Does God Think?

Of course God thinks, what kind of stupid question is that? If you create something, how do you do it without thinking? We are created in God's likeness. We think to create. To not think to find the best way to do something is mere chaos. You never know what you're going to come up with. If He didn't think, then He wouldn't be a God. If he was automated, wouldn't that make Him a thing? No more than a sun going about it's business to provide warmth to an Earth of intelligent beings? If you believe in a God that creates, sure, I believe He must think also. If He supposedly feels sadness, happiness, displeasure, then He must think if you believe in the Bible.
iam said:
Really, what is there to prove? If I have panoramic vision and you don't, who's closer to figuring out what's going on? I do. I therefore, have more knowledge, therefore more power, closer to figuring out the whole shebang=closer to god or whatever.


I was just thinking that if such a thing were proveable, it could become the basis for a logically irrefutable benevolent social system. Maybe.
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iam said:
This is a religion thread. All posts besides counterarguments from atheists are conjectures from subjective emotional experience. It cannot be scientifically quantified. Emotion cannot be scientifically quantified but only observed.


You are being unrealistic. I stated that the passing on knowledge is a form of platonic love in the strictest and broadest sense. It cannot be delineated any further than survival of the species, still a form of base love. The desire to share and pass on knowledge to your fellow man has been going on from the beginning of history. LoL, do you need proof of this?? Do I need to point out to you the library or the local school? Are you telling me you couldn't figure this out yourself? Information increases awareness. Do you need proof for something this self-evident?

Knowledge expands consciousness(where you are and what is going on) or do you need proof of this as well? Were you born yesterday and need catching up? Come on.

Information can also cause mental overload. I think it's understanding that increases awareness. Not something that can be used in thought processes

Also, I don't need proof. I want proof I can present to other people.

What if it could be quantified? Would that not be a remarkeable thing?
When I say I want proof, I'm not saying "Prove it to me". I'm saying, "perhaps its possible to take all of this, bring it to the realm of psychology/objective reason/whatever, and prove it true."

(Wouldn't that be cool?... and what if we could use it to tap into the God-"Mind/being" (as opposed to the patriarchal idea of the mind that is God))
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