Existence and Non-existence are one

Does the middle (center) of any object exist?
If so show me.
If not then there is no middle...
...and no it is not speaking in riddles....
sure it does as a o dimensional point.
It must exist in at least some way, because non existence is not an available state of existence.
sure it does as a o dimensional point.
It must exist in at least some way, because non existence is not an available state of existence.
of course a zero point doesn't exist but then again it does... a fundamental paradox is evident.
One that mainstream science has a lot of difficulty accepting. Heisenberg came close and QM QED are getting closer every day..
Just like ex-nihilo where something from nothing should be read "something is nothing".

Once accepted and understood "hyperspace" and "worm holes" becomes available, as in reality, for example, the distance to the Moon from Earth is both zero and >zero simultaneously.
of course a zero point doesn't exist but then again it does... a fundamental paradox is evident.

Zero point doesn't exist . Points do not exists . Points are mathematical not physical .

If there is something going on at that point in the physical , then the mathematics hold true .

One that mainstream science has a lot of difficulty accepting. Heisenberg came close and QM QED are getting closer every day..
Just like ex-nihilo where something from nothing should be read "something is nothing".

To your last statement ;

Something is never nothing . Because nothing can never be anything physical . Nothing can never be something . Further , nothing has no form of sub-atomic , nor quantum , nor sub-quantum ; has no potential be .

Once accepted and understood "hyperspace" and "worm holes" becomes available, as in reality, for example, the distance to the Moon from Earth is both zero and >zero simultaneously.

Are mathematical concepts , derived from mathematical thinking . Nothing physical , nothing real . Its just mathematics .
Zero point doesn't exist . Points do not exists . Points are mathematical not physical .
not so...
If there is something going on at that point in the physical , then the mathematics hold true .
oh there is "something going on" at that exact point.
Its just mathematics .
no... it has little to do with mathematics.

Take any object and hold it in front of you.
Now ask yourself...
Does this object have a precise center?
then ask yourself...
What exactly is at that precise center?

There is something that doesn't exist...
a paradox.
Draw a circle
Know that it has a center but there is no way you will ever actually and materially find it.
see... no math involved...
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not so...

oh there is "something going on" at that exact point.

no... it has little to do with mathematics.

Take any object and hold it in front of you.
Now ask yourself...
Does this object have a precise center?
the ask yourself...
What exactly is at that precise center?

There is something that doesn't exist...
a paradox.
Draw a circle
Know that it has a center but there is no way you will ever actually and materially find it.
see... no math involved...

Disagree , the object is three dimensional , physical object , a sphere , not a circle ( which is two dimensional ).

A sphere has a centre .
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of course a zero point doesn't exist but then again it does... a fundamental paradox is evident.
One that mainstream science has a lot of difficulty accepting. Heisenberg came close and QM QED are getting closer every day..
Just like ex-nihilo where something from nothing should be read "something is nothing".

Once accepted and understood "hyperspace" and "worm holes" becomes available, as in reality, for example, the distance to the Moon from Earth is both zero and >zero simultaneously.
Good grief. Back to spouting this nonsense again. :rolleyes: You need to stop equivocating between the existence of abstract notions and physical existence. Learn the difference. There is no paradox, just someone trying to play word games with the word “exist”.
Good grief. Back to spouting this nonsense again. :rolleyes: You need to stop equivocating between the existence of abstract notions and physical existence. Learn the difference. There is no paradox, just someone trying to play word games with the word “exist”.
if it is as you say, nonsense then please explain what is at the exact center of a solid ball of any substance you choose?
if it is as you say, nonsense then please explain what is at the exact center of a solid ball of any substance you choose?
Almost certainly nothing physically exists at a zero-dimensional point. Yet the "exact centre" (of a sphere, for example) exists as a concept, being the point equidistance from every point on the surface. If you continue to try to equivocate between the two, and insist upon "exist" as meaning having a material component, then you will remain confused. There is no paradox when one accepts the differences in what "exist" means.
Almost certainly nothing physically exists at a zero-dimensional point. Yet the "exact centre" (of a sphere, for example) exists as a concept, being the point equidistance from every point on the surface. If you continue to try to equivocate between the two, and insist upon "exist" as meaning having a material component, then you will remain confused. There is no paradox when one accepts the differences in what "exist" means.
Well that zero point really does exist and not just as a concept.

Existence does not necessarilly have to be material. That is the point. (Pun)

"It is there but you will never find it." Because it is Zero dimensional.
This is the general idea behind Taoism. Where the opposites unite without ceasing to be themselves, a phrase known as Coincidentia Oppositorum (coincidence of opposites). Another phrase is Complexio Oppositorum (union of opposites). The merging of these polar opposites implies that the universe and the non-universe is a Tao.
I'm sorry. My understanding of Taoism is to avoid micromanaging life and let it manage itself.
Quantum Quack said:
if it is as you say, nonsense then please explain what is at the exact center of a solid ball of any substance you choose?

Almost certainly nothing physically exists at a zero-dimensional point. Yet the "exact centre" (of a sphere, for example) exists as a concept, being the point equidistance from every point on the surface. If you continue to try to equivocate between the two, and insist upon "exist" as meaning having a material component, then you will remain confused. There is no paradox when one accepts the differences in what "exist" means.


The exact centre of sphere is a three dimensional sphere , in the minutest .

The three dimensional sphere describes all areas of the physical .