Ever notice...?

Ever notice that religion routinely generates twice as much interest as other subjects…and this in a forum for science-minded people?
well religion is a pseudoscience.
Why do you suppose that is? I think it’s because religion has a bigger role in their lives than most people are willing to admit.
Wow! go to the top of the class, of course it does, religion effects everyones life in some way or another it is a very dangerous and frightening cult.
Or, perhaps, people need vindication for their “disbelief”
that is a pretty irrational statement.
and think science gives them a proper forum in which to vent with approval from others
more likely to try to understand the irrational religious mind.
—I don‘t know. But referring to God as a “sky bully” or “sky being” or likening God to Zeus or a unicorn indicates they really do believe in God
never seen sky bully, but as zeus or any other fantasy figure are fictional and so is your god the comparison is fair.
it by no mean suggests they believe in your fantasies.
—just not in a way with which they are comfortable. They may call themselves atheist, but clearly they are not. As vehemently as they may deny a belief in God, their words and actions betray them.
how so, when they are comparing fantasy for fantasy.
I’m sure there are real atheists out there, but there is no doubt that there are far fewer than the postings indicate. I made the mistake lumping believers who say they do not believe with real atheists. For that, I am sorry.
well whether you believe them to be atheist or not is irrelevant.
because your life is engulfed in fantasy, what you imagine about other posters is entirely your perogative. the point is they are debating the fine point of your fantasy, so it is up to you to counter the arguement.
a real atheist wouldn't post on a religion forum
why not?
Its a fact that the topic of god gets some people really really mad - if god is imaginary, it would hardly warrant anger
are you religious fvcks really that DENSE,or do you even think what youre saying?
god is imaginary,have no doubt about that,but the ACTIONS he dictates to you to follow ,in those so called 'holy books" arent.to a theist god is very real
lets suppose I folowed the teachings of the Old Testament bible
(which in my opinion is the only True word of God) to the letter,then I would have to STONE to the death ANYONE working on Saturday ..
yes or no?
I would also be requiered to STONE to the death any girl I married and found out she wasnt a virgin!
and so on see www.evilbible.com
are you starting to get the point yet?
(like for instance people who hate christmas don't get anywhere near as much peeved by santa claus as a staunch atheist on a rant about the evils of god)
oh yeah
look up a song by Kevin Bloody Wilson,"Christmas sucks big time" :D

anyways no Santaclaus worshipers go around PROSELITIZING Christmas like you religious God pushers do with gods
Religious minds aren’t the only ones that can be irrational. “To believe without questioning or to dismiss without investigating is to comport oneself unscientifically.” (Margaret Mead) Just because something cannot be objectively measured and quantified doesn’t mean it can’t be real in human experience. Just because one’s tools are inadequate to the task doesn’t mean something isn’t real, any more than the colors and contrasts of a fine painting are unreal because the blind person can’t see them. Clearly, though, there must be some concept of what the painting (or God) must be like in order to qualify it as being “imaginary.”
It's all to easy to evade rational examination if no one agrees on a definition of God. Atheists rarely say that God can't be real, only that given the present state of knowledge, it is highly unlikely.
Just because something cannot be objectively measured and quantified doesn’t mean it can’t be real in human experience.
Yes of course, it could be a very real experience inside ones own mind and still be called a human experience.
Just because one’s tools are inadequate to the task doesn’t mean something isn’t real,
When the claim is that ones tools are adequate though, but these claims are not confirmed under objective study it basically means the fantasy is indeed not real.

When its claimed that god effects us in the way religon does. Yet we not only find no single piece of evidence for these claims, but one by one we find alternative explanation that are infact evidencial, the only rational conclusion is that the god claims are made up nonsense.
However, people have the right to believe in, follow, or pursue these 'claims' just as much as you have the right to deem them false.

If only it would stay away from government decisions, and people's lives, who don't belive the BS that religion trows down our throat constantly 24/7 I wouldn't have a problem.

However, when one becomes ENLIGHTEND of the EVIL, that religion has caused humanity, the stagnation, which burnings, crusades, bla!Bla! Bla, Terrorist nut heads, and so on. Yea we have issues with religion!!!:mad:
Ever notice that religion routinely generates twice as much interest as other subjects…and this in a forum for science-minded people?

Ever notice how many people get killed in the name of god?

Why do you suppose that is?

When supposedly there's only one god!

I think it’s because religion has a bigger role in their lives than most people are willing to admit.

No shit sherlock, when religious nut jobs usurpe our freedoms in the name of their freaking idealogy, yes religion is constantly on the free thinker's mind!

But referring to God as a “sky bully” or “sky being” or likening God to Zeus or a unicorn indicates they really do believe in God

Quite the opposite, it's called mocking your beliefs! :rolleyes:

They may call themselves atheist, but clearly they are not. As vehemently as they may deny a belief in God, their words and actions betray them.

So your still was delusional when you became an atheist? What happened, missed your friends, the hive, the cult?
why not?

are you religious fvcks really that DENSE,or do you even think what youre saying?
god is imaginary,have no doubt about that,but the ACTIONS he dictates to you to follow ,in those so called 'holy books" arent.
but an atheist doesn't follow them, and unless you, given that you are no doubt living somewhere in the west, are not forced to (although its no irony that religious injunctions bear a similarity to state laws such as murder, theft etc) its not clear what you have to be angry about
to a theist god is very real
lets suppose I folowed the teachings of the Old Testament bible
(which in my opinion is the only True word of God) to the letter,then I would have to STONE to the death ANYONE working on Saturday ..
then since there are many theists who work out of that text as authoratative who don't do that, the question of your intelligence has to be raised - in other words if you don't have the intelligence to discriminate between central and peripheral points of theism, its probbaly better of that you be an atheist
yes or no?
I would also be requiered to STONE to the death any girl I married and found out she wasnt a virgin!
ditto here
and so on see www.evilbible.com
are you starting to get the point yet?
its not surprising that atheists don't have the foundation of knowledge to understand theism - nor that they can systematically present their short comings as you indicated
oh yeah
look up a song by Kevin Bloody Wilson,"Christmas sucks big time" :D
socially speaking (the lyrical antics of drunk yobbo comedian) it hardly warrants interest

anyways no Santaclaus worshipers go around PROSELITIZING Christmas like you religious God pushers do with gods
I would say that the comercial funding for santa claus is stronger than any theistic endeavour at christmas in many parts of the world (how many images of santa claus do you see in comparison to jesus etc?)
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in other words if you don't have the intelligence to discriminate between central and peripheral points of theism, its probbaly better of that you be an atheist

Translation: He hasnt been informed to which parts of the bible that have been conceded as not to be taken literally any more.:rolleyes:
Being an atheist, I come here to try to understand how one can maintain a religious belief in this day and age. Especially, I'm fascinated by those who did have access to a reasonably good educational system, which I suppose constitutes the majority here, and therefore shouldn't be able to claim ignorance as their defense.

That makes the religion section of sciforums more attractive to me than, say, the Art & Culture section.
Rolling_Stone, good point.
You know what? Human science is like an old chair that doesn't fit in a modern room. Oh I almost forgot, it was a big bang!
a free e-book relating to the subject based on science

For a free e-book in the Integrated Theory of Intelligence by Dr. Roger Blomquist, you can go to supraconsciousnessnetwork.org/

Note: he ain't no idiot, folks
Very interesting reading Rolling Stone! Thanks for bringing it up! here's a link for those who may be interested.

I can't quite yet formulate an opinion of it, since I just began reading the intro, but it does sound very intriguing, it won't make anyone believe in god or supernaturalism, but the subject can use critical analysis, and what better place then our scientific board to break, agree, or speculate on the subject. ;)
Hmm might put that Integrated Theory of Intelligence book on my shopping list after ive gotten through howard bloom - the lucifier principle.
Need to have a look on amazon and read a few reviews first i think. :p

*edit - its free to read online! sweet.