Extreme Atheism - leads to a Proxy God by default.

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Um, the clause after the colon. Anyone who believes that "god" has perfect knowledge must also believe that the future is fixed and therefore everything is determined.
not talking about God we are talking about a proxy God by default ...
Except for the fact that I just showed you that your claim "For a person to believe in fatalism and predetermination he MUST be an atheist" is utterly false since a theist can also be a fatalist.
oh I see ...
Perhaps I need to include few extra words, scientific cause and effect fatalism or something similar...what do you think?
Seeing as the context of the thread is such...hmmmm... ok
So what - exactly - is the (not-so) subtle difference between your atheism and "extreme atheism"?
Just the fact that you don't argue against religion?
y u are funny you know...

uhm the topic is extreme atheism... yes?
So why the hell would I wish to argue against religion?

try again:
an extreme atheist
Doesn't believe in the existence of God.
Fatalist that are atheist are extreme atheists

Explain then how a fatalist, predeterminist can believe in God with out serious contradiction.
They can believe that everything that happens, all events, are predetermined to happen as God plans them to.
All our so-called choices.
All our actions.
Try reading the wiki article on "theological determinism".
and before you manipulate the wording as you typically do,
If you wish to accuse me of something, support that accusation.
recall that the thread title states a proxy God by default and explains in the OP why it is a consequence of the fatalist doctrine.
You stated that for a person to believe in fatalism and predeterminism they "MUST" be atheist (you even put that word in CAPS.
This is patently false.
Just read the article and start educating yourself.
Are you suggesting God is responsible for human suffering?
What is responsible for any change? Suffering is a natural survival technique, just as happiness is a survival incentive. ("Movement in the direction of greatest satisfaction")
according to fatalism predetermination the universe (proxy God by default) is indeed responsible for everything....
evangelize deterministic fatalism
  1. convert or seek to convert (someone) to Christianity.
    synonyms:convert, proselytize, bring to God/Christ/Jesus, bring into the fold, redeem, save, make someone change their beliefs/mind, make someone see the light, spread the gospel/faith/word (to), preach (to), seek/make converts (among), act as a missionary;More
    • preach the Christian gospel.
      "the Church's mission to evangelize and declare the faith"
    • Don't use religious terms to identify non-religious beliefs or non-religious practises.
They can believe that everything that happens, all events, are predetermined to happen as God plans them to.
All our so-called choices.
All our actions.
Try reading the wiki article on "theological determinism".
But the context is scientific fatalism not religious fatalism.
If you wish to accuse me of something, support that accusation.
If I am called upon by the moderators I certainly can and will.
You stated that for a person to believe in fatalism and predeterminism they "MUST" be atheist (you even put that word in CAPS.
This is patently false.
Just read the article and start educating yourself.
true I should have included for the children in the room the term scientific fatalism just to be sure you knew the context.

My bad and apologies.... better now?
not talking about God we are talking about a proxy God by default ...
Oh, this is, apparently, another one of your personal definitions.
Please explain how a "proxy god" is not a actually "god".

oh I see ...
Perhaps I need to include few extra words, scientific cause and effect fatalism or something similar...what do you think?
No. What you need to do is stop making false assertions.

y u are funny you know...
So the "difference" is that you - somehow - aren't an "extreme atheist" simply because you don't subscribe to fatalism?

uhm the topic is extreme atheism... yes?
So why the hell would I wish to argue against religion?
So - again - what is the difference between your atheism and "extreme atheism"?
try again:
an extreme atheist
Doesn't believe in the existence of God.
ALL atheists fall under the category of "doesn't believe in god". That's what makes them atheist.
Fatalist that are atheist are extreme atheists
Ah, now we appear to be getting somewhere.
Unfortunately that's not the same as "extreme atheists must be fatalists" unless "fatalist atheist" is your "definition" of "extreme atheist". In which case the claim (thread premise) is merely tautological.[/QUOTE]
according to fatalism predetermination the universe (proxy God by default) is indeed responsible for everything....
It's already been pointed out to you that the universe doesn't conform to any definition of "god" making the term "proxy god" sort of meaningless.
(You earlier asked me what I understood by "proxy god" - so far you haven't disputed that or provided any definition of your own).
But the context is scientific fatalism not religious fatalism.
It damn well is when you make the claim that fatalism is ONLY possible for atheists.
    • Don't use religious terms to identify non-religious beliefs or non-religious practises.
Good advise!
swap it with proselytize and use that one instead...

convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
"the programme did have a tremendous evangelical effect, proselytizing many"

No. I believe that extreme atheism leads to a proxy God by default.
You have stated that, but that doesn't change what else you have also said.
You can't hope people will ignore one part of what you say by referring back to another thing you have said.

You have stated that anyone who believes in determinism is a fatalist, and thus an extremist.
So that, as evidence above, includes theists as well as atheists.
You then say that to be a fatalist one must be an atheist.
Thus you don't say that they are an extremist and an atheist, you instead change the word from a noun to an adjective and apply it to the atheism, such that they become an "extreme atheism"
How you fit into the picture is entirely up to you to decide not me...
I know where I fit, yet you are referring to me as an extremist.
Do you honestly consider me an extremist?
Why so defensive?
Because you have called me an extremist.
You have used a pejorative and dangerous term to describe anyone who considers freewill and predeterminism (that involves a non-trivial notion of freedom) to be non-existent.
You have then fallaciously rolled that term, along with the incorrect claim that they MUST be an atheist, to conclude that they are an "extreme atheist".

Further you have ignored the vast majority of the criticisms of your "argument".
Are you going to address them, or simply point to the thread title and ignore them?
"Universe ( proxy God) did it" is NOT sufficient for a logical argument either...
"It" being the Universes mind control of human choices and self determinism.
Agreed, but Universal potentials is sufficient for a logical argument.
The Universe is an IT. It's a geometric spacetime construct.
according to fatalism predetermination the universe (proxy God by default) is indeed responsible for everything....
Well, good luck with that one. IMO, mathematical values and dynamic functions are responsible for everything. They have practical application in reality.
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But the context is scientific fatalism not religious fatalism.

If I am called upon by the moderators I certainly can and will.

true I should have included for the children in the room the term scientific fatalism just to be sure you knew the context.

My bad and apologies.... better now?
There is no difference between the two.
Predeterminism is the same, no matter the clothes it wears.
Same with fatalism.

Care to actually address the criticisms now?
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Oh, this is, apparently, another one of your personal definitions.
Please explain how a "proxy god" is not a actually "god".
it's not... it is a proxy God a universe that has some of the powers of God attributed to it...

ie. Mind control, predetermination of human activity etc, that sort of thing...
No. What you need to do is stop making false assertions.

apart from semantic issues what have I written that is false?
So the "difference" is that you - somehow - aren't an "extreme atheist" simply because you don't subscribe to fatalism?
I certainly do not subscribe to Fatalism of any kind...
Ah, now we appear to be getting somewhere.

I am glad to hear it....
It's already been pointed out to you that the universe doesn't conform to any definition of "god" making the term "proxy god" sort of meaningless.
(You earlier asked me what I understood by "proxy god" - so far you haven't disputed that or provided any definition of your own).
Apologies if I missed something..

A universe that controls the minds, will and self determination of the human race is in deed a proxy God by default.
Of course it isn't a God and only a proxy God because fatalism is so heavily contradicted by the consequence of it's own logic.
It damn well is when you make the claim that fatalism is ONLY possible for atheists.

never said that... or did I? Please quote the post...
a have a look see... how many images do you want for examples:
You can attach as many images as you want, but until you start to actually explain why they are examples of genuine (I.e. non-trivial) free will and self-determination, rather than examples of the illusion of those things, all you're doing is posting images.
There is no argument by you behind those images.
Are you going to offer an argument that is not based on false premises, nor on formally and informally fallacious logic?
here is no difference between the two.
Predeterminism and fatalism is the same, no matter the clothes it wears.
hmmm... according to my research that is not exactly true in all cases.
Fatalism most often includes pre-determinism but not always.
Pre-determinism I believe always includes fatalism...
but it is a research in progress, only started a few hours ago...
rather than examples of the illusion of those things,
you have no proof that it is an illusion apart from a logic puzzle.
Why would I have to believe that it is an illusion?
No evidence that is an illusion?
No mechanism for the universe to have control
Gosh scientific Fatalism is so full of weaknesses it isn't funny.
The illusion is YOUR premise not mine...

Tell us all, are you a scientific Fatalist who believes in predetermination as well...?
Do you often belief in stuff with out evidence to support that belief?

Notes: Believing in stuff with out evidence to support that belief...
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Good advise!
swap it with proselytize and use that one instead...
convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
"the programme did have a tremendous evangelical effect, proselytizing many"
It is a pro-religious term and does not apply to atheists.

One does not proselytize for atheism. If you wish to believe in a god, fine. Just don't try to use that as a scientific argument. And if you do, be prepared to come up with something equal to QM or GR, not God IS.
according to fatalism predetermination the universe (proxy God by default) is indeed responsible for everything....
Says who? And does that make it so?

You want an implaccably functioning proxy god? Mathematics, there you have it.
One can even make a strong case that mathematics represents a form of quasi-intelligence.

Are you going to object to that? And if not, does mathematics require belief? Why?
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hmmm... according to my research that is not exactly true in all cases.
Fatalism most often includes pre-determinism but not always.
Pre-determinism I believe always includes fatalism...
Prior to you ousting this I amended the wording to be clearer, as I realised you might have interpreted it as you have.
To be clear, I am not assaying predeterminism and fatalism are the same, but that wherever you find fatalism or predeterminism, they are the same fatalism or predeterminism, irrespective of the clothes they wear.
you have no proof that it is an illusion apart from a logic puzzle.
If you want to post images as examples of things being genuine you have to actually provide support for interpreting them as genuine and not as illusions.
That you can't follow, or don't accept the logic, even though you have considered it valid previously, is irrelevant.
The illusory freewill, and illusory predetermination, lead to those same images.
So you have to do more than just posting the images and claiming that they are evidence of one while not being evidence of the other.
Why would I have to believe that it is an illusion?
You don't.
No evidence that is an illusion?
The assumption of the deterministic universe, and the logic that follows.
I could point to any picture you post, even your posts themselves, as being just as much evidence of one position as the other.
No mechanism for the universe to have control
You mean other than the assumed deterministic nature of the universe?
Gosh scientific Fatalism is so full of weaknesses it isn't funny.
When you want to point one out, feel free.
At the moment you have your own arguments from ignorance and personal incredulity.
No actual (valid) argument, though, from you.
Tell us all, are you a scientific Fatalist who believes in predetermination as well...?
I am someone arguing a position.
My own beliefs or lack thereof have nothing to do with the issue.
Do you often belief in stuff with out evidence to support that belief?
Show me where I have done so?

And you are still ignoring all the criticisms previously raised.
you have to actually provide support for interpreting them as genuine and not as illusions.
I am not the one making the claim that self determination is an illusion... you are..

The assumption of the deterministic universe, and the logic that follows.
I could point to any picture you post, even your posts themselves, as being just as much evidence of one position as the other.

and who is making that assumption of a deterministic universe of the fatalist kind?
Not I...

You mean other than the assumed deterministic nature of the universe?

who's assumption are we talking about?
I am sorry but your assumed determinism leads to a proxy God by default and I don't believe in God, proxy or otherwise. But I do believe in self determination and freewill as is self evident.
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