Does Time Exist ?

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Yes , but is irrelevant as to why things move; which is the essence of time . The measurement of movement by anything . Is Time . And this measurement , no matter the form , does move , have movement , Time is based on the physical movements of things . No movement , no time .
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Write4U replied
Yesterday occupied a different spacetime coordinate as today. Tomorrow will occupy a different spacetime coordinate as today. That is real and the difference can be measured.

True . To all of it .

But not because of time .
Write4U said:
By itself the concept of time is meaningless. But as a property of the duration of chronological existence it acquires meaning.


Disagree .

Time is not the property of duration . It doesn't effect , cause , affect , anything . Time is the consequence of duration . And duration is physical . Without the physical there is No duration . The physical has affect , cause , effect .
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Write4U said:


Disagree .

Time is not the property of duration . It doesn't effect , cause , affect , anything . Time is the consequence of duration . And duration is physical . Without the physical there is No duration . The physical has affect , cause , effect .

Nor does time ; cause , effect , affect . Anything Physical .

Is space not as much strange as time ?
Does space exist ?

Have we lost our minds . Does space exist ? Why is this not obvious to you ? It should be .

Why do we think it is obvious that space exist but we are questioning time ?
Because time does not exist without space.

And space Can exist without time.
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