phlog.

that day, i had woken at the usual 8:30 am and had already had a productive day. i had already driven to my aunt's house and back to pick up the cassette that i wanted to make a copy of. i was very exuberant; told her i was on a mission from god. i'm sure she remembers that. it's a 45 min cruise to her place one way. i didn't do that in my sleep. i came home, realized i needed a blank tape, went to get one, came back, and then what i told you happened happened. then i went upstairs to bed and took a nap. then i was awakened by a phone call that scared the shit out of me, then god yelled at me, and then i went back downstairs, gathered up all of the stationery, that was still in the same morphed state i had watched it turn into hours ago, a notebook, and a full carton of cigs, and set them all on fire in the fireplace. a year later when i cleaned out the fireplace, i picked up the wire spiral from the ashes and stared at it remembering what a trip that day had been.

now then, at what point did i wake up?

Was this a one time experience or does it happen often. If it happens often, I think you should see a doctor. Just in case it isn't actually God speaking to you but some sort of mental disorder. Not that i want to question that he does, but it's better to be on the safe side in these matters, I think.