Friends getting religious

That still isn't an answer. Your god gives us this cancer. He allows it to happen. Why?

Why does God make some cells immortal and not all? Why do people use chemotherapy to kill some cells and not all? Are they being mean to the cells they want to kill?
Why does God make some cells immortal and not all? Why do people use chemotherapy to kill some cells and not all?

Why do two people smoke for 50 years, and only one gets cancer?

You're not answering the question. Why does your god allow it?
Why do two people smoke for 50 years, and only one gets cancer?

You're not answering the question. Why does your god allow it?

Same reason you allow it. Do you hate the parts of your body you prune? The cells you shed? The hair you cut?
Because it makes sense. Immortal cells are a natural by product of metabolism governed by an evolutionary process where short term defects are repaired better than long term accumulations, simply because the life span was too short to care about long term degenerations. People start living long enough for long enough and it will work itself out.
Because it makes sense. Immortal cells are a natural by product of metabolism governed by an evolutionary process where short term defects are repaired better than long term accumulations, simply because the life span was too short to care about long term degenerations. People start living long enough for long enough and it will work itself out.

Oh, see, you're mistaken; I know why cancer happens. I'm asking how the religious person balances their "loving god" with such a horrible condition as cancer.

And as you've proven here, they can't.
Oh, see, you're mistaken; I know why cancer happens. I'm asking how the religious person balances their "loving god" with such a horrible condition as cancer.

And as you've proven here, they can't.

They can't? I see no problem with the religious here. It makes perfect sense to Lori and me. You are the one who seems to find it inconsistent with his viewpoint.
because there is so much meaning in it. it's beautiful and perfect. and it's accomplishing things.

There's no meaning in it.
It is much more ugly than beautiful. It is definitely far from perfect.
What is it accomplishing & how can the universe accomplish anything???
Lori: What would you consider worse: A parent that shoots his child dead or a parent that ties his children up and tortures them?

I suggest it's the latter. Why? Well, it has to do with prolonged suffering. On what basis could we then suggest that this parent is all loving?

You could say that we all have to die so that we can come to life again somewhere else where there is no suffering - as long as we worship otherwise it's eternal suffering, but that doesn't qualify prolonged mortal suffering as a loving act.

I suppose we could possibly understand it if at least the god followers died in a non-prolonged suffering manner but it doesn't seem to matter how much you worship or love this god.

Where do we draw a line and say: "hang on, this doesn't qualify as 'all loving'"?

But then I go back to my original statement. The minute we recognise it as 'intelligently designed' shouldn't we respect and admire it?

Progeria - I have respect for it, it causes children mass suffering, that's what it was designed to do, hence we must respect and admire it as a glorious work of the Lord. Right?

We can't have sympathy for such people because having sympathy denotes that there's something wrong with the condition. But there can't be anything wrong with it because god intelligently designed it and is a purely moral creature. Hence progeria must be good, so we should respect and admire it and send congratulations cards to all the sufferers. There's also no point trying to find a cure, (which again denotes that it is wrong), because it is a wonderful creation of your lord and master. If he didn't want it to exist, it wouldn't.
They can't? I see no problem with the religious here. It makes perfect sense to Lori and me. You are the one who seems to find it inconsistent with his viewpoint.

But you can't even give his viewpoint on this.

You have both shown that you can't answer a simply question about your own faith. You've been stumped.
But you can't even give his viewpoint on this.

You have both shown that you can't answer a simply question about your own faith. You've been stumped.

Er we have? I can give your viewpoint quite adequately and I see no confusion with cancer as a part of the evolutionary process of metabolism. I have no problem with my faith.

Perhaps you need to examine what your ideas of God are and why they are so irrational.:D