Extant Life on Mars

Tim Beech

Registered Member
For the past two years I have been studying the images returned from the Pathfinder mission and documenting the many strange features found in them. These images have convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt that Mars is indeed a living planet. Most people immediately label me a crackpot as soon as I say this, and I really can't blame them given the information we recieve on the subject from official sources, but I believe what I see is real. For over 15 years I have been an amateur underwater photographer. For two years I lived in Micronesia where I averaged 4 rolls of film a week (not much else to do on a tiny island). I have studied thousands of photographs of camoflauged creatures hiding and living in the sand. In u/w photography you learn to manipulate the light source to get the results you want and I'm sure these are not all tricks of light and shadow. I do not use jpgs in the processing of the images, many of the images have never been compressed until I changed the format to publish on the web. My web page is: http://www.netside.net/~tbeech
Can anybody else see what I do in these images?
For the record; I don't see faces on mars and I have little respect for Richard Hoagland, so lets leave them out of this.

Tim Beech

Ah humans have only been on this planet for 6000 years, and it is reported that the first ones were highly advanced in both tech and culture. So perhape Mars Once did hold life until some natural, or un-natural event occured, causing what we see today 6000 years later

Yours Zygos
Tim, isn't the available information about Mars indicate that it's an extremely hostile environment for life. For example, a drop of water three feet off the ground evaporates before it hits the ground. The atmosphere is very rare which allows that planet to be heavily exposed to radiation. But, your position is that life there would need to be underground. Interesting idea. It's well accepted that Earth has been seeding all the planets and their moons with micro-organisms for billions of years. If there is to be life or fossils found on any of our neighbors, they would have very different dna from anything found here otherwise they most likely originated on Earth.
Life cant exist here... life cant exist there....

Fora people that has visited only 1 planet (earth) and 1 barren rock (the moon), it amazes me how skeptic people are on the conditions there need to be for life to form. How do we know that life NEEDS water to exist? We dont, thats just the only way we have seen it.
I beleive that mars was changed forever from a global disaster, all the evidence shows that there was once water. Was there ife in the first place there? Is there now? We can debate about that all we want but we'll never know for sure until we find out, and its about time we do.
Compared to the conditions where life is being found here on earth, Mars seems pretty hospitable. We have discovered complex ecosystems centered around sulpher vents in complete darkness on the floor of the ocean. The temperature of the water coming out of the vents combined with the extreme high pressure of that depth is high enough to melt lead. We have discovered worms living on and in methane ice mounds on the floor of the Gulf of mexico. These worms feed on the bacteria that is feeding on the methane. Again in complete darkness.
Nothing is known about the location and volume of subsurface water on Mars, but it is known that water can exist in a stable form 1 meter underground in some areas. The Hubble space telescope found evidence of water bearing minerals, probably wet clay, over large parts of the surface. Here is the URL to this press release: http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/pr/1999/07/
The latest findings show that atmospheric dust is a major factor in blocking U/V radiation from reaching the surface. NASA has never included a U/V sensor on any lander so we will have to wait for the UK's Beagle 2 lander in 2003 to find out just how much U/V light actually reaches the surface. None of NASA's current U/V models take dust into consideration. Dr. Gil Levin has put some fascinating papers online regarding water and life on mars at: http://www.biospherics.com/mars/
The Beagle 2 project homepage can be found at:http://beagle2.open.ac.uk/beagle2/
Yes, life exists here in every conceiveable place on this planet but it exists most abundantly in the optimum conditions. As conditions become more severe, life forms diminish. Mars conditions are severe both from the absence of liquid water...as far as we know..but also in it's hostile atmospheric conditions, radiation exposure, etc. If life exists there in any form it most likely came from this planet originally, and it would probably be at a primitive microbe level, not an intelligent alien life form.
Bob, keeping in mind that all things are possible in the arena of human imagination, water in all three form is consider critical for any life form. Water is the only abundan universal solvent. It's needed to moderate temperature changes, and it would be needed to carry nutrients. The same is true for an alien to be carbon based since that is the only element which can bond molecules in a significant fashion. The other two is boran, which is very rare, and silicon which can't bond more than about 30 molecules before deteriorating. It seems to me that it's better to go with the physics we know in these matters.
Paul, I'm of the opinion that the building blocks of life are constantly raining down on all of the planets, and when the conditions are favorable it evolves. The atmospheric conditions on the early earth were very hostile to todays lifeforms too. Many scientists believe that Mars was hospitable to life earlier in the history of our solar system than the Earth was, so it is concievable to speculate that all life on earth originated on Mars. Also, NASA's scientist believe Mars is still holding most of its original water supply beneath the surface. See my earlier post for the URL to the Hubble space telescope press release about the enhanced concentrations of water bearing minerals found on the surface. Keeping in mind that in the martian summer the temperature of the surface of mars can exceed 90 degrees F., that water would be available to the organisms for many hours each day. I see no reason to assume any life on mars must be microbial, or transported from Earth.