Film/Movie Recommendations

We watched the new King Kong movie last night. It was entertaining, and it didn't try to be anything more than what it is, an action movie.

A little silly a little long... nuthin particularly memorable about it... but the actin an story was good enuff that i didnt miss a second of it :)

I give it a 4/10.!!!

Yeah, it's a good trailer.
I wish I could say the same for the show. It doesn't know if it wants to be a comedy or a drama.

I'm far from cynical; I'm usually positive about new shows, and give them every chance I can, but the plots are unoriginal, as are the characters. They're stolen from old shows and added a quick coat of paint.

I'm getting the strong feeling this is a vanity project: MacFarlane exercising wish-fulfillment by replaying Star Trek episodes with himself as lead.

GalaxyQuest managed to do this successfully, because it didn't shy from the fact that it was a direct parody (in fact, that was its central theme).

I wish producers had either taken more control, to make it what it could have been, or let go Seth's reins and see what he could do.

Just watched Galaxy Quest an i liked it.!!!
No big belly laffs but lots of chuckles along the way... the semi-star cast blended well together an it had a very satisfyin endin.!!!

I give it a 5/10.!!!
blade runner 2049 has a 8.5 rating on imdb. i've read the reviews and wonder if they saw another film. i don't know where the 185 million budget went. it had too slow pacing for no content resulting in boredom that you didn't care anymore and especially for the characters which were less than one-dimensional if that's even possible, lots of not so appealing or mundane visuals/cinematography except for a couple shots, bad acting and especially everyone was mis-cast except for the token appearances by former blade runner cast. a subpar artsy-fartsy snoozefest. planet

"Nothing else has ever looked or felt like director René Laloux s animated marvel Fantastic Planet, a politically minded and visually inventive work of science fiction. The film is set on a distant planet called Ygam, where enslaved humans (Oms) are the playthings of giant blue natives (Draags). After Terr, kept as a pet since infancy, escapes from his gigantic child captor, he is swept up by a band of radical fellow Oms who are resisting the Draags oppression and violence. With its eerie, coolly surreal cutout animation by Roland Topor; brilliant psychedelic jazz score by Alain Goraguer; and wondrous creatures and landscapes, this Cannes-awarded 1973 counterculture classic is a perennially compelling statement against conformity and violence."
blade runner 2049 has a 8.5 rating on imdb. i've read the reviews and wonder if they saw another film. i don't know where the 185 million budget went. it had too slow pacing for no content resulting in boredom that you didn't care anymore and especially for the characters which were less than one-dimensional if that's even possible, lots of not so appealing or mundane visuals/cinematography except for a couple shots, bad acting and especially everyone was mis-cast except for the token appearances by former blade runner cast. a subpar artsy-fartsy snoozefest.
Did you like the first one?
I liked Wonder Woman.
I finaly saw it an now have a review:::

It had it all... the obligatory repiticious/borin fight scenes whare the 2 super powers knocked each other the length of a foot ball field wit little ill effect... but it also included a good Wonder Woman an the childhood story about how she came to be... plus good action scenes at the beginin wit her sord shield bow an arm bands.

The movie was about an hour to long but i give the 70 minutes i liked a 7/10
I finaly saw it an now have a review:::

It had it all... the obligatory repiticious/borin fight scenes whare the 2 super powers knocked each other the length of a foot ball field wit little ill effect... but it also included a good Wonder Woman an the childhood story about how she came to be... plus good action scenes at the beginin wit her sord shield bow an arm bands.

The movie was about an hour to long but i give the 70 minutes i liked a 7/10
So, you went to see a Superhero movie, and were disappointed by the abundance of Superhero scenes. :wink:
So, you went to see a Superhero movie, and were disappointed by the abundance of Superhero scenes. :wink:
O... so its called "Superhero scenes"... yes... they SUCK :tongue:

I also wasnt a fan of the kryptonite episodes in the original Superman tv series... i liked the other episodes whare he was challenged but not near death... an used his brains an brawn to defeat the bad guys.!!!

One of the reasons i liked "The Mask" (wit Jim Carry) so much is that his super power always worked to perfection.!!!
Few films I have seen recently:

12 Years a Slave - cinematography was great.
Free State of Jones - good film, well acted by McConaughey - and interesting story about part of the civil war you don't often hear about (if at all).
Inferno - 3rd film about Dan Brown's academic hero after DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons. Pretty rubbish, predictable and seemed Hank was almost doing it out of obligation.
The Martian - never read the book but the film is good... scratches all the nerd spots. :)
