Aussie blessing:... May your chooks turn into Emus and kick ya dunny door down.
"If your Aunty had balls, she'd be your uncle."
gay as a window
I don't understand either of those. :shrug:
I don't understand either of those. :shrug:
I love that one Orleander.
I quite like " dryer than a dead dingo's donger ( in a north wind)"
I like "Dryer than Grandmas cunt" myself.
Well this is a thread about slang so I can hardly fault people for listing slang expressions. However I do wish they would venture out into another source of expressions rather than getting locked into sex and profanity. How about professional slang?Hella funny thread, but I think we're heading for the Cesspool
cruisin for a bruisin
Well this is a thread about slang so I can hardly fault people for listing slang expressions. However I do wish they would venture out into another source of expressions rather than getting locked into sex and profanity. How about professional slang?