Fortean phenomena

LOL! You can cherry pick articles all day long from the web and post them, but that's not going to make all these compelling encounters I've posted here and other places go away. They happened. They're real. And saying they don't exist won't make a damn bit of difference. Ain't reality great? It stays there whether you believe in it or not.
Here's a remarkable sighting by three scientists from Down Under. Note the detailed description. The devil's always in the details.
UFO sighting 1970 Tanami Desert Northern Territory

Dated: August 1970
Location: Mongrel Downs Station near WA border half way between Alice Springs & Darwin

Names have been witheld by request.

Three very highly educated and qualified people:

"One Geophysicist; Two Geologists, all involved in Mineral Exploration and Mapping, employed by a mining company in Tennant Creek working in the Tanami Desert. One of the witnesses has since gone on to become a member of parliament in Western Australia.

Land marks - Granite & Rabbit Flats Northern territory.

At the time of the sighting we were on a property called Mongrel Downs Station close to the western Australian boarder. At the time of the sighting we stopped our two land rovers at a location known as the Three Officers Hill, which are several hundred feet high in an otherwise flat landscape for virtually hundreds of miles.

We saw 2 UFOs same design size with pulsing flame or lights yellowish flashing from underneath "exhaust" at about a second between each flash the distance was about only 300 yards from our position at about eye level with an above ground level altitude of only several hundred feet.

It appeared as if they were on a "Sunday afternoon cruise" the UFOs traveling at slow speed maybe 50 miles per hour were visible until they disappeared across the horizon they took a good minute or to to pass our position and disappear.


Circular with a cabin on top with portholes both visible both with pulsing flame/light flashing at about 1 second intervals the size according to my friend T our Geophysicist about thirty feet in diameter. The colour was silver the machines were silent and no exhaust smoke but the underneath exhaust flashed about each second.

From our position we were looking north the UFOs were traveling west to east at low speed and low altitude, therefore we had a remarkable dress circle view of the objects.

The atmospherics was a typical Northern Territory winters day, the time was about 3.00 p.m the sun was just to the back of us, not a cloud in the sky visibility about 20 miles.

The UFOs were traveling at a slow speed and maintained that slow speed and low altitude maybe for 500 yards above ground level despite the time it took to pass over our dress circle position. They traveled one behind another.

The motion of the UFO traveling ahead appeared to be vibrating at the front the other following close behind in smooth motion perhaps in the slip stream (was the front one wounded???)

Several days latter we returned from our bush location and called into Mongrel Downs Station and informed the owners of these events.

The owner of Mongrel Downs Station informed us that several months earlier strange lights were observed coming from the area we had been in late one evening

They informed the Department of Civil Aviation Darwin of the happenings and we called on R.A.A.F Officers for details and were subsequently and officially informed “Surveyors were working in the area (“That's Bollocks'). In those days surveyors could not work at night besides any human species wondering around that ultra remote area would be known and permission to be on the property would be sought by the owner.

The Government explanation was a load of bull Diane. I remember this event as though it happened just yesterday.

They are among us observing the bloody mess we are making of our beautiful planet.

Food for thought.

For example should you draw a line between the US submarine base at Exmouth Gulf of Western Australia and the US base at Pine Gape in Alice Springs one could maybe construed that was the approximate line those space vehicles were traveling on ???.

Almost immediately after our sighting I purchased Bruce Cathy's book Harmonic ECT and in his book he has pictures of these things, some were absolutely identical to what we saw on that sunny afternoon at Mongrel Downs Station Tanami Desert Northern Territory mid August 1970."----
Here's a remarkable sighting by three scientists from Down Under.
What's remarkable about this new anecdote?

Names have been witheld by request.

Three very highly educated and qualified people:
Nameless people who can't be tracked and might not even exist in reality. Wow. Remarkable.

We saw 2 UFOs same design size with pulsing flame or lights yellowish flashing from underneath "exhaust" at about a second between each flash the distance was about only 300 yards from our position at about eye level with an above ground level altitude of only several hundred feet.
Not much to go on here, is there? Even if the nameless person didn't just make it up. If the nameless person exists at all.

Circular with a cabin on top with portholes both visible both with pulsing flame/light flashing at about 1 second intervals the size according to my friend T our Geophysicist about thirty feet in diameter.
How did T measure the size and distance of the "object"?

Several days latter we returned from our bush location and called into Mongrel Downs Station and informed the owners of these events.

The owner of Mongrel Downs Station informed us that several months earlier strange lights were observed coming from the area we had been in late one evening
Must have been the same thing. Or not.

They informed the Department of Civil Aviation Darwin of the happenings and we called on R.A.A.F Officers for details and were subsequently and officially informed “Surveyors were working in the area (“That's Bollocks').
So, nothing official lends support to the anecdote, then? How unusual.

The Government explanation was a load of bull Diane. I remember this event as though it happened just yesterday.
Oh, a government conspiracy in a UFO report. How remarkable.

They are among us observing the bloody mess we are making of our beautiful planet.

Food for thought.
Environmental proselitising in a UFO report? That's a not-uncommon trend these days. How remarkable.

For example should you draw a line between the US submarine base at Exmouth Gulf of Western Australia and the US base at Pine Gape in Alice Springs one could maybe construed that was the approximate line those space vehicles were traveling on ???.
Did anybody bother to actually do that, or is this just idle speculation? How remarkable.

Almost immediately after our sighting I purchased Bruce Cathy's book Harmonic ECT and in his book he has pictures of these things, some were absolutely identical to what we saw on that sunny afternoon at Mongrel Downs Station Tanami Desert Northern Territory mid August 1970."----
Well, that settles it. It's aliens for sure! Remarkable.[/quote]
What's remarkable about this new anecdote?

Nameless people who can't be tracked and might not even exist in reality. Wow. Remarkable.

Not much to go on here, is there? Even if the nameless person didn't just make it up. If the nameless person exists at all.

How did T measure the size and distance of the "object"?

Must have been the same thing. Or not.

So, nothing official lends support to the anecdote, then? How unusual.

Oh, a government conspiracy in a UFO report. How remarkable.

Environmental proselitising in a UFO report? That's a not-uncommon trend these days. How remarkable.

Did anybody bother to actually do that, or is this just idle speculation? How remarkable.

Well, that settles it. It's aliens for sure! Remarkable.

Can't debunk it so you mock it? Typical debunker failed strategy. Think I'll believe their story over yours James. You weren't there afterall. And three geologists out working in the outback certainly have no agenda to push like you do.
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LOL! Can't refute it so you mock it? Typical debunker failed strategy. Think I believe their story over yours James. You weren't there afterall.[/QUOTE]
:) Reminds me of the constant mocking by a poster with the initials MR, of any and all suggestions put as possible outcomes of some of these sightings you like to dig up on u tube. :) :rolleyes:
Triangle UFOs are often shown to be birds in v formation.
I can see how birds can even appear "metallic" as yesterday I saw some birds with the Sun behind them and the way they looked was surprising.
They looked like little mirrors such was the effect.
So I think it would be easy for folk to mistake birds for UFOs particularly when they fly in a v formation.
And of course once your mind is made up one tends to stick to an opinion.
Triangle UFOs are often shown to be birds in v formation.
I can see how birds can even appear "metallic" as yesterday I saw some birds with the Sun behind them and the way they looked was surprising.
They looked like little mirrors such was the effect.
So I think it would be easy for folk to mistake birds for UFOs particularly when they fly in a v formation.
And of course once your mind is made up one tends to stick to an opinion.

Especially at night too when they glow like spotlights. :rolleyes:
I don't "believe" anything. I know ufos are real, but I have no idea what they are. I know they aren't manmade or naturally cause. They are real mysteries. That's not a certain scenario by any stretch.[?QUOTE]
:?:?:?:confused::confused::confused: Your confusing statements are confusing me!
You know UFO's exist, you have no idea what they are, and you know they are not man made or due to any possible natural cause on Earth, except you have personally elliminated anything and everything other than Aliens or time travellers......:rolleyes:

Then why are you so certain ufos don't exist? If you're not getting that certainty from science, where ARE you getting it from?
Science is always open for new discoveries and observations...theories are mostly improved on: That's why science is paramount and none of us can live without it. There of course is no certainty with UFO's of Alien origin, because the extraordinary evidence required is just not there at this time.
But take hope MR: Many are confident that ETL will be confirmed [by science] within the next decade.:smile:
Do you think the trumpet sounds are UFOs, Magical Realist?
Or some other kind of woo?
Perhaps angels announcing the coming of the end times?

Righto Jamesy boy..all this fortean phenomena I'm posting here is from "aliens". The SHC's,,the frogs from the sky..ectoplasm from mediums...and unexplained noises from the sky. It's all your aliens..You happy now? You finally got your aliens. lol!
Righto Jamesy boy..all this fortean phenomena I'm posting here is from "aliens". The SHC's,,the frogs from the sky..ectoplasm from mediums...and unexplained noises from the sky. It's all your aliens..You happy now? You finally got your aliens. lol!
That's all you've got in response to my six detailed posts above? 3 lines? And you ignored all the stuff on the Portage County UFO. Why?

And yes, I know the SHCs, the frogs from the sky, the ectoplasm and mediums are all woo. Call them aliens if you like; it doesn't bother me either way.
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Magical Realist:

Please use my chosen screen name to refer to me on sciforums. Not "old man". Not "Jamesy boy". You may refer to me as "James R" or "James".

As you will be aware, it is a breach of our site rules to call other members names. I would hate to see you banned for such a minor offence.

I'm sure you can find some manners within yourself somewhere.
Site rules said:
Referring to other members
H4. Refer to other members by their chosen screen names. The deliberate alteration of a member’s name to insult or demean him or her is unacceptable.
Magical Realist:

Please use my chosen screen name to refer to me on sciforums. Not "old man". Not "Jamesy boy". You may refer to me as "James R" or "James".

As you will be aware, it is a breach of our site rules to call other members names. I would hate to see you banned for such a minor offence.

I'm sure you can find some manners within yourself somewhere.

LOL! Oh goody. Threats of banning me again. And finally a very good reason to ignore you for good.. Ta ta..
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