Enlightenment of the Illuminati


Valued Senior Member
Illuminati is plural for a Latin word meaning enlightenment. What is the grand knowledge the Illuminati holds? It would be something we all know and love. Can it be God? Can it be we are gods? It would be simple I believe.

I think they hold omniscience. That's enlightenment. I believe that knowledge is over all things, and if not for him the passive would not see any bad thing, making knowledge the fallen angel of light from the bible. Knowledge is possible. He's not evil, but he brings something not necisarly believable to the table.
Illuminati is plural for a Latin word meaning enlightenment. What is the grand knowledge the Illuminati holds? It would be something we all know and love. Can it be God? Can it be we are gods? It would be simple I believe.

I think they hold omniscience. That's enlightenment. I believe that knowledge is over all things, and if not for him the passive would not see any bad thing, making knowledge the fallen angel of light from the bible. Knowledge is possible. He's not evil, but he brings something not necisarly believable to the table.

Whatever you're smoking...

Nothing to see here folks, just keep moving along...
Sorry, let me explain. If God is love he only see's good things, there is no loving evil. However, if there's a spirit of knowledge he can see bad thing as bad things as they are able to be known. Both love, and knowledge are good things, but only knowldge has a dark side, giving resembelence to the fallen angel of light from the bible.

The llluminati is enlightened in some manner, maybe they meant it literally, and they practice omniscience.
Sorry, let me explain. If God is love he only see's good things, there is no loving evil. However, if there's a spirit of knowledge he can see bad thing as bad things as they are able to be known. Both love, and knowledge are good things, but only knowldge has a dark side, giving resembelence to the fallen angel of light from the bible.

The Illuminati is enlightened in some manner, maybe they meant it literally, and they practice omniscience.

Since the Illuminati exist only in the minds of idiots, this is just more garbage. :(
Since the Illuminati exist only in the minds of idiots, this is just more garbage. :(

Are you calling best-selling block-buster author Dan Brown an idiot? :eek:

They are crap, and he is such a lame composer of fiction the only way he knows to write is to set up a 24-hour time frame for the events which are to transpire. They always begin with Professor Langdon, or whatever his name is, or a Prof Langdon-like character summoned from his ideal fiction character life of entertaining college girls for beau coup bucks because he's just that smart! Then he has to drive his Porsche to the airport where servants of the high and mighty pick him up, because the people who run the world just can't get o without his unique expertise.

But, I admire Dan Brown for this reason. He was just some Joe Schmoe office worker in Boston, or some dismal NE town, when he was reading some pulp espionage fiction on a Florida beach during a rare vacation. Something like, Clive Cussler or on eof those old Soviet Era, Evil Russian type novels. And Old Dan said to himself, "Shit! I can do this!"

And so he did, leaving behind his dull, former existence, and the rest is television history. So good for him!
Love see's no evil, passive sees no evil, perfection sees no evil, knowledge sees evil.