I recall my cousin being asked what flavour ice cream he wanted..he said I want banana..the girl said I only have vanilla and chocolate so what would you like...banana he replied.
She repeated....
I have vanilla and chocolate ice cream which would you like...banana again came the same reply.
After yet another fruitless enquirey from the girl serving my Dad out of frustration and somewhat embarrassed said to her ... .
for goodness sake give him a vanilla he must be stupid enough not to realise the difference. ..
Dad took the ice creams and gave my cousin the vanilla one and said..and there you go a banana one for you...he seemed happy...what can you say...but is that mentality more stupid than those who say the bible is Gods word, it is inspired by God, it is right...so what about slavery?...Yes I will have banana.
I saw a clip on TV about the "Creation Evidence Museum" and some dude showing a plaster cast of a human foot print superimposed over a dinasour foot print offering it as evidence of the errors of evolution ...all I can say is it may provide evidence of the lengths creationist will lower to in an effort to hold onto the lie that the bible is the word of God.
Are there untruths in the bible...no I will have banana. ..what about slavery...I will have banana...what about the water problem with the biblical flood...I will have banana.
The funny thing is the reply ..I will have banana... makes possibly more sence than so many of the lame unsupported answers we get when the simplest of questions are asked...
Will we ever get a straight answer ...of course not because one straight answer would bring the whole house of cards crashing down.
Was Noah 800 years old...I will have banana.
I think it is ironic that folk who profess to live honestly have obviously resorted to manipulation of evidence, a plaster cast of a human foot print over a dinasour footprint leave no conclusion other than dishonest manipulation, how sad, all this dishonesty to support their unsupportable belief what that must certainly realise is a lie...thr truth is dinasours did not co exist with humans nor did they receive accommodation on the mythical arc...would it not be better to re write the bible to exclude transparently incorrect stories...you would think God would inspire someone to correct the book...well if there were presumably he would unless he enjoys seeing just how stupid humans can act...
How those vissions of kids exposed to a talking in tounges sessions haunt me...their tears,the fear, the confusion the demonstration of how to behave stupidly and without reason...child cruelty.
And then to place all forms of guilt in their little minds is unforgivable.
I dont know how any rational human could be so cruel to their children...shame shame shame.