Free energy

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with reference to information propagating faster than the speed of light:

I once heard that entangled particles share certain properties - although I'm not sure that it can be used as a communications medium. Other than that - I don't think propagation speed can exceed light speed
with reference to information propagating faster than the speed of light:

I once heard that entangled particles share certain properties - although I'm not sure that it can be used as a communications medium. Other than that - I don't think propagation speed can exceed light speed

im fairly sure i know the method.
im fairly sure scientists of certain levels are aware of it
HOW it works and WHY it works and does not work is something they will be puzzling over.
for the right price i would help them work it out hahahahaha

There has always been free energy.
from time immortal, be that radiation of the crudest nature through to the intricate mechanical design of a wage powered generator.

it is not about the cost to those who wish to use it,
it is about how those who wish to control it can use ands manipulate it it to create and maintain power structures and unfair pyramid styles of profiteering from the suffering of poor people.

some people are raised from a small child to only value themselfs by how many otherpeopel they can fool and step on to get a bit higher on the social ladder.
these people are no different to the commitment given to a psychopathic killer.
they just do it on grander scales and slower using legal loop holes.
playing god over others is what its all about, because they are afraid to lose if they challenge them selfs to evolve.

If you made made different models of units to fit the power needs of one household or Kilowatts usage per month. Sell them for $5,000+ a pop and people will buy them like hot cakes. Eventually the power plants are forced to shut down and eventually everyone is on cheap, clean, free and self-independent energy.

Unless you were trying to say the government doesn't want this to happen because they will lose a lot of money. And they don't know what they would do to make up for the loss?
If you made made different models of units to fit the power needs of one household or Kilowatts usage per month. Sell them for $5,000+ a pop and people will buy them like hot cakes. Eventually the power plants are forced to shut down and eventually everyone is on cheap, clean, free and self-independent energy.

Unless you were trying to say the government doesn't want this to happen because they will lose a lot of money. And they don't know what they would do to make up for the loss?

C. all of the above
not only the government who may be swayed to be the first country to do it,
BUT think of all those evil people who have interests in oil...
the world is not yet good enough to be saved wholesale.
with reference to information propagating faster than the speed of light:

I once heard that entangled particles share certain properties - although I'm not sure that it can be used as a communications medium. Other than that - I don't think propagation speed can exceed light speed
No information can be transmitted through an entagled system in such a way that it travells faster than light.

And concerning the oppression of free energy, ripleofdeath: back up your claims, because I disagree:
I can go pull water out of the river for free, but you notice how water infrastructure is still making profit? Sure an oil company might not want a better energy source, but that wont stop a competitor for funding reaserch in that area.
Govornments supressing better energy sources? If a country could devellop something that remarkable, they would become the superpower rather quikly; the technology would be worth quite a bit itself, not to mention it would allow an industrialized country to turn out goods much more efficiantly, and thereby increasing profit tremendously. Lost money from oil taxes would not even scratch the gains.

No information can be transmitted through an entagled system in such a way that it travells faster than light.

And concerning the oppression of free energy, ripleofdeath: back up your claims, because I disagree:
I can go pull water out of the river for free, but you notice how water infrastructure is still making profit? Sure an oil company might not want a better energy source, but that wont stop a competitor for funding reaserch in that area.
Govornments supressing better energy sources? If a country could devellop something that remarkable, they would become the superpower rather quikly; the technology would be worth quite a bit itself, not to mention it would allow an industrialized country to turn out goods much more efficiantly, and thereby increasing profit tremendously. Lost money from oil taxes would not even scratch the gains.


All the above except the grammar is a nonsense. Disprove the theory on my blog. I will regurgitate it here for your convenience:

A circle of a given circumference has a relationship to its radius in the following way:

C = circumference of a circle

C = PI x D
D = diameter
Π = Constant approx 3.1415.....

Angular frequency is the number of times something goes around a circle.

One revolution of a circle is equal to 2Π radians.

ω = 2Π / T = 2Π f = V / r

ω = angular frequency or angular speed
T = Period of revolution or time in seconds of a revolution
f = frequency (Hz) (cycles per second)
V = tangential velocity around center of circle(m/s)
r = radius of a circle

Should you have a circle of radius A and an electromagnetic wave traveling on the outer rim of that circle, part of the wave or the magnetic field is actually traveling faster than light.

Imagine a superconductor ring with a circumference of C and radius R. If the magnetic wave is measurable above the ring at some radius (R + r'), where r' is positive, than the wave must have been measured at 2 x П x (R+r') = C' where circumference C' is greater than circumference C ie. C' > C.

Assume a magnetic wave at the surface of a superconductor ring is traveling at a velocity of 90% the speed of light. The speed of light is about 300 million meters per second and 90% of the speed of light is 270 million meters per second. If the wave can be measured at a distance of 130% the radius of that ring, than it is moving faster than light.

Since angular velocity is

ω = 2Π / T = 2Π f = V / r

The angular velocity for all parts of the wave is the same. From the equation above the relationship between velocity of the wave at the base and at the top and their radii is

Vtop / (R + r) = Vbase / R
Vtop = Tangential velocity at top of wave
Vbase = Tangential velocity at base of wave
R = radius of circle at base of ring
r = radius of ring at top of wave

This means that
Vtop = Vbase x (R+r) / R
= 270 million m/s x 130 /100
= 351 million m/s
= 117% the speed of light
And in a similar fashion, if I spin in a circle, I can say the moon is travelling faster than light speed, following the rules of relativity (my reference frame is statioary, everyone elses is moving extremely fast) However, this does not violate Relativity's rule that information cannot travell faster than light, anymore than your example does.

Your proof has a critical flaw: You assume the wave can measured instantaniously the wave 1.3*the radius away (or any arbitrary distance away). By what methode do you sudjest this is possible, because it is here that the real FTL communication is happening? Of course, the best way we have to measure the wave at the super conductor at a distance is by firing some photons from our pulse to the reciever. Sadly, this will take time to travell, and will mean FTL is not happening, and by sending some information through the superconductor, we will be going slower than the light speed we can already communicate at.
Sorry, but your proof fails, unless you can tell me how we can measure instantaniously at a distance... in which case you can just abandon the superconductor and use that methode alone.

And in a similar fashion, if I spin in a circle, I can say the moon is travelling faster than light speed, following the rules of relativity (my reference frame is statioary, everyone elses is moving extremely fast) However, this does not violate Relativity's rule that information cannot travell faster than light, anymore than your example does.

Your proof has a critical flaw: You assume the wave can measured instantaniously the wave 1.3*the radius away (or any arbitrary distance away). By what methode do you sudjest this is possible, because it is here that the real FTL communication is happening? Of course, the best way we have to measure the wave at the super conductor at a distance is by firing some photons from our pulse to the reciever. Sadly, this will take time to travell, and will mean FTL is not happening, and by sending some information through the superconductor, we will be going slower than the light speed we can already communicate at.
Sorry, but your proof fails, unless you can tell me how we can measure instantaniously at a distance... in which case you can just abandon the superconductor and use that methode alone.


All the above is including the grammar is nonsense. I think magnetism is measured by induction.
All the above is including the grammar is nonsense. I think magnetism is measured by induction.

No, it's your muddled thinking that's sheer nonsense. In addition to your other obvious blunders, your assumption that the wave can travel around the ring at 90% c is also nonsense - approximately 67% is the FASTEST it can go! That's the limit on the moving current which is producing the moving wave. (Don't even know your very basic physics, do you?)

Yes, magnetism is measured by induction - so what? It can only be detected at the speed of light anyway. No point in that silly business, either. :bugeye:
All the above is including the grammar is nonsense.
I disagree, and I am quite sure most readers will; I assume they have a mild understanding of physics of course. As for your grammer: it is not top notch either, for instance; your scentance would indacte that my above post is preforming the action: "includng the grammar," which of course makes the final part: "is nonesense," completely nonsensical. Perhaps you should have added some commas?

I think magnetism is measured by induction.
I happen to know most things are measured inductivly. Perhaps you are reffering to the fact that I can detect a magnet from a distance away from it? If so, have you ever heard of the Photon?
Its the subatomic particle responsible for conveying the electromagnetic force. It, naturaly, travells at c in a vacuum.
This means you have to tack on it's travelling time in your speed calculations, which you did not. Thus it looked like he information would travell faster than c because you stopped timing part of the trip. If I timed a car trip from Maxico to Texas, but didnt time it the rest of the way to Canada, I too would calculate a speed faster than c, but this is my error, not proof of FTL cars.

Rather than do pure arithmatic, I will use a diagram to show why your experimental information transmission will infact go slower than c.

Now, the light blue represents a point on the superconducting ring which wishes to send information to the dark blue point. Using your methode, the information will travell (represented by the green line) around the superconductor, at less than the speed of c. Once it reches the 12 o'clock position in this diagram, the information is converted to a series of photons which travel to a reciever at the dark blue point. This is your electromagnetic induction, it travells at c accross the gap.

My methode is called radio communication, and it sends a series of photons directly from our light blue to the dark blue point, traveling at c, represented by the red line.
even sssuming your superconductor can transfer energy at c (really fast.) your methode is clearly longer than my methode, since your information's route is longer (has to travell around the superconductor, rather than taking a straight line to the destination as mine does.)
Furthuremore, the fact that your methode will be travelling actualy at less than c for a part of the trip, it's even more slow.

So congradulations, you have invented an expensive way of sending information more slowly.

-James Carter, Rush Hour.

The FTL model I presented was to be imagined in a two dimensional world ie. the path that light had to follow was around the superconductor ring (or any ring for that matter).

However as fortune would bestow, there is a three dimensional model (based on the same diagram) that says faster than light as well.

Would you care to discuss this?
The FTL model I presented was to be imagined in a two dimensional world ie. the path that light had to follow was around the superconductor ring (or any ring for that matter).

However as fortune would bestow, there is a three dimensional model (based on the same diagram) that says faster than light as well.

Would you care to discuss this?
2 Dimensions does not restrict light to following a superconducting ring, my diagram is in 2D and clearly demonstrates this. You can extend the model to 3D, or heck any dimension, but a line is always the shortest distance between 2 points, and since your communication methodes themselves don't travell FTL (ie electricity) your superconducting detour is of no value.

What is there to discuss? You still have not demonstrated a shred of proof for FTL travell.

I guess they didn't think that the coil would act as a resister and take energy from the super conductor, thus depleting it's charge.

How? ie. what is the mechanism. The superconductor is still a superconductor I hope. I mean, just a small point but if this is the case, shoudnt the superconductor also loose its energy to its environment (which it doesnt).

More importantly why did the people paying the person that stabbed me jump over such a simple model?

The blog linked in the OP states that a current circulating in a superconducting ring can induce charge via a coil in another circuit, thus obtaining 'free' energy.

I guess they didn't think that the coil would act as a resister and take energy from the super conductor, thus depleting it's charge.

No not true
2 Dimensions does not restrict light to following a superconducting ring, my diagram is in 2D and clearly demonstrates this. You can extend the model to 3D, or heck any dimension, but a line is always the shortest distance between 2 points, and since your communication methodes themselves don't travell FTL (ie electricity) your superconducting detour is of no value.

What is there to discuss? You still have not demonstrated a shred of proof for FTL travell.


Wait a mo...still looking for an appropriate model to prove this.
No not true

Absolutely true. As soon as you allow current to flow in the pickup loop, the pickup loop developes its own time variant magnetic field. This field in turn (and of geometric necessity) couples back through the superconductive loop generating a back EMF which acts like a resistance, damping the pulse.
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