Some people, possessed by evil spirits, think there are errors in the Holy Bible.
Huh ! This is not possible, as it is the Word of God and therefore is perfect and without error of any kind.
How do we know it is the Word of God ? Because it says so in the Bible (duh!).
You may think you've found one or two errors, but you'd be wrong - obviously !!
And it's easy to prove !!!
Let's take a couple of hypothetical cases to illustrate the method to adopt,
then we'll take a couple of real examples, then move to the general case (like in mathematics !).
For example, suppose the Bible said Black is White and Black is Black.
It looks like a contradiction, but only because you don't know everything !
You see, there is no PURE black, anywhere ! There's always a bit of white !!
So now the contradiction disappears!!!
Another example: suppose the Bible said 1 plus 1 is 5.
Again, to the wicked person, it seems to be an error.
But that person would be sadly mistaken.
You see the first 1 refers to one family of 3 people
The second 1 refers to a family of 2 people.
3+2 = 5
Again, no error!!!!
Suppose the Bible says that the father of Joseph is Jacob in one verse,
but in another, it says his father is Heli, it seems to be a contradiction !
(Non-believers leap on this example with glee, but are easily corrected!!!!!)
But is isn't, because all we have to claim is that when it says Joseph,
which it clearly does, we say that it's really Mary !
How come? Well in those days, women were unimportant and were always
represented by their husbands. So If you met Mary in the street, you would
call her Joseph, because by marriage, she becomes him in the eyes of God,
therefore the father of Joseph is Heli by proxy. Again no error.
Everybody knows that Jesus said Love your enemies (good). In a little known passage
in Luke chapter 14, Jesus said you must hate your family (bad). This, on the face of it
makes Jesus look like a crazy person. In fact, all it requires is a little interpretation.
You see, with the right interpretation, anything can be fixed. Here's how....
When he said Love your enemies, what he meant was, try to negotiate with them before
going to war and when he said Hate your family, what he meant was you should love
Jesus more than your family ! See, it all makes perfect sense now.
All you have to do is think, what would make Jesus look good !
After all, he is the living God, so he must be good - right!?
And now (general case) we can see that where ever there appears to be an error,
all we have to do is THINK how to get around it. There's always a way !!!!
This, at first, may seem hard stuff, you know, thinking etc., but fear not,
(as the Angel Michael once said), we Christians have been working on this for 2000 years or more.
All the errors have been examined and clever people have constructed answers for ALL the so-called errors.
There are gallons of answers on the "Line", all you need to do is search !
Actually, you don't need to search, just have faith that the hard work has been done.
Have a rest.
Trust in the Lord.
Remember he loves you.
And his Son died in your place.
That's real love.