Evolution - True Or False


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IDo I strike you as the sort to indulge combativeness. Learn from this.
Learn from this. Your statements here are the most blatant examples of self aggrandizing, arrogant, combative language that I have witnessed for some considerable time. There seem to be two possibilites:
1) You are unaware of the grotesque extent of your self important proselytising. In that case learn from my advice.
2) You are fully aware of it and are being deliberately contemptuous of others. In that case piss off.
Learn from this. Your statements here are the most blatant examples of self aggrandizing, arrogant, combative language that I have witnessed for some considerable time. There seem to be two possibilites:
1) You are unaware of the grotesque extent of your self important proselytising. In that case learn from my advice.
2) You are fully aware of it and are being deliberately contemptuous of others. In that case piss off.

So dramatic. Saquist raises many good points.
I congradulate you on an articulate post.
Likewise. Though I hope that congratulations are not in order - we should all strive for civility and progress in our discussions (though I fail in this task often enough).

I disagree as I know ghost are not real. There is no evidence toward there existence,
Except for millions of personal accounts.

such can not be inferred upon God. First and foremost there is his word the Bible unremovable from contention
Why not? It is a book. Do not turn the writings of man into a fourth arm of divinity. It is not Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and Holy Bible. The message may be God's, but the words are man. It is not divinity in and of itself.

secondly the enviroment we discern exemplifies a creators touch. But that position you know.
The environment *you* discern exemplifies a creator's touch. I've spent my life studying that environment, and learning about how it functions to the best of my ability. I haven't seen fingerprints. Where are they? In the structure? In the function? How do you know, besides a personal account of your own?

But history itself contains proof of his presence, again the bible, and other text. While history refers to a collage of dieties we can not avoid history which says God had some large and major role in the past.
Proof? Where? As you believe in the Abrahamic God, and a Hindu thinks you are foolish for it, you think their belief in Genesha is foolish. How can these two beliefs be reconciled? They have books roughly the same age as the Bible, and they attribute the same divinity to the included stories.

Why do you think your story is more right than theirs?

You refer them as myth, some of them truely were...however...the complete dismissing and lack of investigation into these "myths" as a historical account is nothing more than the neglect of knowledge.
Agreed. Ancient knowledge is too often disregarded without proper respect or study. However, when two competing stories exist, and both have the same weight of evidence to support them (from observation to numbers of personal accounts), then both should rightfully be placed into the category of "possibly correct"; neither with superiority to the other.

If you have a faith which places one above all others, that's fine with me. But no one else should change their ordering based on your faith. Until it becomes their own faith, your faith-based reasoning should remain with you. Convince us first of why you have faith, using reasons other that your own faith itself, and then we can talk about where it leads us in public discourse and policy. Until then, we can debate opinions, but we have to both understand that they are both, in fact, opinions. Strongly held, certainly, but still opinions.

I disagree. A request is rarely insulting. The insult was possibly in his refering to my God as non-existant. However I do not subcomb to play ground poltics. The tone you detected did not exist. I will present the possility that he was offended by the forthright nature of my post as he is unaccustomed to being spoken to without the indulgences of combativeness.
A request can often be insulting; the wording and tone is critical to the perception of any communication. As an extreme example, requesting that a person "get their stupid fat head out of the way of the TV" is very insulting, even though it is a request. (my apologies to my sister for being so rude as a kid).
The tone detected may not have been intended, but it certainly exists in the mind of your readers; and that is the sole purpose of communication. If you cannot convey the intended meaning to your audience, then your communication is problematic.
Your final sentence is extremely rude, IMO. You suggest character flaws in another person without a willingness to find the beam in your own eye. That is detrimental to your ability to get your message across. Your audience feel insulted, and will close up to your words. If you really want to teach, you cannot be so condescending, or you will never get anywhere.

Do I strike you as the sort to indulge combativeness. Learn from this.
You do not appear to be someone who indulges in the heightened emotional reaction that most people have. However, your inflexibility and what comes across as self-righteousness certainly appears combative to me.
Why do you feel that your knowledge is so important that I should learn from it?(honest question)
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Learn from this. Your statements here are the most blatant examples of self aggrandizing, arrogant, combative language that I have witnessed for some considerable time. There seem to be two possibilites:
1) You are unaware of the grotesque extent of your self important proselytising. In that case learn from my advice.
2) You are fully aware of it and are being deliberately contemptuous of others. In that case piss off.

You might be intrested to know that I find you contemptuous as well however the difference would be that the engeries I used to reply to your proceeding post...will be alotted elsewhere.

Likewise. Though I hope that congratuations not not in order - we should all strive for civility and progress in our discussions (though I fail in this task often enough).

I can only concur.

Except for millions of personal accounts.
Reasonable doubt holds sway with an abundance of knowledge.

The continuity in the Bible dictates form. Thus the words were inspired of God. (2 Tim 3:16)

The environment *you* discern exemplifies a creator's touch. I've spent my life studying that environment, and learning about how it functions to the best of my ability. I haven't seen fingerprints. Where are they? In the structure? In the function? How do you know, besides a personal account of your own?

Logic suggest that if I and others have found them then you must ask yourself the most relevant questions..."What are my classification of design "and "how is it different from others."

Third and finally...are you actually looking for those finger prints. Or are you looking for anything that discounts the finger prints? Motive is a relevant control to the discussion...

These are questions you should ask yourself.

Proof? Where?
Again you must Search actively in order to "find"
Where have you searched?...How long have you searched? Is your search complete?

Question you should ask yourself.

As you believe in the Abrahamic God, and a Hindu thinks you are foolish for it, you think thier belief in Genesha is foolish. How can these two beliefs be reconciled? They have books roughly the same age as the Bible, and they attribute the same divinity to the included stories.

In my estimation....These books fall short of the bible in purpose, truth, and prophecy. These things I've posted in another tread.

This is becoming a religious discussion. Perhaps a new thread is needed.

Why do you think your story is more right than thiers?
It is not "my" story.
I didn't write nor inspire it creation.

then both should rightfully be placed into the catagory of "possibly correct"; neither with superiority to the other.
For you this would be a logical course of action.

If you have a faith which places one above all others, that's fine with me.

Faith means something different to most of the world. I belive the Bibles deffinition of Faith is more appropriate for myself. "Hebrew 11:1"

But no one else should change thier ordering based on your faith.
Again that word as though it, itsself describes religion entirely...
I'd encourage you to discard this perception of faith being all encompassing and all that one needs...There is far far more to the bible than faith. And It tells us so.

Convince us first of why you have faith,
I don't convince...I teach...Teaching requires an attentive ear.
Convincing waste breath and resources on the igonorant the stupid and the thoughtless.

using reasons other that your own faith itself, and then we can talk about where it leads us in public discourse and policy.
To do so we'd need a much larger common frame of refrence than we are currently employing in conversation. There is a gulf to be bridged.

Until then, we can debate opinions, but we have to both understand that they are both, in fact, opnions. Strongly held, certainly, but still opinions.

I have very few opinions. But what I'am expressing...is not...from my perspective-an opinion. It is knowledge, not belief. Which is what God requires from us

If it serves you sensibilities to see my expressions as an opinion please feel free with no reprisal from me.

A request can often be insulting; the wording and tone is critical to the perception of any communication.

Not often but such is called sarcasm. I was not using sarcasm

As an extreme example, requesting that a person "get thier stupid fat head out of the way of the TV" is very insulting, even though it is a request. (my apologies to my sister for being so rude as a kid).

Intresting...I hadn't considered this method of asking a question...
I don't insult in this way at least not as manner of rule.

The tone detected may not have been indended, but it certainly exists in the mind of your readers; and that is the sole purpose of communication. If you cannot convey the intended meaning to your audience, then your communication is problematic.

Possibily...Communication is not my strong suit.
That being the case I restrict my response and statement to the line of discussion and direct confrontation.

Your final sentence is extremely rude, IMO. You suggest character flaws in another person without a willingness to find the beam in your own eye.

The beam has been highlighted many, many times. I am open to correction but I'am not beyond retaliation.

That is detrimental to your ability to get your message across.

There are other obsticals togetting a message across...one of them is combativness..which in this sort of discussion I have a zero tolerance for.

Your audience feel insulted, and will close up to your words. If you really want to teach, you cannot be so condescending, or you will never get anywhere.

I wholeheartedly agree.

You do not appear to be someone who indulges in the hightened emotional reaction that most people have.

Far from it...However I'm more than capable of controling my reactions when I have them. I prefer feeling happy rather than brow beating other people for no reason. I prefer a strict on reasonable discussion rather than test of wills.

However, your inflexability and what comes across as self-rightiousness certainly appears combative to me.

I believe this is what is called transposing.
You see my stand as inflexable and it is...That however doesn't have the negative qualitive that is commonly placed on it's use. Even Condescending is a peaceful reaction meant to convey a bridging of difference...It's modern meaning reflects lofty perception and self righteousness.

I don't see myself as self righteous nor arrogant.
I see myself as blunt, direct, honest, passive. To borrow a phrase..."direct honesty is often considered rude." Yet I prefer to be honest and direct. If I really wanted to insult someone I assure you I would not invoke the four letter word variety, but I be most capable of slinging around my fair share of insipid or jujune comments.

Why do you feel that your knowledge is so important that I should learn from it?(honest question)

These are but things I've learned. We all learn with the same method. But we all ignore with the same method aswell.

Listening invovles action...Learning requires a measure of "putting aside" of differences. I know this because I've taught many people before. They all displayed the same social reaction to Learning and the ignorance.

The most stark reality is that I "believe" in things much as you do...but I learn things...but I also see contradictions and If I cannot resolve those contradictions...then I've learned something new entirely.
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In short, when called on your arrogant behaviour you respond with yet more arrogance. You believe you have a right to be attended to by others, but see no need to accord them the same courtesy. I shall long treasure your posts as fine examples of self righteousness.
Mod statement:
This thread seems to be starting off on a tangent. I am starting to share Ophiolite's concerns and then some more. My biggest concern being that this thread is turning into a bible class.
I concur...

Yet the bible makes use of reality as well as observation...the very foundation of science.

Can these questions be helped? There are two different sides present shall one be restricted from it's side on the basis of topic alone?

I will withdraw from the bible subject if it please you.
Yet the bible makes use of reality as well as observation...the very foundation of science.

There you go wrong. The greek and arab tradition are the foundations of modern science. Religion was a motivator to do science for a long time in Europe. To discover god through understanding nature.

The bible just put false tracks down that made scientists go off tangents and something never to be seen again.

Big difference.
There you go wrong. The greek and arab tradition are the foundations of modern science. Religion was a motivator to do science for a long time in Europe. To discover god through understanding nature.

The bible just put false tracks down that made scientists go off tangents and something never to be seen again.

Big difference.

You miss interpret my meaning...
saquist said:
Listening invovles action...Learning requires a measure of "putting aside" of differences. I know this because I've taught many people before. They all displayed the same social reaction to Learning and the ignorance.
You have overlooked, for some reason, several more or less logical or impersonal responses or objections to your assertions (from me, and others) and concentrated instead on matters of personality and tangential opinion.

Most recently, not from me, an assertion of some differences between observation as part of a scientific process and observation as part of a religious argument or epiphany was neglected by you, replaced by a disingenuous offer to voluntarily withdraw Biblical references as if they had been attacked merely for their Biblical origin.
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Mod statement:
This thread seems to be starting off on a tangent. I am starting to share Ophiolite's concerns and then some more. My biggest concern being that this thread is turning into a bible class.

Honestly, was this thread ever anything but a "Young-Earth Bible as a divine authority vs upstart scientists looking at evidence and drawing conclutions" arguement?

Can the debate take place without each understanding the other side? Is it fair to discuss the fossil record in that forum without discussing the accounts of Timothy? We aren't debating within the confines of science here anyway; we are debating the veracity of evolutionary theory vs the hold of christian belief and theology.

I don't convince...I teach...Teaching requires an attentive ear.
Convincing waste breath and resources on the igonorant the stupid and the thoughtless.
Given the mod point above, I won't reply to every comment of Saquist's here. However, I'd say this quote encompases the rest of my comments anyway.

If you are so full of yourself to feel that you can teach without needing to learn, than you are beyond my ability to help. Evolution will be false for you because you have decided it to be so before you have looked at the evidence.

You have placed yourself as superior to that which you believe to be the creation of God. If he made the world, and the fossil record, and everything else in it, and you ignore that in favor of a book written by man, inpired by god or not, then you do yourself and anyone that you hope to teach a disservice.

And again, to argue on your terms, I will point you towards Matthew 7:3, since you are such a fan of the collection.
Religion does not concern us, those of SciForums, only material things do. Consider evolution true and the process unproven, god is not real and is unproven because he isn't real, thus evolution wins here.

Thank you for your time :>
Sciforums has a separate forum for Religion context posts under the Philosophy section. This is a scientific Biology forum. Stick to being scientific! the original post is and was:

"In biology, evolution is the change from generation to generation in how common various inherited characteristics are within a population. These characteristics are encoded on genes. Competing variants of genes, known as alleles, cause different characteristics to become more common in different organisms, resulting in variation between organisms with different alleles. As these differences in and between populations accumulate, new species can evolve from prior ones. All known species are descended from a single ancestor through this process of gradual divergence." ~ Wikipedia

So what is your opinion?

My opinion is that I agree and support this scientific statement, although it can, does, and has been expounded upon.
I suggest you phrase your thoughts more clearly then. Or go down to my level. Whatever suits you.

"Yet the bible makes use of reality as well as observation...the very foundation of science."

Observation and reality are processes by which science uses to analyze the world around us. It is the process by which evolution came to be and observation and reality are made use of in the bible.

IF...people of it's time and proceeding it's writing had sought the logic behind the bible they're are many facts that would have understood quicker...I'll illistrate later but Quarentine is one mentioned previously.

The post had nothing to do with the original origins of the scientific method but...It is good to have that knowledge on hand.

You have overlooked, for some reason, several more or less logical or impersonal responses or objections to your assertions (from me, and others) and concentrated instead on matters of personality and tangential opinion.

If you say so.
Most recently, not from me, an assertion of some differences between observation as part of a scientific process and observation as part of a religious argument or epiphany was neglected by you, replaced by a disingenuous offer to voluntarily withdraw Biblical references as if they had been attacked merely for their Biblical origin.

I'm gong to have to look up "disingenuous"
I'm not sure that they weren't attacked. I...haven't decided. In any case I'm inclined to view it as irrelevant

Can the debate take place without each understanding the other side? Is it fair to discuss the fossil record in that forum without discussing the accounts of Timothy? We aren't debating within the confines of science here anyway; we are debating the veracity of evolutionary theory vs the hold of christian belief and theology.


If you are so full of yourself to feel that you can teach without needing to learn, than you are beyond my ability to help.

If you say so it must be true....

Evolution will be false for you because you have decided it to be so before you have looked at the evidence.

How do you know that I have not?

You have placed yourself as superior to that which you believe to be the creation of God.

I'll recieve this as an indictment.

If he made the world, and the fossil record, and everything else in it, and you ignore that in favor of a book written by man, inpired by god or not, then you do yourself and anyone that you hope to teach a disservice.

If that is what you chose to believe there is hardly anything I can accomplish to change it, therefor ... why try?

And again, to argue on your terms, I will point you towards Matthew 7:3, since you are such a fan of the collection.

I concur.
We're all so full of errors and rafters...including myself. Yet this is the tangent I believe he was speaking of...
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"Yet the bible makes use of reality as well as observation...the very foundation of science."

Observation and reality are processes by which science uses to analyze the world around us. It is the process by which evolution came to be and observation and reality are made use of in the bible.

Please explain where and how the processes used in science were made use of in the bible?
To get back on topic, I don't completely agree with the wikipedia entry, or the OP. I think it is presuptuous to assume that *all* life decended from a single common ancestor. The differences in the basic function of viruses and prions, and thier inherent dependance on other, fundimentally different, life forms for survival suggests to me that they formed from non-life chemical systems after our ancestors had already taken hold.

I think that life has most likely started dozens, if not hundreds of times, and 95% of those times, it ended with the death of the first individual. But some had or developed the ability to reproduce, and lasted longer. That both cellular life and viruses use RNA may be due to a common ancestor, but it could also be as likely due to the effectivness of RNA as a hereditary molecule, and the requirement of viruses to have a hereditary system compatible with cellular life for it's reproductive cycle. All life forms that used a different method have died out due to thier own failings, been out-competed, or exist in such small numbers that we haven't found any yet. there is alot we still don't have a good grasp on: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070313/sc_nm/genes_ocean_dc

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Please explain where and how the processes used in science were made use of in the bible?

Genesis' creation account correctly chronicles the same process scientist affix to the development of the Earth in every way...

Light: The suns creation,
The Earth created after the heavens...the atmosphere, water, life in the form of plants and life in the form water borne creatures, occuring next, land based mammals and then flying creatures.

I could go into a more exacting detial if you wish.
Yet the bible's perceptions of these things were right from a time when this knowledge was unknown. I am not incline to dismiss this foreknowledge in fact it draws my curiosity as to the originator of this knowledge.

The model is mimiced by evolution in the Life process...The differnce is the instigator. Chance...or Creator.
To avoid a bible debate in this thread, let me just say that you need to re-read Genisis. The order you just wrote is not what's in the Bible.

Biologically (scientifically/evolutionarily), it is not thought that producers(plants) came before consumers(animals), anyway.
To get back on topic, I don't completely agree with the wikipedia entry, or the OP.
I also felt uncomfortable with both of these.
You go on to discuss the 'common ancestor' concept, which is often seen as basic to evolutionary theory. However, consider the work of Carl Woese who argues in a 2002 paper (Woese, Carl R. On the Evolution of Cells PNAS 2002) :
“Aboriginal cell designs are taken to be simple and loosely organized enough that all cellular componentry can be altered and or displaced through HGT (Horizontal Gene Transfer), making HGT the principal driving force in early cellular evolution. Primitive cells did not carry a stable organismal genealogical trace. Primitive cellular evolution is basically communal. The high level of novelty required to evolve cell designs is a product of communal invention, of the universal HGT field, not intralineage variation.”
While this does not require, it certainly implicitly admits, life arising on multiple occassions with a similar underlying biochemistry and then blending characteristics. This is definitely non-Darwinian, in that their would be common ancestors, not a common ancestor. However natural selection would still be at work on the whole assemblage.
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