Dream Interpretation


Sounds to me you have connected with your Deeper Self. In quite a strong way too.

Take notice of it and listen well to your Deeper Self, that is where the important messages in your life, for you, come from. Wonderful dream, Lucid...:)
I have two dreams that I always remember and think about.

One was when I was like five years old, and sleeping in the same bed as my mother and father. I "dreamt" I woke up, and when I looked at my dad, he looked real old, almost like a skeleton. Then i looked at my mother, who's face was made of buttons, one of her legs was a stick, and she had a carrot for a nose. I then looked at the edge of the bed, and their was like a druid or something(something very small wearing a cloak, with red eyes.)

It was probaly the most terrifying dream I ever had in my life. I still get chills thinking about it.

I had this other one when I was eleven, and it was of me desperatly trying to get up some stairs. When I finally did, it was the wrong one, and I had to go down, and try the next set of stairs. I dont remember what happened after that. Altough, 4 or 5 years later, i went to a hospital and I saw those same exact stairs. Pretty scary.
Repeated Dream: I am walking in front of the apartment of an old friend I haven't seen in at least, 13 years. I walk around the corner and at the other side of the street is a large water, a Lake or so. The water is very high. I walk up to it and want to sit down at the water-side. Before me, in the grass, lies a little, plastic, child-chair. It is broken and I try to put my feet on it to stay out of the water. (the grass is barely visible, because of the high water.)

To my right is a house with a large sandy place in front of it. it is surrounded by a huge, iron wired fence. Behind the fence are a woman and several children, 3, I think, am not sure. The woman looks at me, as does a little girl, 3 - 4 years old, and the woman pulls the child back and looks in suspicion at me.

At that moment another friend, from the same time-period as the other, comes walking up to me and sits beside me. He smiles at me and talks to me like it was just a few minutes ago we last met.

The strangest thing was that I never saw the friend who the apartment belonged to, in the Dream. I am sure it was his apartment, though. It gave me a lonely feeling when I woke up, thinking of him. The other, visible, friend gave me the feeling he was a messenger. ( I think I know what the Dreams mean)

How do you interpretate this?
I had the weirdest dream tonight. An army of Flanders dolls were coming toward me, they were singing , in Swedish, and had clogs with some inscription on them. Freaky....:D

Banshee, sounds like a very personal dream that probably only you can interpret. I can come up with various scenarios of interpretation that will probably make no sense to you.
Maybe you worry about how your old friends are doing, give them a call. They might be able to help you.
It could aslo have to do with you fearing how other sees you, because they are inprisoned in old prejudices.


Have you read my interpratation of your dream? I'm dying to find out how close or far off I was. Check the first page.
I very rarely remember my dreams. I usually don't get enough sleep. Most of the time I just sleep and the next thing I know my alarm clock in on. But most of the dreams I can remember involves something chasing me. I am running for my life but I can't run fast enough, or can't swim fast enough. In none of my dreams I actually got caught, but when I woke up I always feel a sense of relief. I don't know what that means. Almost all my dreams are like that.

I have couple really weird ones.

1. When my grandma died, she died from high blood pressure during her sleep. While she was sleeping, her blood pressure got up to around 270 which is high enough to rupture her blood vessel. The same night I had a dream about her telling me she has no idea how she died. She was asking me if I know how she died in the dream, but I didn't even know she has died.

2. When I was junior in high school, I know this girl who has a crush me on for a long time, but I was not attracted to her. She is not ugly by any means but she is not gorgeous either. She is just average. One night I had a very vivid dream about having very intimate moments with her, which was strange because I was never attracted to her at that point or even think about making out with her. After that dream I begin to like her. I always feel like there is something about her that I am attracted to. We dated for a year and broke up. Couple years later when I look at her picture I don't know why I was attracted to her in first place. But while we were dating I remembered she said something like her spell worked on me :eek: I didn't think much of it at that time. That is really strange. If it worked it must have worn out ;)

You don't say why you don't get enough sleep. Is it because you have difficulty sleeping, or do you stay up late? Do you get drunk or stoned before you hit the sack?

If your dreams almost always have you being chased it means they are obsessive, about something deep in your psyche, maybe something from your past. How long have you been having these dreams?

Common sense tells us that there is something you are trying to escape from or forget, some great pressure from work/family/peers etc, or maybe even a feeling of guilt or remorse from some indiscretion on your part, or even someone else's wrongdoing. Who is chasing you in the dreams? Is it always the same person or is it an animal or machine?

If you sit down and meditate on the things in your life, present and past that have given you grief or stress, you may find the reason you have these dreams and then you'll have to deal with it by resolving the situation in your waking hours, finish with it and close the book.
Re: Joeman

Originally posted by tablariddim
You don't say why you don't get enough sleep. Is it because you have difficulty sleeping, or do you stay up late? Do you get drunk or stoned before you hit the sack?

I have difficulty sleeping and stay up late a lot. Sometimes it is because of stress from work. One problem is I need to stay up 19 to 20 hours straight before I feel tired enough to sleep, but there are only 24 hours in a day. So 24 - 19 = 5 hours of sleep

If your dreams almost always have you being chased it means they are obsessive, about something deep in your psyche, maybe something from your past. How long have you been having these dreams?

I actually don't have those types of dream very often, but if I have it I will remember it. I don't remember most of my dreams, but I always remember getting chased around and run for my life.

Common sense tells us that there is something you are trying to escape from or forget, some great pressure from work/family/peers etc, or maybe even a feeling of guilt or remorse from some indiscretion on your part, or even someone else's wrongdoing. Who is chasing you in the dreams? Is it always the same person or is it an animal or machine?

I don't think so. I have never done anything unethical that I am aware off. I am under a lot of pressure regularly which is because of economy. More layoffs means I get more work. There is a lot of pressure to get the products out. The thing that chases me around is not really memorable. It is the chase itself that is memorable, because I always get tumbled or stuck. I can't run as fast as I normally can in real life. If I am swimming away from the thing that chases me, there is a lot of viscocity in the water so I can't swim fast.

If you sit down and meditate on the things in your life, present and past that have given you grief or stress, you may find the reason you have these dreams and then you'll have to deal with it by resolving the situation in your waking hours, finish with it and close the book.

The dreams don't really bother me that much so I never really tried to confront it. It is just weird that I don't remember dreams and I don't even know if I dream everyday, but if I have this type of dream I definitely remember. I don't get this everyday but maybe twice a month.
Common sense tells us that there is something you are trying to escape from or forget, some great pressure from work/family/peers etc, or maybe even a feeling of guilt or remorse from some indiscretion on your part, or even someone else's wrongdoing.

Applicable to most nightmares. Recently I had a weird dream:

I was married to a person in the dream that I have not seen in real life. My physical features are different too. We both were working for a high tech company. Judging from the equipment, I would say that it is more like the future. The company had a link to a government agency that did black ops. Someone killed an active political leader using nanotechnology disguised as an accident. The company moved my wife to another division. I was trying to talk to her in a public place to see if that division is responsible for the incident. A peep to that future: Micro cameras in public places, roads, apartments all networked to AI type super computers. The computer analyses any anamolies and alarms to a bank of human operators. Side-walk cafes with normal food but you pay by touching a glass like plate which shows your bill. At work, the computer monitors are thin, curved and very large. Did not see any keyboards. Next to the monitor, there is a tall, silvery cylindrical object - I am not sure what it does but in the dream, I felt it was a part of the computer I/O system. There were a lot more details I knew when woke up but now I can not remember.
I remember this dream... it's been at least 8 years since that night, and I can still remember almost everything...The first dream I had that night was the longest.
I'm in the dark, but it's crouded.. it's an arena.. there's a fighting match going on in a boxing/wrestling ring below.. people are cheering, but I can barely hear them.. everyone else is a shilouette, but I'm bright and 'colored in'.. Two-Faceand the Joker (from Batman-the cartoon series) come into the ring, and fight. Two-Face wins.. Now I'm in The Joker's locker room.. He's sitting.. I'm standing in front of him.. he's shocking some guy with electricity.. I tell him how great he is and how I want to be like him.. then I'm back outside.. at the bottom of the arena, looking up.. the entire thing is concrete, and a rusty orange.. a couple people are sitting on the steps.. I see my True Love (no one in particular, I just know I love her) I tell her I will be with her in a minute.. I'm talking to another woman, she's a vampire.. She has a pale face, and little shapes of color on my face.. she invites me to a party.. I say Ok, but I have to see my love.. she says she'll see me there.. I go to the bathroom and wash my face.. I look into the mirror, and there's a big blue diamond on my right cheek.. I'm with my true love.. we make love.. I lie next to her.. and she slowly turns into a snake-a large one, orange.. I say how gross and terrible she is and how I would never want a snake-woman.. as I'm saying this she is shrinking.. finally, she is the size of a worm, and dead.. her family show up, and says that I killed her, and I should feel terrible.. I say I don't care.. she lied to me and they can deal with it themselves.. then I go to the party.. there are all of these female vampires there.. the room is huge, made of the same orange concrete.. the female vampires are there, and they stand so that the tallest (she is huge, 10' tall) is in the middle, and they look like a pyramid, so that the smallest (who are still taller than I am) are on the ends.. I go up to them, and press my hands together and bow.. I say "I'm sorry I am late, but I was unavoidably detained".. then I woke up.
The second is shorter:
I'm the leader of a rebellion. It's nighttime, but everything is washed red. I know I'm being chased, and I run down a street near my home... I can't run anymore, and I'm just in front of a wide pine tree near my house. Then he catches up to me. It's an executioner-a fat, hairy man with no shirt, a black hood over his head, with red eyes, and a HUGE axe in his hands. He picks up the axe and swings once, cutting my legs off at the knee. He sneers down at me, and turns to leave, leaving me on the ground watching him go.

I always think that these dreams are connected, with the same feelings of powerlessness, but I don't know what they mean. I've talked to all sorts of people at my university, even the professor who studies dreams, but no one has been able to give me any information.
That is a lot of detail. I can never remember that much detail for my dreams.

Last night night I dreamed about getting laid off. Usually when I dream about something good it is never true but if I dream about something bad it usually happens. I think I better starting looking for a new job :(

I guess I have to start working on my resume. I am in product development in telecom. You probably all know how well telecom is doing these days. Half of people in my industry has already been laid off. Remaining workers have to work harder.

I wanted to leave for a long time but I think the situation is the same everywhere. Maybe I should just quit and take a break from work or something. Money is not a problem right now.
Since you are in telecom product development, I have a solution for you that can get you a promotion.

You have to tell your boss that all of you have to think out of the box. Let me give you an example what I mean by that. Last year, I had a client who wanted to outsource their datacenter. So we bid for that consulting opportunity. I got a bid from say Earthcom on colocation and bandwidth. Unfortunately the project fell through due to 9/11. Now, I found several large clients that are interested but not moving directly. They need someone to show them how it will benefit them that is stage a prototype etc. I do not have resources to do that and told Earthcom. But the sales guy said he can not do anything about it - even though Earthcom is dying.

Tell your boss that you have to create demand for products that the customers need which in turn you create the product to fit the need of the demand you just created. Then that locks your company from a commodity game....

Sometimes customers have a need but dont know they have....
I'm only going to give you the end of my dream:

I'm over in Russia with my parents who are suppose to be foreign diplomats. My physical features have changed into a character I created in my writing and I'm wearing druid robes throughout the entire dream. The russian leader's son is showing me around the towns when the subject of God comes up. He tells me God does not exist and I start to babble and yell at him. I walk ahead of him in a fluster, still yelling. It begins to rain hard and I walk onto a platform, lightening buzzing around me. Right about this time I'm speaking in tongues, my voice is many voices, and my eyes are rolled back in my head. My head is tilted to the sky, letting the rain pour down on my face. The street clears and the only person there is the russian son. He asks me if I'm alright. I look down on him, my eyes still back in my head, and I speak to him, "He is the alpha and the omega. He created you and he will destroy you." I said I knew what was to come and that he was a fool not to know. My eyes rolled forward again and I screamed silently.

Then I woke up. What the hell is this?! is the question I'm asking you peoples. :confused:

Dragon Stone:

Welcome to sciforums. There are following possibilities on this dream.

1. You linked to your otherself in a multiverse where such events are true (not the eyes rolling part - just an exageration from the feelings). I found out that a lot of people have similar type of dreams - the multiverse thing...

2. You have not reconciled about your views on God and probably argued with your friends who took opposing view points with strong conviction. You had difficulty countering them.

3. Just a nightmare - get over it....your barin did not know where to put certain information and mixed them up in a trash can which resulted in the scenario.
Check this, I don't believe in a God. I think he's just another god in the crowd. Needless to say, I'm pagan. I'm confused by this. I don't think there is an ultimate being out there...so I'm wondering why the hell I said that.

It was probably the last one. But see, I don't remember dreams unless its important. Maybe this would've helped earlier...
I'm confused by this. I don't think there is an ultimate being out there...so I'm wondering why the hell I said that.

For how long have you been an athiest/pagan? And did you grow up religious?

Often our inner conflicts are expressed in our dreams. Maybe you are still struggling with this, subconsciously?

P.S: I've basically been an athiest since I was 11. It was not too hard for me, but it can be rough on some of us.
I've been a practicing witch (Wicca not witchcraft) for 6-8 months now, so I'm pretty new at paganism. But even when I did go to church (and I still attend church activities) I just didn't feel God was the supreme being. God is just all the Gods fused into one being for the sake of simple people or vise versa...

Even at that, the dream was so vivid and real because I could actually feel power going through me. How could it not mean something? Its hard to explain what's happening at the present time. So I'm gonna leave it at this. I'll eventually know what the dream means, if it means anything at all. But I just wanted to see if someone would crack the code before me.

Thanx. If you still have opinions, feel free to tell me.