Does space bend In a pure vacuum ?

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No not really .

Old thinking , is old thinking .
Are you telling the forum that SR and as an extension GR, are now defunct?
Have you discovered observed, or experimentally verified some process invalidating one or the other, or both?
Come clean river!
Space nor time has been verified as anything physical .
No one said that, so why would you mention it river? Trolling? Don't know what you are talking about? Lack of comprehension and common sense"?
Spacetime is mathematical fantasy .
No more then space is, or that time is......
Again river, Spacetime is defined as the multi dimensional framework, of three spacial dimensions and one of time, against which we locate all events withing space and time. It actually came about due to the fact that "c" is invariant. Spacetime gives us a description of reality that is common for all observers in the universe, regardless of their different frames of references and their relative motions. Intervals of space and time considered separately are not the same for all observers.

Now river you have failed to answer the questions I put to you regarding your silly childish claim that SR and/or GR have been made defunct......
Have you discovered observed, or experimentally verified some process invalidating one or the other, or both?
Come clean river!

Personally, I just think you are lying and acting the fool as usual.

Space nor time has been verified as anything physical .

No one said that, so why would you mention it river? Trolling? Don't know what you are talking about? Lack of comprehension and common sense"?

Time is out the equation .

Space is dependent on the magnetic field expansion . Of which All galaxies have the greatest .

The lowest magnetic field is in the cold , where hydrogen becomes liquid .

Time is out the equation .
What equations river? I asked you this last week and you ran away and squibbed it. Details please river.
Space is dependent on the magnetic field expansion . Of which All galaxies have the greatest .

The lowest magnetic field is in the cold , where hydrogen becomes liquid .
Electric universe crap river, invalidated many years ago...or as you are known to say river....OLD THINKING!!
And while river has now been forced to accept that spacetime does have properties, he still lacks the intestinal fortitude to support his inane statement that SR/GR are defunct by answering the following....
Have you discovered observed, or experimentally verified some process invalidating one or the other, or both?
The Electric Universe , has never been invalidated
Debunked then? Totally invalidated if you prefer, but all adding up to unsupported nonsense.
But hey river old friend, old son, you can if you like present some reference, or evidence that shows the Electric universe hypothetical, of which you know sweet fuck all about, as being accepted if you like? But I believe you'll just troll some more, and ignore that request and keep trolling.

ps: and I do know something of it as I have read the book by Eric J Lerner, entitled The BB never happened, and have had it totally debunked by professionals.
The Electric Universe , has never been invalidated
Oh and squib, you still havn't answered my question in regards to your crazy statement that SR/GR are defunct....again, Have you discovered observed, or experimentally verified some process invalidating one or the other, or both?
river said:
The Electric Universe , has never been invalidated

Debunked then? Totally invalidated if you prefer, but all adding up to unsupported nonsense.
But hey river old friend, old son, you can if you like present some reference, or evidence that shows the Electric universe hypothetical, of which you know sweet fuck all about, as being accepted if you like? But I believe you'll just troll some more, and ignore that request and keep trolling.

ps: and I do know something of it as I have read the book by Eric J Lerner, entitled The BB never happened, and have had it totally debunked by professionals.

Yeah what ever pad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Oh and squib, you still havn't answered my question in regards to your crazy statement that SR/GR are defunct....again, Have you discovered observed, or experimentally verified some process invalidating one or the other, or both?

Both SR and GR are observation .
Yeah what ever pad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Not going to answer the question/s river? Running away river? That's what squibs do river.:rolleyes:
again with regards to SR and as an extension GR... Have you discovered observed, or experimentally verified some process invalidating one or the other, or both?
Because thats what they want .
And yet science continues to progress every day despite your unsupported nonsensical claims.
You understand river, that "they no not want, nor do they care whatever it is you chose to fabricate.
Not going to answer the questions river? How inanley stupid and hypocritical of you!:rolleyes:
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