Ether model

That is why, according to my model, the ether has been undetected, up to now. -A different kind of test would be needed, namely a field test designed to produce an etheric field, and seeing if objects inside the test system lose their density.
Why would an ether be able to reduce "density"?
Why would an ether be able to reduce "density"?

In my ether model, the ether arose first-causally, and underlies everything else, including atoms and the (much larger than ether units) quantum units atoms are made of. -If you were to apply an energy field that is designed in a certain way to be more etheric than the energies all around us in our atomically-structured world, (as I claim could be done in a specially-designed field test), the atoms of objects inside the test system will become more etheric. That would mean their atoms contain relatively more ether-sized units and comparatively less quantum-size-scale units. Thus the overall object's density would become less, so it would weigh less.
That would mean their atoms contain relatively more ether-sized units and comparatively less quantum-size-scale units. Thus the overall object's density would become less, so it would weigh less.
Mass less. Not weigh less. Weight is only meaningful near the surface of massive bodies such as planets.

Anyway, where does the excess mass go?
Mass less. Not weigh less. Weight is only meaningful near the surface of massive bodies such as planets.

Anyway, where does the excess mass go?
Mass less. Not weigh less. Weight is only meaningful near the surface of massive bodies such as planets.

Anyway, where does the excess mass go?

In my Ether Model, the ether arose first-causally, and underlies everything else, including the quantum/atomic bodies in the world we presently exist oin.

My ether model has been described fully in earlier posts, if you want to look back in this thread. -According to my model, ether units originated when point-like units of original space transitioned from reciprocal oscillation to independent vibration of etheric point-like units, which now interacted with each other as their vibrations came into contact. I claim that the well-known Yin Yang depiction represents a pair of those original ether units coming into contact and forming a couplet unit. If two couplets then contact each other, their matching vibrations would form a tetrad unit in what could be called an ether "matrix." Larger and larger units then form, as multiplying vibrational contacts "lock" and link up, forming larger units, up to the size of quantum units and atoms.

Thus, atoms would be massless, also, like ether units, in my Model. My model views "mass" as a mistaken concept from quantum theory. "Weight" is possible with my model. You just weigh an object in the usual way, and if the object is less dense, the weight should go down.
OK, you did not answer my question, and you are doubling down on not understanding weight and mass.

Is it possible you are the dictatee and not the dictator?
One approach to compare the ways my Ether Model differs from the current standard model in physics is to look at the different ways the two models view the question of "what is the most elemental unit of force?"

In the standard model, the smallest unit that has been detected is called the neutrino. In current physics theory, neutrinos are the tiniest known units, and are derived from larger units in the cosmos, which would (in the standard model) be the "elemental" units.

In my ether model, the tiniest unit is referred to as an elemental ether unit. These units are viewed as having arisen first-causally, as original space transitioned to a universal ether. As that occurred, elemental units in space that had been reciprocally oscillating with each other underwent a change to units that were now vibrating independently (rather than oscillating), which interact with each other as their vibrations come into contact. -The first such contact occurred as individual units underwent oscillational fatigue, and fell toward each other, forming "Yin and Yang" couplet-units. (Oscillational fatigue is a known process. It occurs in metals, for example.) Then, as one couplet came into contact with another couplet, their matching vibrations combined them into a tetrad unit. Then further multiplying similar contacts were able to rapidly form larger and larger units, as an instantaneous "lock and link-up" mechanism, to form force-units up to the size of quantum units and atoms.

The way this ether model views the question of "the elemental" force-unit is the exact opposite of the standard model in physics. In the standard model, the smallest units, neutrinos, are able to be detected, and are derived from larger units. -In my ether model, the smallest units are still smaller, are not detectable for us, and are the basis for how the larger force-units are formed. -In this respect, the two models are the exact opposite of each other.

If an ether model is ever accepted, it would require a whole new branch of physics to accommodate huge fundamental disconnects like this, compared to standard physics.
One approach to compare the ways my Ether Model differs from the current standard model in physics is to look at the different ways the two models view the question of "what is the most elemental unit of force?"

In the standard model, the smallest unit that has been detected is called the neutrino. In current physics theory, neutrinos are the tiniest known units, and are derived from larger units in the cosmos, which would (in the standard model) be the "elemental" units.

In my ether model, the tiniest unit is referred to as an elemental ether unit. These units are viewed as having arisen first-causally, as original space transitioned to a universal ether. As that occurred, elemental units in space that had been reciprocally oscillating with each other underwent a change to units that were now vibrating independently (rather than oscillating), which interact with each other as their vibrations come into contact. -The first such contact occurred as individual units underwent oscillational fatigue, and fell toward each other, forming "Yin and Yang" couplet-units. (Oscillational fatigue is a known process. It occurs in metals, for example.) Then, as one couplet came into contact with another couplet, their matching vibrations combined them into a tetrad unit. Then further multiplying similar contacts were able to rapidly form larger and larger units, as an instantaneous "lock and link-up" mechanism, to form force-units up to the size of quantum units and atoms.

The way this ether model views the question of "the elemental" force-unit is the exact opposite of the standard model in physics. In the standard model, the smallest units, neutrinos, are able to be detected, and are derived from larger units. -In my ether model, the smallest units are still smaller, are not detectable for us, and are the basis for how the larger force-units are formed. -In this respect, the two models are the exact opposite of each other.

If an ether model is ever accepted, it would require a whole new branch of physics to accommodate huge fundamental disconnects like this, compared to standard physics.

With the above Model, larger and larger ether units are formed in an instantaneous way, as etheric vibrational contacts lock smaller units together, up to the size-scale of quantum units and atoms. Then, quantum units begin to participate in their own dynamics, now called quantum mechanics. That means that quantum units operate via different dynamics than does the vibratory dynamic of the ether, which is part of the reason physics, which is still locked into just considering observable quantum systems, has still not begun to appreciate the ether's existence. -However, quantum units retain an ability to interact via the ether's vibrations, because they all originated from smaller ether units. This underlies the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
With the above Model, larger and larger ether units are formed in an instantaneous way, as etheric vibrational contacts lock smaller units together, up to the size-scale of quantum units and atoms. Then, quantum units begin to participate in their own dynamics, now called quantum mechanics. That means that quantum units operate via different dynamics than does the vibratory dynamic of the ether, which is part of the reason physics, which is still locked into just considering observable quantum systems, has still not begun to appreciate the ether's existence. -However, quantum units retain an ability to interact via the ether's vibrations, because they all originated from smaller ether units. This underlies the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.

One interesting extension of this model of how the ether acts in concert with quantum forces would be in the area of theories of how quantum thermodynamics works.

With my ether model, the question of how the heat is generated in thermodynamics would differ from how quantum physics views it.

In the ether model, as an energic transmission arises, underlying, primary, etheric forces operate via contact vibrations between one ether unit and another ether unit, a type of process where ether units would always be interacting with each other linearly, and would therefore be "cool."

As described in my posts just above, as these ether connections occur, they operate in a "lock and linkage" mechanism, producing a contact-impulse passing instantaneously through the ether matrix. -However, "overlying" quantum units generated in association with the ether transmission would not follow exactly the same kind of pathway. These quantum units (photons, electrons, or the like) would interact with each other non-linearly, which would be how the heat would be produced in thermodynamics.
In my Ether Model, the ether arose first-causally, and underlies everything else, including the quantum/atomic bodies in the world we presently exist in.

My ether model has been described fully in earlier posts, if you want to look back in this thread. -According to my model, ether units originated when point-like units of original space transitioned from reciprocal oscillation to independent vibration of etheric point-like units, which now interacted with each other as their vibrations came into contact. I claim that the well-known Yin Yang depiction represents a pair of those original ether units coming into contact and forming a couplet unit. If two couplets then contact each other, their matching vibrations would form a tetrad unit in what could be called an ether "matrix." Larger and larger units then form, as multiplying vibrational contacts "lock" and link up, forming larger units, up to the size of quantum units and atoms.

Thus, atoms would be massless, also, like ether units, in my Model. My model views "mass" as a mistaken concept from quantum theory. "Weight" is possible with my model. You just weigh an object in the usual way, and if the object is less dense, the weight should go down.

Elaborating on the point about the way the ether arose from space first-causally: After the Yin-Yang process produced a new kind of space consisting of (now vibrating instead of oscillating) units, interacting as their vibrations contacted one another, producing a universal matrix of truly-elemental ether units which, were no longer reciprocally oscillating and evenly distributed, but now were moving, which produced etheric radiations. At some point, this happened to produce a spot where the radiations were relatively linear and parallel, and a "cosmic egg" appeared, out of a confluence of parallel radiations which had produced transient magnetic quantization, in an oval, or egg-shaped, form. As continuing etheric radiations tangentially played upon the "egg," there developed reverberating patterns of energy rays, ,which reverberated and cross-reverberated, similar to what we see now in brain circuitry. -Eventually, a first intelligent Entity appeared out of this. -The partly-quantized "egg" moiety had transitioned to a sapient entity, whose physical makeup was both etheric and quantal.

Afterwards, our world was created by sending quantum electrons through the ether. As such quantum units were sent passing through the ether, the ether's truly-elemental matrix was able to replicate, and chain-reactionally reproduce, literally any kind of quantum units sent through it, such as electrons, photons, and so on.

The Big Bang theory is erroneous, and the universe started through designed creational manipulations.
The Big Bang theory is erroneous
I'll pass on commenting on this section of the paragraph

and the universe started through designed creational manipulations.

through designed creational manipulations.

This section intrigues me though

Who designed? Who was the creator of the creational? Who carried out the manipulations?

It can be read as all three being the same or each being different

Please shed some light

I keep it simpler.

"Life is an extension of dynamics, Death is an extension of stasis."

How Life (and Death) Spring From Disorder
Life was long thought to obey its own set of rules. But as simple systems show signs of lifelike behavior, scientists are arguing about whether this apparent complexity is all a consequence of thermodynamics.

The underlying mathematics are "differential equations".
The Big Bang theory is erroneous, and the universe started through designed creational manipulations.

Further to my previous inquiring post about this paragraph (came into brain to late to be added to previous post via edit)

Can the text and the universe started through designed creational manipulations. be considered as a nod to god did it?

Further to my previous inquiring post about this paragraph (came into brain to late to be added to previous post via edit)
Asking questions of Michael is futile. His only ability seems to be stringing together sciency sounding words devoid of any meaning.
Asking questions of Michael is futile. His only ability seems to be stringing together sciency sounding words devoid of any meaning.

Agree but it keeps my 3 brain cells - Huey - Dewey - Louie - busy thinking up the questions

I'll pass on commenting on this section of the paragraph

through designed creational manipulations.

This section intrigues me though

Who designed? Who was the creator of the creational? Who carried out the manipulations?

It can be read as all three being the same or each being different

Please shed some light


If you re-read my Post, it stated that a first sapient Entity appeared early on, following a world-setting in which first-causal vibrating elemental ether units were radiationally in motion, relative to each other. Somewhere in this earlier "second-world" type of space, (following a first-world in which space was simply oscillational) there was a region where the radiations were relatively linear and parallel, and where any quantized moiety, produced by the moving etheric energies, could have form an oval shaped moiety, similar to the occult concept of a "cosmic egg." -The radiations playing upon the oval "cosmic egg" moiety could have produced a brain-circuitry-like region of energy which became the first thinking, intelligent Entity.

Fine details of how this led to a Creator Entity, from our vantage point in time, you have to have to assume, rather than trying to describe all the finer details involved. In any case, the idea is that a creational entity capable of mentally projecting quantal forces into the ether, producing a universe like ours, would have to have followed on the appearance of a first Entity, who would have been existing in an etheric world, where intense radiations could have produced areas of transient quantization of the ether units, and who could have been capable of creational actions involving both quantal forces (like electrons and photons), and the ether matrix. By passing through such a matrix, sending such larger quantum units, according to a creational design, could have produced a chain-reaction process in the ether, resulting in the kind of atomically-structured world we live in now.
If you re-read my Post, it stated that a first sapient Entity appeared early on, following a world-setting in which first-causal vibrating elemental ether units were radiationally in motion, relative to each other. Somewhere in this earlier "second-world" type of space, (following a first-world in which space was simply oscillational) there was a region where the radiations were relatively linear and parallel, and where any quantized moiety, produced by the moving etheric energies, could have form an oval shaped moiety, similar to the occult concept of a "cosmic egg." -The radiations playing upon the oval "cosmic egg" moiety could have produced a brain-circuitry-like region of energy which became the first thinking, intelligent Entity.

Fine details of how this led to a Creator Entity, from our vantage point in time, you have to have to assume, rather than trying to describe all the finer details involved. In any case, the idea is that a creational entity capable of mentally projecting quantal forces into the ether, producing a universe like ours, would have to have followed on the appearance of a first Entity, who would have been existing in an etheric world, where intense radiations could have produced areas of transient quantization of the ether units, and who could have been capable of creational actions involving both quantal forces (like electrons and photons), and the ether matrix. By passing through such a matrix, sending such larger quantum units, according to a creational design, could have produced a chain-reaction process in the ether, resulting in the kind of atomically-structured world we live in now.

So lots of guessing? lots of presuming? more guessing / presuming? no progressively working it out / doing science from observations

Culminating from your post - no light shed

I'm guessing (it's easy guessing - more incorrect than correct though) because of your inability to shed light, or withholding said light, god did it (created the Universe) is your goto explanation of how the Universe came into existence

So lots of guessing? lots of presuming? more guessing / presuming? no progressively working it out / doing science from observations

Culminating from your post - no light shed

I'm guessing (it's easy guessing - more incorrect than correct though) because of your inability to shed light, or withholding said light, god did it (created the Universe) is your goto explanation of how the Universe came into existence

My origin-model does not depend entirely on "god did it." A key factor in this Model also would be that a universal ether exists beyond our ability to detect with our quantum technology, composed of truly-elemental, unique, post-first-causal ether units, able to chain-reactionally reproduce any larger energy units being passed through it.

In past posts, I have gone into how I claim this ether model is the best explanation for quantum entanglement. -Here, in this creation model, this kind of ether model also does an intriguing job in accounting for how our kind of world could originate.

Again, you're way oversimplifying to say this model is "just another god did it."
entirely on "god did it."

As a non believer in god I would be also a non believer in god did a little bit

universal ether exists beyond our ability to detect with our quantum technology

So despite our ability to detect you know this universal ether is present. Good trick

OK quantum technology (side question - do you have access to quantum technology?) is out of the picture for detection so how do you know about this universal ether?

In past posts, I have gone into how I claim this ether model is the best explanation for quantum entanglement.

As I understand quantum entanglement the main problem is / was / still is mostly misunderstanding

The misunderstanding occurs from thinking once once we know the state of one particle that information is conveyed to the other particle which becomes the opposite state

Not so

The other particle has been in the other state since the entanglement, and remains in the other state, no matter how much seperation occured

Hence no information needs to be exchanged. Know state of one, you know state of both

So I cannot remember (and to lazy to check) how your ether model explains quantum entanglement but the explanation does not require explaining apparent faster than light exchange of information

Does your explanation explain how entangled particles remain entangled regardless of distance between them?

Again, you're way oversimplifying to say this model is "just another god did it."

I disagree saying god did it is a simplification. I would go for saying god did it adds a thousand layers of complexity:)

Asking questions of Michael is futile. His only ability seems to be stringing together sciency sounding words devoid of any meaning.
Like this:
Somewhere in this earlier "second-world" type of space, (following a first-world in which space was simply oscillational) there was a region where the radiations were relatively linear and parallel, and where any quantized moiety, produced by the moving etheric energies, could have form an oval shaped moiety, similar to the occult concept of a "cosmic egg."

So what he is saying is, "The vibrational harmonics tunnel while quantized virtual particles demonstrate symmetry breaking relating to the Higgs field and boson super positioning causing quantum entanglement".
So what he is saying is, "The vibrational harmonics tunnel while quantized virtual particles demonstrate symmetry breaking relating to the Higgs field and boson super positioning causing quantum entanglement".

Of course (slaps forehead)

You make perfect sense (in your translation) of the Michael Anteski quote above your quote (which I have just quoted above)

Shame on me (well Huey Dewey and Louie) not being sufficiently linguistic enough to translate either quote down to duck level understanding

Huey Dewey and Louie are currently working on Is there a Universal Now

Stay tuned in that thread :)
