Does no one have a heart.

Jolly Rodger said:
:confused: Does no one have a heart, besides the Australians.
Australia has just committed 1 billion dollars in aid to the countries that were affected by this tsunami, why isn't America or England, or even the European union committing the same (in ratio worth:donation) or more??
If you ask me, if a nation of less than 25 million people can commit that much these other countries can dig a bit deeper into their pockets.

well jolly, because we in the states are donating billions a day towards a war. any more questions that make a person want to pull their hair out because its so damned screwed up beyond compreshenshun? (not you or your question, but of course the answer) the people in charge are highly highly misguided my friend. it will come back to haunt us.
It should be noted that the Bush administration intends to give over $950 million for tsunami aid. See ... oh, try this link. (Why not?)
America is already in debt. So it cannot grant as much as money. Anyways the countries devastated by the tsunami have sufficient money to get back to their old economic standing. We shouldnt worry about the money. But rather the pshycological impact on them which money cannot fix.
People alwayscomplain about George Bush adding to the deficit. Now they are complaining about him not adding more. How does this work?

Oh, yeah, I remember: liberalism is a mental disorder not rooted in logic. When a chance to spend money on something that doesn't really concern us (or might not even be necessary), they jump at the oppurtunity. But when it comes to protecting the US citezens, and national security, they all complain and protest.

So Jolly Rodger, have you donated any of your money yet? No? Well the US has!!!! Stop complaining.
Good, point America freed Iraq, why did that concern you? I mean there were no W.M.D's and it has been proven that, there was no real connection with terrorism. So why did that concern you Americans. What oil?
I have donated money to many different charities in my life, because after all a little bit of my money is a lot for someone else, I donate monthly to three different organizations and donated 3/4 of my wages when the disaster happened.
I am not complaining buddy, all i was saying was Australia has donated a shit load more than anyone else.
I am not complaining buddy, all i was saying was Australia has donated a shit load more than anyone else.
Per capita, that is. Just thought I'd nitpick.

People alwayscomplain about George Bush adding to the deficit. Now they are complaining about him not adding more. How does this work?
We find it ridiculous that he spends money on illegal wars, instead of helping needy, homeless people.
Are you sure, hey i might be wrong although i am pretty sure they donated the most.
I know that America rivals Australia in donations.

However, what really matters is 'per capita'. It is like a poor man giving 1 dollar, and a billionaire giving 1 dollar. Who has made the greater sacrifice?
I remember when the tsunami hit. I was starting to get pretty drunk, i walked to a room where people were watching television. At that time i yelled them to 'shut that fucking thing off', but they shushed me and i decided to check what was so important that people would try and concentrate after ingesting all that liquid gold.

When I was on top of the situation and knew what that TV googling was all about, i thought to myself: 'great.. now these pussies are going to get the mood down and express feelings of grievance' so i hit the bar.

Anyway, the only dissatisfying thing about this tragedy is that it was centered on the Indian region. I would have rather seen multiple ethnicities go down. Thank god for tourists though.

I dont mind the money that's being sent to the catastrophy area, it is after all, a nice tourist attraction. And the prices are very low at the moment.

What pisses me is all these smarmy little cocks doing all these humanitarian aid rock concerts. People who own their private jet's are making use of their 'talents' to help those touched by misfortune.
I dont know.. but if they truly are so concerned about humanbeigns, stop the torture and shut the fuck up. Pack few million goodies in a box and mail it to where it's needed.
Ohh well. Anyways. The purpose of the U.S. is not to keep countries running, to save lives(other than their own), to waste money. Now, if we were to fix this whole tsunami region, what would we have to gain from it?

That rock guy, are you talking of Bono? It sounds like Bono to me.

Now, I have a proposal that would save lots, and I mean lots of lives. LET THEM USE DDT. SPRAY THE DDT FOR THEM!!! If you have lost the meaning of DDT in all of the environmentalist rantings, it is to kill bugs. Now, let's look at a common bug throughout indonesia, and one that would especially flourish with nice wet water stagnating everywhere, not to mention with dead bodies in them. What bug might that be? Why, it's the mosquito!!!! I'll stop acting like that. Now, if they were allowed to spray DDT, these mosquitos would die. No mosquito's, much, much less Malaria. less malaria, more life! Now, do you know why we don't do this? We have more heart for the bald eagle and the trees and whatnot than we have for all these people dieing in Indonesia. Do not argue that DDT causes cancer, it doesn't. Mice(mice!)when exposed to nearly one thousand times as much as human would, in a much, much shorter period of time, will develop fatty tumors. Fatty tumors can be removed, and are not cancerous(will not spread(maybe a little, but no organ leaping as bad cases of cancers tend to do)).
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Wow. People whine when the US gets involved in something their countries have interests in, and people whine when the US doesn't fork up more than their country has in a charitable cause. They also whine when the US gives at all ("They're just trying to buy the support of the people with money, that's so disgusting").

Sometimes I think many non-Americans out there are as fucked up as, if not more than, many Americans.
non-americans from the middle of Congo - probably
non-americans from France - I think not
What's wrong with trying to buy support from the people with money? I thought that was the only reason for giving(No sarcasm. I know there are others, but that is the most sensible). Even for those of you that believe in giving for the sake of A)giving B)burning a whole in your pocket, what's wrong if it is done because of a motive? It's still being done, and I figure that would be the ultimate in your decisions. I still vote that we let them spray DDT.