Examples of Ohm's Law in Everyday Life


Matter and Pixie Dust
Valued Senior Member
It's cool to see science at work in everyday appliances and utilities.

So, I looked up the meaning of resistance in this case, and it's a measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit. Why is opposition (resistance) necessary in a circuit? How would Ohm even know to 'factor' in resistance? (what is ''resisting'' exactly, within the circuit?)


Edit - I received an answer - resistance is like friction within a system. A property that Ohm quantified. It is much clearer now, but I still wonder how resistance can be observed in a circuit?

Edit 2: I actually understand this a bit more now, but here is a helpful link:


This is going on when I turn on my ceiling fan? Pretty cool.
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I posted this question on another site; ''resistance'' is very interesting to me. I asked what would happen if there was no resistance? Would there be an explosion?

I received the answer of - no, not an explosion...but here is a link to show what could happen in the event of zero resistance.

Depends on the source of the electricity. Battery would burn out. House current would blow a fuse or pop circuit breaker. In practice any electric generator would be protected this way.