Experiment to test W=mg

Science hasn't got a unifying theory that links the great pillars of physics relativity and quantum together and appears full of corrections such as dark matter and energy, black holes, inflation, tunneling, superpositions, higgs exc. My theory reduces four forces to one, particles to two and dimensions to three and predicts a link between weight and temperature.
And I have got any blue frogs yet
I know how you feel

This experiment should be carried by proper experimentalists to test W=mg.

Not at all. I've read this thread, & there is no compelling reason to undertake an experiment of unknown scope because you think it may overturn E=mc^2.
There is no reason to do an experiment for which there is not first an established hypothesis. (Otherwise, we'd be testing if butterfly wings induce fusion, and whether rocks can write poetry.)
Hypothesis must first have a plausible argument for why you think there should be different results than we expect.

Wait, when did it become a theory? So you have a formal, model for it, and have evidence that demonstrates its predictions?
I wonder if Yaniv has left for another 6 year hibernation? Here's to hoping!:rolleye:
but this thread is about an experiment to test conservation of mass - Not about my theory.

No, this is yet another desperate attempt of yours to get buy-in (@ someone else's expense) for your contrarian idea. Best filed elsewhere.
No, he's just gone to bother some other people with identical crap: http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/30613-experiment-to-test-wmg/

And he's already had the bum's rush from here: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/111313-experiment-to-test-wmg/?page=3

I wonder where he will pop up next........

Ah, I see someone there took care of this:

Apologies for the addendum in a closed thread, but I see no point in having anyone open a new one:


The mass of an excited state of an Fe isotope was measured in the lab, and found to be greater than the mass of the ground state. So unless there is some weird physics be proposed claiming that gravity itself is temperature dependent, this falsifies the claim.

So, the experiment has already been run, and Yaniv's proposal has been disproven - at higher energy, the mass increases (albeit by a tiny amount... which makes sense, since energy isn't exactly a heavy thing).

So, that said... Yaniv, I think we can call your theory

Ah, I see someone there took care of this:

So, the experiment has already been run, and Yaniv's proposal has been disproven - at higher energy, the mass increases (albeit by a tiny amount... which makes sense, since energy isn't exactly a heavy thing).

So, that said... Yaniv, I think we can call your theory

Curving charged particles in a magnetic field is a completely different experiment to weighing a heated metal in vacuum. The use of E=mc2 to calculate mass of particles and conclude my experiment is irrelevant and unnecessary is scientific heresy and an abuse of the scientific method. In other words you so believe your physics is right that you are not interested in test your calculations against experiments. E=mc2 is only a theory, not a fact, and must be tested by many different types of experiments. #ResultsRequired
Curving charged particles in a magnetic field is a completely different experiment to weighing a heated metal in vacuum. The use of E=mc2 to calculate mass of particles and conclude my experiment is irrelevant and unnecessary is scientific heresy and an abuse of the scientific method. In other words you so believe your physics is right that you are not interested in test your calculations against experiments. E=mc2 is only a theory, not a fact, and must be tested by many different types of experiments. #ResultsRequired
See you in another six years.

E=mc2 is only a theory, not a fact, and must be tested by many different types of experiments.

Your 'theory' has now found its appropriate home. Your lack of understanding is not the fault of anyone else's unwillingness to pursue nonsense.
Results are required, Yaniv... specifically, your results. Go test it, and see what happens.

Can't do it? Such a shame... don't expect others to do your homework for you.