Forum purging and the female orgasm.

Yah. Which gets increasingly hard to become reality once you live out in the country.
It's not like you'll need a computer repairman for anything you can do. Any problems you have people like me can help you fix. Nothing you do will prevent you from getting on the internet, so just go for it. There's virtually no chance of anything going wrong anyway. You'd practically have to know less than what it takes to post on this forum, and be unable to read with a trigger-happy clicking finger. ;) Just read what's on the screen and you'll be fine.
Which themes do you like Alpha?
I like the Qute theme or the Silver Skin version of it. Most others I've seen don't appeal to me, though I haven't seen most of them. I know the Qute theme 'cause it's what the default theme was before 0.9.
Someting that rhymes with Rosa.

Damn inside jokes.

You're waiting for me to throw fits of anger here, aren't you, Invert?

I'll tell you something: You *are* the grasshopper with one leg bitten off.
What? It was a way of chanting, a football chant of sorts. I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with Rosa so I cheated. What's your deal?
Okay, for everybody who doesn't know what rhymes with Rosa: koza.

"Koza" is a Slovene word that means 'goat', and is used if you want to say to a woman that she's stupid. Invert knows this word, and some other people here as well.

You couldn't think of anything that rhymed with Rosa? But you sure know the word koza, you've been using it lately ... Subconscious plagiarising, yes.
Jesus Christ, Rosa... I'm sorry. I completely forgot about that. I was even wondering if something rhymed with Rosa that offended. No, I didn't mean that at all. I'm sorry. Very sorry.

Edit: I jokingly called you a koza earlier, sort of. As in stubborn goat. But, I meant nothing by it. Is this a grave insult? Again apologies

Edit: To all concerned. I really didn't think about Koza when I wrote that. If I had I would have used Koza. I didn't think it was so offensive. Obviously I was wrong. It must be more offensive than my American ears make it. This is the dangers of learning little words in a foreign language. We don't learn the full context of the word in the original language.
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I think Rosa took "something that rhymes with Rosa" to mean something specific you weren't specifying (koza), even though you intended it to be general 'cause you didn't come up with anything specific. It's the language barrier, methinks.

No big deal, just a misunderstanding. Move along, be happy, install Firefox, be happier... etc. ;) :p

I've been considering what you mentioned of your reasons for not using Firefox in your PM. Let me lay it out for those who are following along (if we have not driven them away.)

1. You are not the sole user of your computer.
2. The software is not translated to slovenian.
3. You are unsure of your ability to confgure it properly. (Said in here, not the PM.)

Are there any others? It's rather late and I'm suffering a bit of insomnia so if I'm missing anything, please add it to the tally.

Now, let me address your issues.

1. The software package is quite small. 4.84 MB install exe. 14.32 MB installed (in my case. With a few themes and extensions). It also does not have to be the default browser. If you wish, you can use it yourself and others who use your computer can continue to use IE as they've always done.

2. I had wondered about a Slovenian translation of your operating system. And here's the beauty of open source software. You say that Firefox is not translated to Slovenian? Guess what? You can make yourself famous by doing so. You are not a programmer I imagine. And I am not familiar enough with gecko to help. But, perhaps Alpha is. Or perhaps Alpha can point you to someone whom you can team up with and translate it. Or perhaps Gecko is so simple that I could figure it out and team up with you to accomplish it. Imagine that, Rosa. You could be responsible for bringing this software to your country. Making it accessible to your people as it has never been before. Woudn't that stir a bit of pride in yourself?

3. I am utterly confident that you will easily be able to install and configure the software. It is a piece of cake. Easy as pie.

If we have driven people away from this thread with our little misunderstanding, I shall post it either in the Opera thread where Alpha's original post detailing the use of Adblock was, or I shall make a new thread committed to just it's purpose. For some reason, I am mildly excited about this idea.

Edit: Heh, I see that I haven't driven everyone off. Alpha replied while I was composing this post. What do you think, Alpha? How easy would a translation be? I can't imagine it being difficult.

And, yeah, Rosa and I have worked out our differences. I hope. I was an ass for not realizing what I said. I should have known what rhymed with Rosa. I had been using it here and there throughout the forums. Perhaps it was just my minds way of screwing with me. :p
As for issue #1: doesn't matter. Installing Firefox doesn't prevent anyone from using IE (though they shouldn't be).
2. The software is not translated to slovenian.
3. You are unsure of your ability to confgure it properly. (Said in here, not the PM.)
You don't have to configure it "properly". The only configuring you ought to do is customizations to make it how you like it (mainly by adding the extensions you want).
Heh, I see that I haven't driven everyone off. Alpha replied while I was composing this post. What do you think, Alpha? How easy would a translation be? I can't imagine it being difficult.
See above. :)
Wait, that is "Slovak Mozilla". I might be wrong here, but I bet that Slovak is Czechoslavakian. Slovenian is a different language. Am I right, Rosa?
invert_nexus said:
Damn, and I was hoping to make Rosa famous... :(

Make me famous?! Why? I don't want to be famous. By the way I've been treated lately, I'm notorious.
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And, boys, I am going to have to flee from here. It's Rosa this, Rosa that. I see my name mentioned waaaay to frequently. What am I to you?! I dread to think.
Make me famous?! Why? I don't want to be famous. By the way I've been treated lately, I'm notorious.

A joke. I doubt you'd become famous for helping translate mozilla and/or firefox to your native language. You would be helpful though.

Notorious...? Ok...

And, boys, I am going to have to flee from here. It's Rosa this, Rosa that. I see my name mentioned waaaay to frequently. What am I to you?! I dread to think.

What are you? Well, you're a person using an unsafe browser on an unsafe operating system on an unsafe internet. You may have missed other browser threads that have gone on around here, you're hardly unique. Alpha is the most bravely spoken proponent of firefox, and I have always recommended mozilla and/or firefox.

But... Ok... I guess that's it then, isn't it? We tried.

Interesting reaction, I must say... Consider this discussion ended, for me anyhow. I can't promise Alpha won't continue, as I said he is the foremost FireFox spokesperson on this site.
I don't mean to be ungrateful -- I think you are wonderful, guys. Thank you. :)

I just felt a bit overwhelmed by your attention, that's all.
Alpha is the most bravely spoken proponent of firefox, and I have always recommended mozilla and/or firefox.
Considering I've been able to back up my claims, does that really require any bravery? Or perhaps you meant something else?

I just felt a bit overwhelmed by your attention, that's all.
Just trying to be helpful.
I just had so much sex yesterday that I'm sore! I needed to put a bandaid on my... anyways she seemed to come out of that more satisfied then I as I needed to fake it in the end so I could stop and consol my wounded member.

I meant brave as in a confident spokesman. Not that you needed to be brave in order to push Firefox.


Those kegels workin' out? She gettin' tighter now? And, how do you fake it? She can't tell when you finish your business? Unless you're wearing a rubber, and if you are wearing a rubber, how do you wound your precious? I suppose if it's chafing at the ring maybe. Or maybe you're getting condoms that are too big? Lay off the magnums if you're a junior size. :p
It was more like it was the wrong time of the month and she was way to rough and tight, and I just pretended I was finished and rolled of squealing in pain. but ya the kegels were working thanks.