Escape from Eden.

Btw Visitor... Are you going to give me the details regarding that 'press release' yet or what? I get the feeling you're running away. Once that's done, explain meteor impacts for me.

I will get to your latest waffle in a minute.
( It's not that God needed a rest...I hope this clears that up for you S.L.)

I didn't need anything cleared up. Perhaps you can't read, but I already told you it was what god said to me in a dream. The confusion is obviously on yours/his side.

No I said the serpent was the next order of created being below man, it was between man and the apes

Where does it say that? Or is this one more of your groundless assumptions?

The serpent was the animal created right before close it could create off-spring by mating with humans.

Where does it say that? Or is this one more of your groundless assumptions?

Satan knew this, and used the Serpent to polute the pure blood of God in the human race and try to destroy Gods plans to have race of children

Where does it say that? As for "destroy gods plan"... Surely, god being god, it would actually be part of his plan.. I can't imagine anything getting the better of god. Can you?

As for your claims that different races can't's as groundless as the rest of your ranting and psudo-scientific babble.
A donkey will cross with a horse = Mule, a Zebra will cross with a donkey also, a lion will cross with a's called a liger....ect....

Yes, and they all share something in common: They're fucking sterile. Getting the picture yet?

I don't reply here to defend the truths in the bible only for your benifit S.L.

The bible doesn't even defencd your 'truths', such as "this world will never pass away", which jesus himself disagrees with. Weird how you failed to defend that 'truth' of yours. Simply put, you're just adding anything you want to the biblical text. Not even just minor additions but completely pathetic addons to your 'truth' such as:

Adam was estimated to need an I.Q. of about 2000 to name all the animals alone.

Lol, what a joke.

I really think after all the ridicule of the bible and Jesus B.J. type statments I've gotten from you.....your beyond my help friend.

We are not friends, and my jesus bj line, was no worse than your 'serpent bonking eve' garbage, which was the whole point. I guess you missed it.

But I feel a responcibilty for setting the record straight for anyone else out there who may read this and have a real desire to know what the bible says.

Or a real desire to know what the bible doesn't say. Still, I'm sure you're gonna prove me wrong and show where the bible says the serpent bonked eve, and gave birth to the serpent-child, whereas adam had an IQ of 2000, and god got his plans ruined by a snake. I feel sorry for the guy.
Btw Visitor... Are you going to give me the details regarding that 'press release' yet or what? I get the feeling you're running away. Once that's done, explain meteor impacts for me.


This is a link to the scientist who made the discovery.....but this is not the only reference by far...Digs all over the continent have been reporting finds with things like red blood cells still present in the bone and non-fosilized specimens of all dinosaur types. Some are not even as fosilized as cow bones.
This implies a recent mass extintion event dating back only a few thousand years ago, not millions of years ago as our "science" tries to dictate.
Also the bones being found in North america are pooled together in mass graves, as would be found after a global flood, not a comet, or meteor impact millions of years ago which would have taken months to darken the skies and kill off all animal life.
S.L.The bible doesn't even defencd your 'truths', such as "this world will never pass away", which jesus himself disagrees with. Weird how you failed to defend that 'truth' of yours. Simply put, you're just adding anything you want to the biblical text. Not even just minor additions but completely pathetic addons to your 'truth' such as:


It's not enough for you to take my statements out of you've got to change my wording to try and find fault.
Thats really getting desperate....
What I said was exactly what the scriptures say...A"Kingdom" that will never pass away, not "a world".(I will write my laws on the tables of your heart and I will be your God and you shall be called my people)
The kingdom that is being set up now in the hearts of men, shall never pass away because these people shall be truly immortal....( this mortal shall put on immortality).....and even when this heaven and earth pass away....they shall still exist unto the next "heaven and earth" forever without end.
Lol, are you being serious? one "homepage", where the 'professional' speaks to school children about creation, cannot be regarded as scientific. Nor can it be regarded as a "press release".

Also the bones being found in North america are pooled together in mass graves, as would be found after a global flood

Oh... You've been lucky enough to witness a global flood first hand, or is this just groundless speculation?

not a comet, or meteor impact millions of years ago which would have taken months to darken the skies and kill off all animal life.

Luckily, we have been able to see what happens when a meteorite/comet impacts a planet, (thank you Jupiter). Your 'opinion' that it would take months to darken the skies and kill off all animal life is unwarranted. Anyway, regardless to that, I still eagerly await your 'opinion' regarding the mass of meteor impact craters on this planet - and yet another scientific site of yours that states something like: no meteors actually ever crash landed on earth.

I especially like that one in South Africa, which is 300km in diameter. I guess that wasn't quite big enough to make a forceful enough impact for your early bible friends to notice.
It's not enough for you to take my statements out of you've got to change my wording to try and find fault.
Thats really getting desperate....

Am I? Hmmm Oh boy do I love the <-back button.

You said, (and i quote)

His kingdom (world) which shall never pass away, has been 6,000 in the making from Adam's fall, the salvation purchased by Jesus - till now...

So... His kingdom, (which is the world) will never pass away.. You couldn't have been speaking about anywhere else other than this (world) because you're arguing that this (world) has been 6,000 years in the making since adam's fall. You are not talking about anything other than this (world). And according to you, this (world) will never pass away because jesus *purchased* it, in order to save it.

What I said was exactly what the scriptures say...A"Kingdom" that will never pass away, not "a world".

See above... Your version of "exactly", is far from being exact.
I especially like that one in South Africa, which is 300km in diameter. I guess that wasn't quite big enough to make a forceful enough impact for your early bible friends to notice


What makes you think that was a metor impact...?
You're gonna really like this one.....but weither you know it or not I've said on this board and will still defend the statment, that the flood of Noah's age was caused by a massive nuclear explosion.
Yes, you read that right....go ahead and laugh.
But I believe even your precious Sumerian texts imply atomic scale destuctions, along with India's vetta scripts and the destruction of Sodom and Gommorrah in the Bible.
When God says "I" shall destroy the earth ect... he uses man to do it.
Just as in this day He said "I will destroy the earth with fire" and lets man discover the atom.
The scriptures say "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man".
The civilazation that was before the flood was every bit as advanced scientificly as we are now, if not more so.
And Hydrogen is the most plentiful element in the universe, the power of the stars,
so why is it so hard to imagine they would have discovered it to, when it took us this time only a few years time at war to crack down and "do the math".
The earth was a teranium of perfectly balanced water vapor and in a perfect balance around the sun.
It now is tilted 23 degrees and there is evidence that massive amounts of water vapor once existed in the upper atmosphere from trace H1 O1 molecules which should not be there.
The bible says it had NEVER rained until the day the flood started.
The explosion pushed the earth slightly away from the sun ,and left it tilted - (hence the difference between the Egyptian and Roman calendars), there were at one time 12 months of 30 days each.
Science trys to say ancient man just "couldn't count right" and they never noticed this error for thousands of years...
Also the fact 360 makes a perfect circle and now it take 365 and a 1/4 day for a year.
This caused a massive cooling of the vapor and produced a rain that lasted 40 days.
Ok, go ahead and laugh.... but with some investigation of your own you might find some of this is more plausible than one would think.
What makes you think that was a metor impact...?

Ah see, that's where study comes in. That's also one of the benefits of being able to 'witness' things yourself, and use those studies to corroborate others.

Every day of the year, meteorites impact this planet. While most are tiny, and do no damage at all, occasionally you get larger ones that form "miniature" impact craters. We have also been lucky enough to witness these events first hand, (Jupiter), and get to see they have played a big part throughout the solar system, (Moon/Mars etc). We can show the existence of meteors to be fact, (Unlike your nuclear bomb and serpent/human sex theory), and have gathered enough scientific data to be able to make these statements. While religion can't even explain why there are other planets, and would probably just refer to them as "irrelevant", science aims to answer these things, and uses everything that is a part of 'reality' in order to do so. In the majority of cases, there isn't even a position of debate to be attained. For instance: If you doubt the truthfulness behind the existence of other planets, you can simply buy a telescope and look up.

Science works on truth, religion and personal belief simply assumes a truth and regards it as satisfactory. If anyone's personal truth differs slightly, they make a "new" religion and then everyone debates the issue for eternity.

Science can be just as faulty, of course.. With what you could refer to as "consensus science". An example of this would be the "effects of a global flood". In reality, the only way you could say for certain the effects of a global flood, is if you saw one happen. In essence, this is as worthless as belief in giant invisible sentient bananas.

Then of course you have media induced "lies" which further corrupt human knowledge. One such example would be Jurassic Park, where a top level paleontologist explained all about Velociraptor, and then you get to see these 7ft "beasts". The fact is, Velociraptor was only 3ft tall, the size of a young child.

However, in the majority of issues, it is simply an open and shut case. Wanna test gravity? Throw an apple in the air. Wanna check if planets exist? Look up.

You're gonna really like this one.....but weither you know it or not I've said on this board and will still defend the statment, that the flood of Noah's age was caused by a massive nuclear explosion.

Defend it with what? I could defend my, (example), belief that humans all reincarnate into frogs when they die, but without something to back up my defence of that, it is completely worthless.

But I believe even your precious Sumerian texts imply atomic scale destuctions

They're not 'precious', they're simply interesting. Getting to see what ancient men thought, how they viewed the world, what wars/disputes they had, how their stories changed and adapted to fit social, culture, and environmental trends, etc..

However, for the sake of argument.. If these people were so damn smart, (even more so than modern day humans), then surely they could have explained a nuclear explosion better than to say 'god rained down fireballs, because the people raped an angel'.

When God says "I" shall destroy the earth ect... he uses man to do it.
Just as in this day He said "I will destroy the earth with fire" and lets man discover the atom.

These are mere jumps of interpretation. Saying "I shall destroy the earth and let man do it", has no value whatsoever to the former existence of nuclear weapons. The same can be said of "I shall destroy the earth with fire". It's relevance to atoms, is non-existant.

The scriptures say "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man".
The civilazation that was before the flood was every bit as advanced scientificly as we are now, if not more so.

Again, a simple "leap of faith", with no basis in reality. But you never know.. perhaps they had cars and space rockets, after all, that passage most certainly implies they did.. :rolleyes:

And Hydrogen is the most plentiful element in the universe, the power of the stars,
so why is it so hard to imagine they would have discovered it to, when it took us this time only a few years time at war to crack down and "do the math"

They hadn't even invented cd walkmans, what makes you think they could make an atom bomb?

You have modern day science to thank for your knowlegde about hydrogen- and even then, we can only really include our small portion of the universe in the calculations, but to think a people with no computers, no toasters, no cigarette lighters, no internet forums, and no bicycles were able to make nuclear bombs is a bit far fetched.

These are the same era of people who thought the world was flat as a popadum, water was contained in a dome surrounding the planet, that had doors which were opened by god to let the rain in. Gimme a break.

The bible says it had NEVER rained until the day the flood started.

Where? What we must take into account, is that the bible isn't a day-to-day diary. As an example: Noah's story doesn't even begin until he's 500 years old. That's a big story gap of half a millennium.

Need I mention all his descendants who hardly even get a mention, let alone a few millennia complete account of weather patterns?

The explosion pushed the earth slightly away from the sun ,and left it tilted

But for some reason, you find more evidence to say it was a man made nuclear bomb or god, as opposed to a bloody large meteor? I can only wonder what evidence that is, apart from:

"because an ancient book, written by ancient people who were so smart but didn't want to give away secrets of atom bombs, lied and said it was god"...


"because an ancient book, written by ancient people said god did it, thus it must be true."

Ok, go ahead and laugh.... but with some investigation of your own you might find some of this is more plausible than one would think.

It requires a lot more than personal supposition. But who knows.. maybe when god says "take birds on board the ark", he's actually referring to fighter jets.
I don't deny the fact that meteors have "impacted" the earth thoughout history..
You alway seem to need to change my words or take them out of context to have anything to comment do it to everyone else on this board too.
And once "reasoned" into a corner with no way out, your standard line is always "that's irrelevant" or "no proof whatsoever".
Prove love exists - sell me a cupfull......see
The wisdom of man is foolish to God.

I am only saying that the extinction of the dinosaurs "millions of years ago is a farse, a lie...improvised by darwinian atheists to deny the existance of God.
The evidence of a global flood and dinosaurs surviving even after the flood is undeniable and "modern science's" attempt to hide this fact because it would lend authenticity to the Bible, even more supports it as fact.

But thats not the thread here is it.

The truth is man did not "excape from Eden" like some prison but was "escorted out" because their character alone without the Word of God which they broke...could not contain the power that lay therein..the power to create by the spoken word and of immortality.
Power without character is satanic.
But through the redemption provided man by Jesus' sacrifice and His Holy Spirit coming upon man to lead them back into all truth, we have been offered an invitation to come "Back to Eden"
To be redeemed is to be brought back to where one once was....
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I don't deny the fact that meteors have "impacted" the earth thoughout history..

I didn't say you did. You asked me to explain why I think they're meteor impacts. Further on, I then asked why you give more credibility to nuclear bombs than meteors.

You alway seem to need to change my words or take them out of context to have anything to comment on.

Where? Thus far you've completely avoided to answer anything I've asked, or any points I've made. It even took me 3 attempts just to get you to give me the web address of this "press release" of yours.

You told me to laugh, but instead I didn't laugh - I merely pointed out your lack of evidence to make claims about nuclear bombs existing several thousand years ago.

I then asked you to back up your claim that it NEVER rained until the flood - another thing you have failed to do.

You even had the audacity to say I was putting words in your mouth with concerns to your text about the kingdom, (world), never ending. I decided to back up my statement and put your exact quote, and since that time you've just ignored it like the plague. It's quite alright, an apology isn't needed. I could go on and on, but this makes the point succinctly enough. Next time, try saying your quote to a mirror. It would be closer to "truth".

you do it to everyone else on this board too.


And once "reasoned" into a corner with no way out, your standard line is always "that's irrelevant" or "no proof whatsoever".

a corner? Get real. You think your silly little claims of ancient nuclear bombs would put anyone in a corner? As for proof.... Obviously you have no understanding of that that exactly entails, but proof is paramount.

Tell me, do you believe in aliens and alien abductions? If not, why not?

I am only saying that the extinction of the dinosaurs "millions of years ago is a farse, a lie...improvised by darwinian atheists to deny the existance of God.

And you accept one religious man's homepage as proof of this? But ok, perhaps you're right and the dating process is seriously fucked. Who knows, maybe the bible is only actually 10 years old.

Furthermore, dinosaurs and god have absolutely no relation to each other. Dinosaurs are there whether you like it or not, and science is committed to finding out when they were alive and kicking - not because they care about debunking your personal beliefs, but because science cares about the facts.

The evidence of a global flood and dinosaurs surviving even after the flood is undeniable

So show me this "undeniable" evidence.. *yawn*, I'm waiting. Kindly don't send me to another personal homepage.

and "modern science's" attempt to hide this fact because it would lend authenticity to the Bible, even more supports it as fact.

Science doesn't give the slightest shit about your bible. Its sole aim is to find the facts. Whereas you have one personal homepage to try and back up your statements, (although that webpage didn't even say much aside from the guy taught children about the creation belief), science is universal. There are even religiously minded people within the fields of science and to claim science is hiding because it doesn't want to prove the bible, is pure verbal diaorrhea.

The truth is man did not "excape from Eden" like some prison but was "escorted out" because their character alone without the Word of God which they broke...could not contain the power that lay therein..the power to create by the spoken word and of immortality.
Power without character is satanic.
But through the redemption provided man by Jesus' sacrifice and His Holy Spirit coming upon man to lead them back into all truth, we have been offered an invitation to come "Back to Eden"
To be redeemed is to be brought back to where one once was....

You see, that's not "truth", its personal assumption. I could mention your post in the other thread stating nobody can interpret the bible correctly, which in and of itself debunks anything you say, but I can go back to Genesis' originals, (which is thread related), and which you instantly dismissed as "legends of lore", even though I used both the Sumerian texts and the bible as references, while you just prefer to make baseless supposition such as: the serpent bonked eve.

If it's a "make it up as you go" holy book, there's no point debating it.
Let me see,
we are into the 6 th or 7th day of creation and now God not satisfied with it has decided to destroy his creation just when he is about to finish it.
Some what like a petulant child who tears up a painting he is not happy with.
may be intead of saying that man was made in the image of God one should say God was made in the image of man and so to was the Bible.
Mithadon said:
SnakeLord, here is your evidence:

On a more serious note, I think TheVisitor should really use some braincells before posting heh. Anyone using them would see how... pointless? his posts are. I came here months ago and he was already posting all that crap and making stuff up. Heh, he needs to get a new pass-time.

Actually, I haven't posted a thing on this web-site since last june, up till about two weeks ago........
Almost all anyone here seems to do is run the bible into the ground,....... can't blame the student population too much though, since anything to do with God was taken out of the schools years ago.
I figured some "equal time" was overdue.
So I'm back.
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since anything to do with God was taken out of the schools years ago,

Do you see that as a bad thing? (Although English schools in general still promote baseless religious garbage).

I have used this statement on another thread, but I'd like to just reiterate the matter in response to your statement...

Would you say schools should teach the following as if it were true..

"When any human being dies, he is instantly reincarnated as a frog"?

If not, kindly tell me why not. As I have said before: School should be a place where children learn facts, not beliefs. If people want their children to learn beliefs, there should be a special place that does so, separate from the education system.

Wow! Whattya know... There is such a place. It's called: Church, synagogue, mosque etc.

Don't infect schools with stuff that has no facts, just opinions. Keep all the opinionated shit where it belongs.

Removing faith based nonsense from schools isn't to say nobody can learn faith based nonsense, it just ensures the two are kept separate. I fail to see why you'd care anyway: if a person is destined to find god, they will- regardless of what they're taught at school. Or are you saying you're completely right with everything you say, and every kid should just come to you for lessons on life?

Oh, and I'm still waiting for this "undeniable evidence".
School should be a place where children learn facts, not beliefs. If people want their children to learn beliefs, there should be a special place that does so, separate from the education system.


Evolution is a belief, not a fact.......
The big bang is a belief, not a fact...........
The second law of thermodynamic's is a belief, not a fact....
Beliefs should not be taught to our children, as fact, with government money.
I agree.
Evolution is a belief, not a fact.......

Evolution is a fact. The theory is concerned with the why's and hows.

Here's a quick quote that will hopefully make it's meaning that little bit clearer for you:

"In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportion of different alleles within a population (such as those determining blood types) to the successive alterations that led from the earliest protoorganism to snails, bees, giraffes, and dandelions."

The big bang is a belief, not a fact...........
The second law of thermodynamic's is a belief, not a fact....

And they are taught as such. "The big bang theory" etc etc etc"

I've never heard anyone say "christian theory".

Ok, I cannot speak for every schooling system on the planet, but I pay very special attention to the activities of the school my child goes to. However, their assemblies in the morning are nothing more than church sermons, (which is to speak of something as if it's a proven truth, rather than a believed assumption). My daughter does not attend these. As for religious education as a whole: It isn't quite corrupted enough yet to shout one religion as truth and ignore all the others. It offers the points of view from many religions, including ones that naturally conflict with each other. This is done in order to teach children what beliefs there are in places all over the world, as opposed to the single minded self righteousness that comes with total focus on just one. There might be some countries that still adopt a religious dictatorship when concerning the teaching of youths, but luckily the majority have 'evolved' beyond this.

Aside from all of this, would you care to answer my question? Would you say they should teach "when any human dies, he instantly reincarnates as a frog" in schools? If not, why not?
Aside from all of this, would you care to answer my question? Would you say they should teach "when any human dies, he instantly reincarnates as a frog" in schools? If not, why not?


In the States they don't have assemblies in the morning at "public schools".
If a child so much as bows their head in prayer they are expelled.
Not only that, but the A.C.L.U. enlists one of their fellow classmates to start a lawsuit against the school claiming religious predjudice, to attempt a legal precident.
They are O.K. with teaching witchcraft, mysticism, polytheism...(as greek and roman history), parapsychology, hypnotism, Guided imagerary,which leads to spiritual possession, all the normal anti-god theories such as Evolution, Big bang and the carbon dating bit.
So compared to all that I'd say reincarnation is pretty tame stuff.
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Ok, thanks for the links. Now, don't be upset but I'm a natural skeptic, or more to the point: A guy who likes to asks questions before saying "yes!" or "no!". Don't blame me, in religious tongue: god made me that way, (or in your tongue- a serpent made me that way). However, let's take a look firstly at the "nuclear bomb" page..

Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years

While intriguing, this in and of itself holds no real relevance to nuclear weapons.

The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent. "A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe...An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race

This is getting all the more compelling by the minute.. I mean seriously, reducing an "entire race to ashes" does make a person curious.. Especially how it reduced an entire race to ashes but somehow left the author intact with the ability to write. Of course for now, let's just pretend he wasn't a part of that race and just walked by later to see the disasters effects.

"The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.

Personally, I would say the pottery broke WITH an apparent cause, especially if this sole survivor had witnessed the explosion and smoke brighter than 10,000 suns. To think, all these people who had been turned to ashes, (but somehow the nails had survived after falling off their fingers), were known how they died, and yet the same guy is wondering how the pots broke? Fair enough..

"After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected.

A) Well, I'm no expert on nuclear weaponry, but I would assume a nuclear bomb as bright as 10,000 suns, would do slightly more damage to food than to infect it after a "few hours". I mean tell me... How is a cheese sandwich any more tolerant to nuclear explosion than the entire race of people it turned into ashes and the pots it broke?

B) Let's for now assume that the food did survive the nuclear bomb blast. What I'm curious to know is how the author could be so certain it was fresh a few hours before. Was he standing in the bomb zone? Was he sitting down to eat that food before the bomb blast - ran away before the bomb exploded, and then came back to test the freshness of the food after?

C) Infected with what exactly?

To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the river."

So this Hiroshima sized nuclear bomb blast, the brightness of 10,000 suns, that turned an "entire race into ashes", didn't manage to kill the entire race after all. Some lucky soldiers managed to outrun the blast of the nuclear bomb, (the brightness of 10,000 suns), and jump in the river? I assume one of these soldiers was the guy who went back to check the state of his dinner, and also notice that his dishes were "broken".

He says references mention fighting sky chariots and final weapons

Now we have a dilemma.. Were they Iraqi fighter planes, jesus on one of the dragons from revelations, or possibly alien spacecraft. In either instance, this doesn't say "people" made nuclear bombs, it says nuclear bombs were "dropped" on the people.

"The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry leaves of trees," says Ganguli

And yet it took a few hours to "infect" the food, and could only break pots and pans? Thats not to mention the lucky buggers who outran the bomb. Must be the luckiest beef steak in the history of humanity..

<Beef steak> Ahahaha, look at that 10 tonne elephant flying away like a tree leaf! Muhahaha, I'm one strong fucking beef steak.. *cough* ooh I'm starting to feel a bit sickly *cough*

"Instead of mushroom clouds, the writer describes a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds as consecutive openings of giant parasols.

There goes the 'standard' nuclear bomb theory. Sure, it could just be a 'perpendicular cloud causing nuke' instead, maybe we're just aint smart enough to make those ones yet.

There are comments about the contamination of food and people's hair falling out."

Such extreme concern for food at a time when an entire race has been turned into ashes, and elephants are flying through the air like twigs. I guess the author must have been bloody hungry. Who was the author anyway, Homer Simpson? And who's hair fell out? The entire race that had turned into ashes or the roadrunner soldiers?

Archeologist Francis Taylor says that etchings in some nearby temples he has managed to translate suggest that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.

Guess god was busy elsewhere that particular day.

"It's so mid-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did.

While I will excuse the site's lack of professionalism with it's cheap background and spelling errors, (mid-boggling), it doesn't provide enough real detail. Ok, so I now know all about food's ability to endure Hiroshima sized nuclear bomb blasts, but it still fails to provide enough insight into this "evidence" they have. It does mention radioactive ash, which in and of itself is conclusive of nothing.

It finishes off, stating that investigations are underway. The site page is dated 2002, so I do wonder why, in 2 years, there has been no update. What happened?

I'll get to the dragon page in a moment.