Existence of god

Pan = Wholistic Integrity = UNIverse = God = Occupied Space = Complex

Seattle..God 1 >

If you mean one God as Uni-verse, they I agree.

pi/ soul 3

It is not clear here if your stating that Pi and soul 3 are synonyms are if your trying divided Pi by soul 3. You also do not give any explanation for what your "soul 3" is. You far short on the clarity I offer.

= Universe = flying cOw.

part truth and part ridicule/troll/mental block/lack of integrity/nonsense/gibberrish/etc...

This mean cOw flying is IN uNiverse.

Cows are on Earth the Earth is flying around the sun and all in Universe.

If cow is in cargo plane it flys in relationship to Earth.

Your going to have dig deeper into you intellect base if you want to offer us true ridicule/trollisms and lack of integrity. I'm sure you can do it if you allow your ego to go much wilder.

God 1 say "go forth" which mean cOw go forth IN uNiverse.

So it appears your "God 1" is speaking to you with short phrases ex "go forth". Where else would your "God " 1 expect you to go except IN Universe. I mean, duhh.

We can not get outside of Universe, except as a metaphysical concept. This is a human special-case ability. Well at least for some humans.

This clear to English speaker with no mental block. You peoples with ME so far? Yes, ... discuss.

Yeah unlike the trolls around here, I have not much trouble with English. Even when spoken by a troll, English is still English, even when it is ridicule and lacks sincerity of heart.

Spirit-1 = physical/energy = fermions( matter ) and bosons( force )

Spirit-1 = metaphysical intention ergo directed mind/intelligence

Soul-1 = biological

Soul-2 = pattern/geometry ex spiral, triangle, plaid, square, mobius,

God( ess ) = Universe = our one, finite occupied space

Ess = gravitational spacetime ergo the essence our existence stems from and returns too, gravity.

Gravity aka mass attraction is a contractive pulling-IN force/phenomena that induces pushing OUT force.

Gravity is likened to a womb/membrane that surrounds/embraces every particle and contains the our finite Universe as integral whole.

Contractions IN cause a poping OUT of babies, fermions and bosons.

IN-spirited = our initial IN breath after existing the womb and birth canal.

OUT-spirited is our last breath OUT in death.

IN is the ESSential force of Universe as it is what contains our Universe( occupied space ) as integral finite whole,even at entropic heat death ending, all is not lost/destroyed, nor is addditional physical/energy created.

I never hold my breath waiting for any around here to offer any ratiaonally logical comments that invalidate most of stated.

That is becuase once we arrive at truth, or near too it, it becomes harder and harder to refine it and to state any rational logic that has intellectual integrity to invalidate what appears as obvious truth.

Pan = all inclusive ergo wholistic integrity.

It appears to me, that most around here are more concerned with the personal ego than they are with a greater integral whole. Go figure.

Thanks for reading my rambling post. Though I wouldn't call it resolve. It's more like, I just never had any belief. I don't claim like some that there are those of us "above" faith, because in spite of never believing in God, I can't quite shake my fear of karmic justice if and when I do something bad, and I've always considered myself to be unlucky even though I can intellectually admit that luck isn't an attribute, simply a result. So I--like pretty much everybody else--am a slave to irrationality at times.

I imagine I never had faith because no one in my house ever told me God was real. He was never the boogeyman to me that he probably was to you--nor was he the caregiver or cosmic father-figure. I did believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny and all other loads of nonsense as a kid, however. Like those mythical figures, of course, I imagine if the notion of God's reality had been hammered into me, I would have eventually come to the same conclusion. I would have perhaps had a more interesting story to tell, though I cringe at the thought of suffering the same "You must hate God" tripe that angry theists fling at you converts.
Again, I appreciate your openness. In truth, one of the reasons that I clung to Christianity was because of my father's beliefs. He died when I was a kid, and to 'honor' him, I stuck with the religion. Abandoning Christianity, and now taking a more agnostic view, has often times left me feeling like my dad died all over again, as if it just happened yesterday. Not until I left it, did I realize how much I viewed faith and Christianity through his eyes, and not mine. :eek:

I think Balerion's background is probably similar to many in this country (me included). I grew up in a religious family (mild church however...Methodist). I went to Sunday School every week and Church occasionally.

I never believed that stuff however. When it was time to take a class for Communion (13) I went to one class and didn't like words being put in my mouth (repeating things) and it felt cult like to me. I never went back.

I did have to continue going to Sunday School until I was about 15 and my mother finally let me quit going. I haven't been to church since.

I'll bet there is a large (maybe majority) of those calling themselves "religious" who don't believe and for whom it's just a cultural thing. I think some people have a harder time going along with the cultural aspects when they really aren't believers (me).
Count your blessings (no pun) that you never succombed to the pressure of those around you, who wished for you to follow a particular religion. I'm not saying an atheist's life is a bed of roses, but being brought up in a faith not of one's choosing, can create a lot of unnecessary issues later in life, should that person start applying logic and reasoning against religious dogma.

Probably one of the most inspiring things about Einstein was his humility.

Did you know he was offered the first Presidency of Israel but graciously declined saying "Ëquations are forever, politics is for the present".

No, I didn't know that. He seemed incredibly authentic in everything he did, and believed, from what I've read about him. A crying shame we will never have the opportunity to meet him.
God 1 > pi/ soul 3 = Universe = flying cOw. This mean cOw flying is IN uNiverse. God 1 say "go forth" which mean cOw go forth IN uNiverse. This clear to English speaker with no mental block. You peoples with ME so far? Yes, ... discuss.
Yes, clearly, I have a mental block. That is obviously the only possibility!
Wow... scratch what I said, looks like you have no clue...

TS, you need to start at the beginning of my post(s) and when you get to a word you don't understand, either consult a dictionary or ask me.
The issue was not one of definition. The issue is that you are failing to elaborate on the subject.

A 10 year can grasp easily the simple concepts in clear format I have posted.
A 10 year old would think you are full of shit and that you are unable to use simple syntax, grammar and proper essay composition.

You and others here have mental block to simple concepts, simple facts and simple truths.
I wouldn't say so, but you certainly have a mental block even when someone actually agrees with you. But now I changed my mind, I don't think you have a clue what you are actually saying.

Your mental blocks may arise for differrent reasons.
Oh please, great master, do enlighten me!


I laid out some but there are more and they all overlap just as the sciences overlap.
Sciences do overlap. I still haven't observed you actually elaborating on that. Which now makes me think you are full of shit.

Please address my comments as stated, and either some rationally logical common sense that invalidates anything I've stated, or access yourself some dictionaries, or be specific with your questions of these simple concepts that appear to not be able to grasp.

Unfortunately, your comments as stated do not make any rational sense whatsoever. It is not that they can't possibly make any rational sense... no... I'm not like the others in this thread who just listen to you and laugh at you, for very good reason, may I add... I can see what you are saying... but I don't think you can see what you are saying, which makes this conversation rather... intriguing... but sad. Seriously. You have to elaborate. It is not my job to do that, it is yours. It is your burden of truth.

The words are English so I understand that may be a problem for some readers.
Probably not for someone who has been speaking for 12 years and also studied etymology, some Greek and some Latin. Probably...

I've always offerred my assistance to those who are sincere in their efforts to understand and actually expand their consicousness on more cosmically generalized scale.
I'm curious to see how you actually do that, because so far you failed miserably with everyone in this thread, including someone who actually agrees with you. And you seriously don't know what pantheism is? Seriously?

God = Universe or vice versa if you prefer.
Yes, you mean that there is only One form of existence which is God, that is, God is the universe itself. Try using English properly.

The sequential order is not significant here.
I appreciate you trying to use math as a linguistic device, but you still need to be more clear. You can't just simplify your equations without showing your work. Let me underline and bold that for you.

You can't just simplify your equations without showing your work.

I believe I have posted clearly definitions of God and made clear to others that having a common agreement on definitions of God and other words is key to having communication.
Good luck with that. People have different subjective understandings of what "god" is. Many will think you are talking about some old dude in the sky.

Spirit-1 = physical/energy or vice versa if you prefer.
Elaborate. Don't just say that, you haven't proven anything. You haven't proven that what you call "spirit-1" is what you call "physical/energy" (incidentally, do you mean "physical divided by energy" or "physical or energy as two different aspects of the same substance")

Get access to some dictionarys and begin to expand your mind.
Learn to spell "dictionary" before saying that to someone.

You might actually enjoy it and learn something in the process.
I'm starting to think you have a loooong way to go...

Btw, if you don't understand me, when you get to a word you don't understand, either consult a dictionary or ask me.

And show your work or I am calling shenanigans on your sorry high ass. :m:
Mentally Blocked Troll Abundance Running Loose

Oops, some one(s) ego is hurt.

God = Universe( occupied space ) is simple not complex unless your have ego blocked mentality.

Universe = God( ess ) is simple concept

Ess = essential phenomena of Universe called gravity. is simple, not complex concept.

Spirit-1 = physical ergo energy i.e. fermions and/or bosons is simple not complex concept.

Spirit-2 = metaphysical mind / intelligence ergo conscious intentions is slightly more complex concept. Maybe 14 year old have easier time of it.

Soul-1 = biological and here you may need a dictionary once again to understand what a biological is.

Gravity is likened to a womb / membrane that surrounds / embraces every particle and contains our finite Universe( occupied space ) as an integral whole.

Contractions IN cause a popping OUT of babies, fermions and bosons etc....

IN-spirited = our initial IN breath after exiting the womb and the birth canal.

OUT-spirited is our last breath OUT in death ensues / follows.

IN is the ESSential force of Universe as it is what contains our Universe( occupied space ) as integral finite whole, even at the Universe's entropic heat death ending, all physical / energy is naught lost/destroyed, nor is naught addditional physical / energy created.

IN is the primary force / phenomena of Universe Contractive IN phenomena lead to all expansive / dispersive, pushing-OUT phenomena. The sun is believed to have come into being as a result of gravitationally contractive IN forces and the sun is expanding in two differrent ways;

1) photons being emitted ergo disperseive OUTward,

2) it will become a red giant(?) or something like that, before it eventually becomes a smaller diameter piece of iron rock.

These are truths are fairly obvious to those who are sincere in there hearts, in their search for truth.

Please share if you have comments that would invalidate any of my comments as stated. To date no one has done that.

I have certainly enraged a lot of troll egos with these truths tho....:(

Please, no trolls with their ridicule and enraged ego's need apply. Please try and help the make the world to be a better place.

God = Universe( occupied space ) is simple not complex unless your have ego blocked mentality.

That looks like an assertion of pantheism. What justifies belief in pantheism?

What does the word 'God' mean? If it just means 'universe', then the assertion would seem to be circular.

I assume that 'uni' is highlighted to emphasize the idea 'one'. Are you suggesting that God is supposedly one and that there is supposedly only one universe, so God must equal universe? Even if we embrace both the monotheistic assumption and the implicit rejection of multiverse possibilities, why should we assume that all unique objects are in fact the same object?

Universe = God( ess ) is simple concept

Universe equals both 'God' and "Goddess'?

Ess = essential phenomena of Universe called gravity. is simple, not complex concept.

The linguistic suffix that distinguishes female divinities from male is gravity?

Spirit-1 = physical ergo energy i.e. fermions and/or bosons is simple not complex concept.

What does 'spirit' mean to you? The word has had several different uses in the history of ideas. What is 'Spirit-1' supposed to mean? Are you trying to perform mathematical operations on spirit? And what does any of this have to do with the fermions and bosons of physics?

Spirit-2 = metaphysical mind / intelligence ergo conscious intentions is slightly more complex concept. Maybe 14 year old have easier time of it.

Are you subtracting 2 from spirit? Or are you trying to suggest that there are different kinds of spirit that you are labeling one and two? What is 'metaphysical mind'? Why should people believe that there is such a thing? Are you equating 'metaphysical mind' with 'intelligence'? And what does 'metaphysical mind/intelligence' have to do with fermions and bosons?

Soul-1 = biological and here you may need a dictionary once again to understand what a biological is.

Many of us know how biologists use the word 'biological'. The problem here is knowing how you are using it. What does the word 'soul' mean? Are you subtracting the number one from soul, or labeling this 'soul type 1'? And what does soul have to do with biology? Using an equals sign doesn't really clarify anything.

Gravity is likened to a womb / membrane that surrounds / embraces every particle and contains our finite Universe( occupied space ) as an integral whole.

The preceding assertions look like ideas taken from western monotheist religious tradition being associated with words seemingly lifted from science. Perhaps the author imagines that they are analogous or something. If so, they might be analogies that only he can perceive.

As far as I'm concerned, none of this is interesting or remotely informative at this point. It might come across better if each step received some plausible explanation. Right now, it's only bizarre.
If you click back a page Yazata, I mentioned Pantheism, and rr6 scoffed at the idea. lol Just wanted to save you the trouble of going down that road.
If you click back a page Yazata, I mentioned Pantheism, and rr6 scoffed at the idea. lol Just wanted to save you the trouble of going down that road.

Yeah, I saw that. I think that you were right, that rr6 is imagining some kind of pantheism. He just seemed to be reluctant to embrace the idea because he was apparently unfamiliar with the word. (English might not be his first language.)

His initial assertion that 'God = Universe' is about as clear a statement of pantheism as could be imagined.
Yes, he is pantheistic, but that is not good enough for him because he wants to have this amazing original idea which nobody ever thought of before, and if you say this idea already existed and someone thought about it before, then he immediately rejects it because it doesn't make him special.
... but that is not good enough for him because he wants to have this amazing original idea which nobody ever thought of before, and if you say this idea already existed and someone thought about it before, then he immediately rejects it because it doesn't make him special.

"talent borrows, genius steals" - oscar wilde

A person can't be a genius if they admit their sources then, hahaha - but the geniuses have at least studied enough to see that everything we discuss is derivative, because the language we use to describe a concept is derivative and shapes communication of it. We can really only ask "how" original something is, not whether it is original.

In the case of this "god =" theory being presented, i think it is safe to say that EVEN the language being used to describe the concept is not derivative, but is mostly original, haha.
Differrent Strokes For Differrent Folks

Fuller approximation] .." Since 1927, whenever i am going to sleep, i always concentrate my thinking on what i call "Ever Rethinking the Lords Prayer" (Richard Buckminister Fuller)

I am confident as specifically argued, my following declaration constitutes a scientifically meticulous, direct-experience-based proof of God.

"Ever Rethinking the Lord's Prayer July 12 1979

To be satisfactory to science
all definitions must be stated
in terms of experience.

I define Universe as
all of humanity's
consciously apprehended
and communicated (to self or others) experiences.

In using the word, God,
I am consciously employing
four clearly differentiated
from one another experience-engendered thoughts.
Firstly I mean:_ those experience-engendered thoughts
which are predicated upon past successions
which are unexpected, human discoveries
of mathematically incisive,
physically demonstrable answers
to what thereto fore had been missassumed
to be forever unanswerable
cosmic magnitude questions
wherefore, I now assume it to be scientifically manifest,
and therefore experientially reasonabl,e that,
scientifically explainable answers
may and probably will
eventually be given to all questions
as engendered in all human thoughts
by the sum total of all human experiences;

wherefore my first meaning for God is:-
all the experientially explained
or explainable answers
to all questions
of all time-

Secondly I mean;-
The individual's memory
of many surprising moments
of dawning comprehension's
of as interrelated significance
to be existent
amongst a number
of what had previously seemed to be
entirely uninterrelated experiences
all of which remembered experiences
engender the reasonable assumption
of the possible existence
of a total comprehension
of the integrated significance-
the meaning- of all experiences.

Thirdly, I mean:-
the only intellectually discoverable
a priori, intellectual integrity
indisputably manifest as
the only mathematically stateable
family of generalized principles-
cosmic laws-
thus far discovered and codified
and ever physically redemonstrable by scientists
to be not only unfailingly operative
but to be in eternal,
omni-interconsiderate, omni-interaccommodative,
governance of the complex of everyday,
naked-eye experiences
as well as of the multi-millions-fold greater range
of only instrumentally explored
infra- and ultra-tuneable
micro- and macro-Universe events.

Fourthly, I mean;-
All the mystery inherent
in all human experience,
which, as a lifetime ratioed to eternity,
is individually limited to almost negligible
twixt sleepings, glimpses
of only a few local episodes
of one of the infinite myriads
of concurrently and overlappingly operative
sum-totally never -ending cosmic scenario serials.

With these four meanings I now directly address God.
"Our God- Since omni-experience is your identity
You have given us overwhelming manifest:-
of Your complete knowledge of Your complete comprehrension
of Your complete concern
of Your complete coordination
of Your complete responsibility
of Your complete capability to cope
in absolute wisdom and effectiveness
with all problems and events
and of Your eternally unfailing reliability
so to do Yours , dear God,
is the only and complete glory.

By glory I mean the synergetic totality
of all physical and metaphysical radiation
and of all physical and metaphysical gravity
of finite but non-unitarily conceptual scenario Universe
in whose synergetic totality
the a priori energy potentials of both radiation and gravity
are initially equal but whose respective behavioral patterns are such
that, radiation's entropic redundant disintegratings
is always less effective than gravity's non redundant syntropic integrating.

Radiation is plural and differentiable,
radiation is focusable, beamable, and self-sinusing, is interceptible, separatist, and biasble- ergo, has shadowed voids and vulnerabilities; Gravity is unit and undifferentiable.

Gravity is comprehensive inclusively embracing and permeative
is non-focusable and shadowless, and is omni-integrative;
all of which characteristics gravity are also the characteristics of love.
Love is metaphysical gravity.

You, Dear God,
are the totally loving intellect ever designing
and ever daring to test
and thereby irrefutably proving
to the uncompromising satisfaction
of Your own comprehensive
and incisive knowledge of the absolute truth
that, Your generalized principles adequately accommodate
any and all special case developments, involvement's,
and side effects;

wherefore Your absolutely courageous,
omni-rigorous and ruthless self-testing alone,
can and does absolutely guarantee,
total conservation of the integrity
of eternally regenerative Universe

Your eternally regenerative scenario Universe
is the minimum complex of totally inter-complementary
totally inter-transforming non-simultaneous,
differently frequenced
and differently enduring
feedback closures of a finite
but non-unitarily conceptual system
in which naught is created and naught is lost
and all occurs in optimum efficiency.
Total accountability and total feedback
constitute the minimum and only
perpetual motion system.

Universe is the one and only
eternally regenerative system.

To accomplish Your regenerative integrity
You give Yourself the responsibility
of eternal, absolutely continuous,
tirelessly vigilant wisdom.

Wherefore we have absolute faith and trust in You,
and we worship You awe-inspiredly,
Amen." ..."
You guys actually read what rr6 is saying??!
Unfortunately it's rather difficult to accuse someone of trolling in the Religion subforum, since religion itself is, basically, trolling. So we Moderators don't have a lot of power here.

For all we know, that gibberish might be copied directly from his religion's holy book.
Unfortunately it's rather difficult to accuse someone of trolling in the Religion subforum, since religion itself is, basically, trolling. So we Moderators don't have a lot of power here.

For all we know, that gibberish might be copied directly from his religion's holy book.

That was religion!? :bugeye:
I could swear it was fancyscience...
Unfortunately it's rather difficult to accuse someone of trolling in the Religion subforum, since religion itself is, basically, trolling. So we Moderators don't have a lot of power here.

For all we know, that gibberish might be copied directly from his religion's holy book.

I will therefore assume you carefully read every post in the religion subforum, and are knowledgeable of all the scriptures of the world's religions, down to chapter and verse.
Unfortunately it's rather difficult to accuse someone of trolling in the Religion subforum, since religion itself is, basically, trolling. So we Moderators don't have a lot of power here.
For all we know, that gibberish might be copied directly from his religion's holy book.
i was going to say something about that, but the above is not really worth a response
Unfortunately, I did. Do you know if there is a way to wash away the horrors that are now permanently imprinted in my brain?
I am very sorry for your misfortune. Religion and spirituality are supposed to lift the spirit into joy. Unfortunately, when you mix science with religion, you get this goopy headcase mess. God created the universe and created certain laws of physics that are observed by the scientific community. The Holy Bible and other religious texts were meant to ease suffering and raise the spirits of believers into levels of joy.
I am very sorry for your misfortune. Religion and spirituality are supposed to lift the spirit into joy. Unfortunately, when you mix science with religion, you get this goopy headcase mess. God created the universe and created certain laws of physics that are observed by the scientific community. The Holy Bible and other religious texts were meant to ease suffering and raise the spirits of believers into levels of joy.

The Holy Bible and other religious texts were meant to ease suffering? Or was it to establish order?

Science and other creative logistics are the actual expressions of the amount of joy and suffering of peoples and the causal forces.