Forums thieve !

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Conspiracy - The purpose of science forums is to steal peoples ideas !
It's true!!
We are going to steal your ideas and present them as our own, and take all the credit, ha ha ha!

The only way to stop us is to stop posting.
Conspiracy - The purpose of science forums is to steal peoples ideas !
Like your idea that rockets are impossible? Yep, lots of money in that idea. Or how about that idea you had that we are really living on a super-massive hollow ball instead of the Earth? You could make tens of dollars selling that to a conspiracy website! I certainly hope no one steals that idea from you.
If you are stupid enough to post ideas that you think are worth stealing on a forum, then its is highly unlikely that you are smart enough to have ideas worth stealing.
Conspiracy - The purpose of science forums is to steal peoples ideas !

to obvious

The only way to stop us is

everyone knows people think when they use the toilet

that is why toilet paper reads your mind and then when you flush the toilet it sends all those thoughts down the sewer to people who steal them

this is why you should never poop in the toilet(or at-least always take your own toilet paper that you have made yourself at home from recycled cardboard & christmas tinsel).
just do it in your pants and become rich and famous

and be very very careful that you do not use any santa soap

if you use santa soap it will make you give away all your stuff to poor filthy children

get down that chimney like santa before i give you something to really cry about & this time bring back the sherry & biscuits
Moderator note: Spencer666 has been permanently banned from sciforums for trolling. (The reasons go beyond what has been posted in this thread.)

Conspiracy - The purpose of science forums is to steal peoples ideas !
Even in the Conspiracies subforum, it is expected that some kind of argument or evidence will be provided in support of assertions.
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