As well as all other politicians with some power in whatever state. Indeed, I'm a libertarian, thus, politicians are in my opinion criminals. All.
Except, it doesn't. It was Assad who killed peaceful demonstrators. It was Assad who first responded to peaceful protest with acts of violence. It was Assad who used WMD against his own people. It was Assad who has dropped and continues to drop barrel bombs on the Syrian people.
In Libya we have learned that there is no difference between what the NATO names a no-fly zone and war.
Oh, and how exactly have you learned that?
This is really good news.
It's just another case of you not knowing what you are writing about.
No, the US bombs hospitals themselves. Search about Kunduz.
No, they don't. The US has never intentionally bombed a hospital. In Kunduz, the bombing was accidental and based on flawed intelligence. Unlike your beloved Mother Russia and Assad, the US admitted making a mistake. It apologized and made amends with the victims, and it reprimanded those individuals who made mistakes, and it took steps to ensure that never happens again.
Russia's and Assad's bombing of hospitals have been repeated and intentional. They have admitted no wrong doing. They have not made amends with victims. They have not reprimanded anyone. They have not stopped the bombing of hospitals.
I no longer care about NATO claims that Russia or Syria have bombed hospitals. I have cared some time, but after the fifth or so case when it appeared to be a propaganda lie I have stopped to care.
That's very obvious, you have never cared about the truth. You summarily and without merit dismiss everything which might reflect negatively against your beloved Mother Russia as NATO propaganda.
The US, with nuclear bombs, like they have done in Hiroshima. Because they want to rule the whole world. With Russia destroyed, they could blackmail the whole world, inclusive China, with their nuclear weapons to complete submission.
And where is your evidence the US wants to rule the world? As with everything else, you have none. The US isn't like your beloved Mother Russia. It doesn't want to rule the world. It could have easily taken out the Soviet Union after WWII. It didn't. At that time the US could have taken over the world, it didn't. It was the sole nuclear power in the world. Unlike your beloved Mother Russia (i.e. Soviet Union) the US reconstructed the West and Japan by working with locals to construct new democratic governments, so they could govern themselves. That's not what your beloved Mother Russia did. The West didn't have to erect physical barriers to keep people from leaving as Mother Russia did.
As if this would justify to murder civilians, whole towns, with nuclear weapons.
Well for starters, it wasn't murder. It was war, and the targets were legitimate war targets. Those are important distinctions you refuse to recognize. Using nuclear weapons wasn't illegal, nor is it now illegal. And the number of people killed in those nuclear attacks, including civilians, was nothing, a few thousand, compared to the millions of civilians who died on the Eastern Front (the Nazi-Soviet border) during the war. What was remarkable about the nuclear bombings isn't the number of dead and wounded, but the efficiency of the attack - how one plane and one bomb could cause so much devastation. That's what finally convinced the Imperial Japanese government to surrender. The unfortunate fact for you is, seeing that efficiency of destruction brought about an immediate end to the war and in doing so saved millions of lives. That was and remains a very good reason to use the nuclear weapons.
And remember the issue here, your claim that Mother Russia needs to be able to defend itself. You still haven't answered the questions I posed to you. Why would the US want to invade or attack Mother Russia? If the US doesn't want to be in Iraq and Afghanistan, as is the case, then why would it want to be in Mother Russia? It wouldn't. You still haven't laid out a reason why the US would want Mother Russia?
You can't cite a reason why the US would want to threaten your beloved Mother Russia. That should be a problem for you. But it isn't. And Russia hasn't used its military to defend itself. It has used its military to invade and annex the lands of its neighbors. That's not defense, that's offense...oops. Mother Putina's actions betray you comrade.
Many countries would be happy if this would be all one has to do. Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Panama, ...
If all those countries had not attacked the US they wouldn't have had a problem. Libya blew up an American airliner. Iraq invaded its neighbor, an American ally. Panama attacked American soldiers. Afghanistan hosted the terrorists who blew were responsible for the 9/11 attack on American soil. And they were given an option, Afghanistan could surrender the attackers, or the US would go after them. They chose the latter, and the US went after them. Facts matter comrade. If you don't want American troops on your doorstep, don't attack Americans or her allies. It really is that simple.
You are grasping at straws.
If one takes the NATO as a whole, they probably already do. Whatever, even this is sufficient to have a military which the US is afraid of. Or at least claim to be afraid of to get more money from the taxpayers.
How does that make sense? It doesn't change the fact that your beloved Mother Russia could never win an arms war with the United States. The United States alone can outspend your beloved Mother Russia by a fact of more than 20 to one. Even if Mother Russia put everyone alive in the country in uniform, the US alone would outnumber Mother Russia by more than twofold. And I haven't even added in allied nations. There is no way in hell, your beloved Mother Russia could win an arms race with the West.
And the fact remains, your beloved Mother Russia is hellbent on repeating the mistakes of its past.
Russia does not start wars, it finishes them.
LOL....does it now.
I think thee needs to get thyself to a library post haste. You don't remember the Afghanistan War when Soviet troops were sent packing with their tails between their legs? You don't remember the Russo-Japanese War, WWI, The Finish Civil War, or any of the other wars your beloved Mother Russia started but didn't finish.
I compare US and Russian military budget and compare the results. This strongly suggests that the Russian military is much more efficient in spending their money. Given that I don't think Americans are stupid, I think the explanation is corruption in the US.
Did you now? How can you come to that conclusion by just looking at budgets? You can't, and for you to think you can is either delusional or ignorance. As previously pointed out to you, Mother Russia is the least productive nation in Europe, Japan and North America. But yet you want people to believe that the Russian military is the exception based on your analysis of budget numbers?
The Russians count the year in the agrarian sector from 1. July to 30. June, for whatever reasons. So they are close enough to the end of this, and have given a number of 24-25 Mio t.
Well other people don't, and the fact is this year isn't over. So you cannot declare victory as you have when the war far from over. In year over year comparisons, Mother Russia isn't the largest wheat exporter. Canada is followed by the US, your beloved Mother Russia is number 5 where it has been. But even so, as has been repeatedly pointed out to you, that isn't enough to cover the losses caused by low oil prices. The money Russia uses to fund its government has dropped by more than half, and whither you want to recognize it or not, that's a big problem for the Russian government. And within months, the US will begin shipping oil and natural gas ot Europe which places the US in direct competition with Russian oil and natural gas producers.