Fraggle:Conduct Unbecoming

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Bono. No Bow.
See, that's the way I felt that night...

Oh, right. This is a family site, suitable for work and all...
I saw the thread title from afar and thought "I bet it's Gustav's thread". My psychic powers are still accurate it seems.
Ahhh. Bonobos... Closest relative, right? I think I might have accidentally spent a little too much time with one, after closing time at the pub... Or maybe not?

I first encountered them while studying sexuality at u. They are remarkably similar to us humans in many ways, though they do go a bit further (sexually) than most of us do. I guess an adequate summary would be to say that pretty much everybody gets to be with pretty much everybody and anybody - pretty much without exception. With lots of variety and enthusiasm. :eek:

Ending up with a Bonobo partner would be extremely entertaining at the very least...and there would be absolutely no doubt whatsoever that they would indeed follow through.......with great enthusiasm. ;)
I think it's safe to say this thread has run it's course... since it has now gotten to the part where people are talking about Bonobo and such...
Another thread successfully jacked. :wtf:

Gustav would be right proud of us. :D
please sanction these insulting and hate filled comments. moderators should not overtly refer to members in such demeaning terms. nor should they frivolously advocate the destruction of societal institutions that clearly fulfill a need of the general populace. furthermore, the implied genocide of religious practitioners is extremely disturbing. i mean, how would one go about getting "rid of them all"? outlaw and disband all religious institutions? demolish all synagogues, churches, mosques and temples?

none of that would even remotely eradicate humanity's impulse towards religious expression. it would just cause a radicalization of large segments of the worlds population. the responses to that will then be defined by the slippery slope. when the gulags are full, the calls for a final solution will become insistent and inevitable.

i suggest that sciforums not host the seeds to such inhumane depravity.

i suggest that frag be placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.
there is a clear admission of an intent to insult and that cannot be ignored or glossed over if the staff intends to relate to the community in good faith. the community has been banned for far lesser offenses and this is an opportunity to show that no one here is above the law. there is no 1% in sciforums

I think you are upset, and rightfully so, that Fraggle gets to say these things and you don't. I advocate for a looser interpretation of the rules on our part too, and not just for certain mods.
...unless you are behind the wheel when you go. Happens sometimes. :eek:

I completely agree with the Buddha. :)

*collects the poo and tosses it in his bio-gas generator to provide power to the SciForum servers*

*What we cannot do is single out one religion and claim that it alone is stupid and evil, or that it is substantially more stupid and evil than the others--at least not without solid evidence, which does not exist because they all are pretty much the same when it comes to their irrational faith in the supernatural.

*We also cannot insult religious people, any more than we can insult people of a particular ethnic group, political party, gender or sexual orientation.

*on SciForums you are not free to hold up one religion as being qualitatively worse than others.

*Please continue insulting religion. But don't try to tell us that any one is significantly worse than the others. They all suck! And do NOT insult religious people
*tosses all religions in the bio gas generator to provide even more more power to the SciForums servers* :)


Someone reported one of the posts on this thread, called it "off-topic crap."

When you have a thread with the word "eclectic" in the title, I think you've got a thread with NO TOPIC. As for "crap," we all have our own definition of the word. If I were going to apply my definition, this discussion would be a whole lot shorter!

I just enforce the rules about personal insults, racism, pornography, etc. There's not much else I can do on this one.

If anybody wants to start a thread that has a topic, be my guest!

afaik, this has never happened before in sci. sop for mods is usually behind the scene aka pm's. so why? is frag feeling particularly vindictive? i mean who else has a vested interest in that thread? probably me, right? i mean.....

That is so strange . Massy was Hazels namesakes last name . You guys make me cry so much my jaws are sore . Did you see that I got infraction for being post drunk or drugged up . Shit too I don't drink or do drugs . I think !!
I am a thinker . I guess no one really wants people to think . Punish the thinkers if they can't understand

That first song sounded like Me and Mary except we are better at it in my opinion . Mary sings like a friggin angel . I am so blessed to be able to play with her.

You all are the greatest . I love you for what you do . Gus no worries about the white folks . I am real forgiving kind of person . I don't know what there doing

Official Haiti bound on the 9th of Jan. Ticket confirmation should be later today

Gary said it will be fun and I am thinking going to hell is fun ? Fuck too , I am not big on looking at misery and calling it fun . I am only doing because I am qualified . It is not fun by any stretch of the imagination

I love you all , Your good friends . Try and keep heart

wtf? :D now meki will hate me. maybe he will find out where i live and beat the crap out of me and it will be all frag's fault.

seriously, frag cant tell what the topic is?

We like a lot of the same bands. King's X keeps coming through here on tour but I keep missing them.

You'd probably appreciate this one, although there's no video. Alana is Miles Davis's daughter. She writes her own songs and plays acoustic guitar with a laid back band that's ever so slightly folk-musicky. But her big "hit" was a cover of Ani DiFranco's "32 Flavors." She also does a spooky acoustic version of "Don't Fear the Reaper."

One of my favorite songs from my favorite Bowie album.

It was David who brought my wife and me together. In 1975, when I was 32, it was almost impossible to find another person over 30 who would admit that he ever liked rock and roll. "Oh no, I listen to jazz and folk music. Rock is okay for dancing but I would never actually sit and listen to it."
Seing as Gustav is posting his own compositions, here's a few of my own.

Maybe we should have a thread for this? It's pretty special!

Would you like me to move these two posts to their own thread? There are probably more, but it will take me a year to find them all.

After all, we've got a thread for the poets among us! I wouldn't be surprised to find Gustav there too. ;)

those posts easily indicate that he does. furthermore, ambiguity in thread titles are usually resolved by opening posts or subsequent ones and this one clearly does so why frag persists in posturing otherwise is really strange and rather demented.

so what does "no topic" mean? everyone else postinghas maintained the music focus. they seem to understand. what then is frag trying to do here? get people to post cartoons? their doodles? more inane ramblings from mekigal?

is he actively inviting members to trash the thread?
i think so
conduct very unbecoming
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