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What do the psychologists call this...when you object to your own faults in others? Transference? I call it prejudice. I think the Beakster is just having some fun. No need to get yer knickers in a twist, old buddy.

You appear to be showing your continued prejudiced against AID Arne.
This is a science forum to gain knowledge and remove Ignorance about the Universe/spacetime we inhabit.
Beaconator is doing nothing more than attempted sabotage because he has been exposed as a crank.
What do the psychologists call this...when you object to your own faults in others? Transference? I call it prejudice. I think the Beakster is just having some fun. No need to get yer knickers in a twist, old buddy.

I wrote something about transference once! If I could only remember what that was...

I think prejudice applies to a group of people and I have no real "group" I don't believe...

Unfortunately it is people like you who make some of this "fun" we are all supposed to be having.
I have developed this relatively simple experiment in order to combine our empirical data, and our logical theory, with our tangible technology.

By simple means I intend to show that time was created in equal parts and equal orbits. The first line on the periodic table has only hydrogen and helium. It should have an equal amount of mass in the universe from lithium to neon..

Or H+he=li+be+ B+ C+ N + O +F +Ne in terms of energy and abundance.

Each new orbital should mark an equal amount of energy to the previous orbital in terms of abundance for those chemicals.
I have developed this relatively simple experiment in order to combine our empirical data, and our logical theory, with our tangible technology.

By simple means I intend to show that time was created in equal parts and equal orbits.
That does not even make any sense. The sentence appears to be little more than random words thrown together.

The first line on the periodic table has only hydrogen and helium. It should have an equal amount of mass in the universe from lithium to neon..
Well unfortunately it does not even come close. H and He make up about 98% of the atoms in the universe. As a mass fraction that is about 100X of the next 8 elements.

Each new orbital should mark an equal amount of energy to the previous orbital in terms of abundance for those chemicals.
Well go ahead and do it and let's see the results.

Here is some help to get you started.:

Atomic orbitals

Atomic orbital energy level

Abundance of elements in the universe
If the abundance scale were done by energy instead of by mole each period would be pretty close to equal
This thread makes baby kittens sad...

If the abundance scale were done by energy instead of by mole each period would be pretty close to equal
Really? Could you show that?

What do you mean by "energy"? What energy specifically are you talking about?
Really? Could you show that?

What do you mean by "energy"? What energy specifically are you talking about?

If we were to include the mass of elements in a black hole into the percentages of abundance the periods would be equal in terms of mass energy equivalence. Black holes contain about half the mass in the universe and more heavy elements frozen in time than many stars combine. The percentages of the abundance scale are possibly skewed because they were done by mole not by mass. How were these percentages even derived?
If we were to include the mass of elements in a black hole into the percentages of abundance the periods would be equal in terms of mass energy equivalence.
That is nothing but gibberish.
What energy are you talking about mass-energy equivilance?

Black holes contain about half the mass in the universe
Nope, not even remotely close.

and more heavy elements frozen in time than many stars combine.
More gibberish. Do you think you are making sense or are you just using words you don't understand and hoping it makes sense?

The percentages of the abundance scale are possibly skewed because they were done by mole not by mass
A mole is a number of atoms. mass is mass. using either measure the your original claim is bogus.
When I was ten, my father bought me a hasbro chemistry set. One of the first things I did was dump everything into the same test tube. Same as Beaconator. Same thing happened. A mess I had to clean up.
This thread is being closed since it serves no actual purpose (other than to insult intelligence.)
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