Location, location, Location...
not to mention similari.....
SEDISTIX.....HA HA HA....oh man...
what are you doing here? Hold on Pete....bigger fish to fry.
It is better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies Saq. Anyone curious about what really happened over at filefront, feel free to head on over and view for themselves. Spare yourself the rhetoric, and false hearsay I've just witnessed
I'm just saying...dude. You had the opportunity. Like you, Wiz4rd posted a long list...of what? Misunderstandings...mis translations. You know cultures and history and language is more than just skin deep.
But you guys are just looking at the surface. Look a little deeper in your investigations.
And I did invite everyone to view for themselves. No smoke and mirrors. Take a look. Everyone has a rhetoric. You have a rhetoric I have a rhetoric it's the same thing over and over again.
The only time it changes is when one person, ONE PERSON, choses to learn a little more and as medicine woman said breech the comfort zone.
I offered to answered all those questions to you.
But here on this forum it was going to be a useless debate on semantics because many people here simply believe that the Bible can never be viewed as correct on any issue and they wish it to remain that way.
There's nothing I can do to change them but I can be vocal and I can step up and rise to the occasion on behalf of others and to correct wrong thinking on the bible issues, so that people, YOU all, reconsider just "going with the popular vote" and chose to investigate for yourselves.
I continued down that list Sedistix...
Using every source book I could find...You'd be shocked as too what I found...but...you inquired no further...and I pursued no further.