Free energy

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Yes. No material object can move at the speed of light. That's basic Relativity-101.

You can get an object to move faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is relative to space. If you can create a square of space with time faster by 1,000. I threw the the ball into the square at 8 mph as soon as the ball enters the higher space frequency time square the ball will move 8,000MPH and leave the time square at 8mph.

Sure you cant go faster than the speed of light relative to it's own space but manipulating time in between spaces we can make it seem that way. The ball itself never went 8,000 MPH instead it went 8 MPH for 1,000 years.
My question was can information travel faster than light?

information does not travel faster than light because in order for this information to travel, matter must somehow be changed over set time and distance...and since matter cannot go faster than c...information cannot travel faster than light,

They say gravitons travels at speed of I question myself what if I was to remove a planet from an orbit...when will the other planet circling the same system feel the gravitational change?...and they say that other planet will feel the change no faster than it takes light to travel that far. So no...information does not travel faster...not in this world.

If we imagine a world...well than that will be a different world...were information indeed travels faster than c.
nothing can move through space faster than light. but that still leaves open the possibility of information being communicated directly between two objects without passing through the space between them.
Information absolutly does not travell faster than c. You provided no proof, that blog had nothing, either that or I missed it; either way, point to the specific spot where your proof is and outline it, or I might as well claim theory xyz and say my proof is

nothing can move through space faster than light. but that still leaves open the possibility of information being communicated directly between two objects without passing through the space between them.
And how would information be communicated directly between 2 objects?
It can't.

They were able to make sound go faster than the speed of light.

I forgot what kind of set-up they used thou. I believe it was some kind of infinite loop where the computer plays the sound coming out the other computer and vice versa. I don't know though I could be wrong.
Information absolutly does not travell faster than c. You provided no proof, that blog had nothing, either that or I missed it; either way, point to the specific spot where your proof is and outline it, or I might as well claim theory xyz and say my proof is

And how would information be communicated directly between 2 objects?
It can't.


The theory is so simple.
They were able to make sound go faster than the speed of light.
If you read the conclusion to any of such experiments, you see it does coincide with relativity, information does not travell faster than c. As such, this means it is impossible to make starships travell using such techniques (atoms are information.)
What they did is measure a group of pulses and determine that the group was moving faster than c. I dont have any details on it, but: it is about the equivilent of spinning around and saying the moon and stars are moving faster than light.

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I know what he's talking about and it's metaphysical. It was an experiment done on the human brain and it's reactions when activated with electrodes.

The researcher was looking to see what took longer to get a reaction. Does it take longer for the brain to react to a physical touch or does it react quicker with the same reactors that reacted when touched? He thought it would take longer for the man to feel the physical touch then with the electrodes. But what he found out was that the receptors started firing a split second before he got touched. So he came to the conclusion that the brain can send information back in time.

Here's an old article on it.

Still doesn't prove anything. Take your finger and gently roll across the back of your hand. Now do it again but don't actually touch the skin. You can feel it, it's just not as strong.

Doesn't mean the brain is sending information back in time but bringing forward information from it's library of the past and you unconsciously think of what it feels like to be touched, a split second before your touched.
I was unable to view the video posted (said it was removed) of course, if it was from What the Bleep do we know or any of the guys who made it, I would say it debunks itself. Pure BS. That and the media would be all over it if there was such a profound physics breaking discovery.

I think the blog speaks for itself. You claim is not as good as the likes of Nikulov, Felsenstein, Magnetic Power Inc and Steorn. There is free energy.

There has always been free energy.
from time immortal, be that radiation of the crudest nature through to the intricate mechanical design of a wage powered generator.

it is not about the cost to those who wish to use it,
it is about how those who wish to control it can use ands manipulate it it to create and maintain power structures and unfair pyramid styles of profiteering from the suffering of poor people.

some people are raised from a small child to only value them selfs by how many other people they can fool and step on to get a bit higher on the social ladder.
these people are no different to the commitment given to a psychopathic killer.
they just do it on grander scales and slower using legal loop holes.
playing god over others is what its all about, because they are afraid to lose if they challenge them selfs to evolve.
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