from the beginning, the end

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witnessjudgejury said:
A spirit is that which makes you do what you do. It is your life force. It is that which animates you. You can figure out the rest.

Then it's being asserted that a spirit provides the following functionality:

* It 'animates' a person.
* It makes people 'do' what they do.

It's also been asserted that a spirit is a person's 'life force'. The question that naturally arises... what is a 'life force'?
After it rains blood over the earth, there will be an earthquake so big that every building on the earth will fall and every mountain will be moved out of its place.
Then the earth will be knocked out of its orbit. The earth will puke fire and the smoke will be so thick that you will not be able to see.

Will you believe in God then?

Absolutely NOT!
If you are Getting in my way in trying to save the world, you are in Gods way and you will be swiftly removed.

That may be somewhat difficult as you first need to escape the padded cell.
WJJ said:
In all honesty, at this point in life, from the way I have been treated here, I could care less if you all burn in hell.

How patient and kind. How long-suffering of you. The fruits of the Spirit are not apparent in you my friend. You use God as some sort of condemnation stick, forgetting that you yourself are a sinner saved by grace. You cannot earn grace and you cannot wave a state of grace around as though it were a trophy that you won by some effort of your own. This is a rebuke. Pray humbly for the folk on here such as your God commanded you to do. And pray he may forgive your pride.


your comments expose you for what you are.

I finally figured out the truth which is the completion of the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It will shock the christians, appall the jews, and give comfort and understanding to those who hate God and the rest of the non-believing world. This truth is most likely what caused the jews to torture and kill all of the followers of Christ and Jesus himself. After all, so far, no one wants to kill me, you just think I'm nuts. Certainly you must wonder what truth could cause the world to murder the saints and apostles and Jesus himself, right?

I will hold on to this truth for a very short time just to see what happens as things are beginning to get interesting.
"During the first of the last few days of earth, it will rain blood everywhere on the earth, Then the earth will shake so hard as to remove every single mountain from its place and no building will remain standing, and the earth will be knocked out of its orbit."

Probably because religious freaks nuke the earth to a smoldering rock.

Your claim that the earth has an "orbit", supports the belief that the earth is ROUND. Are you sure you want to make that statement? That the Earth orbits around the Sun?
You won't get into heaven if you say that dude, God knows the earth is flat and is the centre of the universe - I mean, err, everything.

Guess what happens when you get to heaven? Every day you have to lick the rancid thousand year old smegma off the glans of god's almighty penis, and savour the taste of his almighty dick cheese. Just wait until you get to night time!
by the way, before I expose the truth here and create my final post...

I would like to hear your comments toward the SPIRIT which caused me to do all of this work.
Can you address the issue of the earth having an orbit please?
Or is that not convenient for you?

The spirit which caused you to come here and spout your rubbish is your arrogant desire to force your childish beliefs on others, possibly because you fear them, or don't understand them.

If you really wanted to help people you'd be out feeding the homeless.

I would like to hear your comments toward the SPIRIT which caused me to do all of this work.
You are simply a crackpot that no one takes seriously.
your comments expose you for what you are.

Right you are, Your! comments expose you for what YOU are. A psyhopath theist, who has become delusional.

I finally figured out the truth which is the completion of the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yea! right. You are completely nuts, and with every statement you make, you further provide us evidence of your delusion.

Guess what happens when you get to heaven? Every day you have to lick the rancid thousand year old smegma off the glans of god's almighty penis, and savour the taste of his almighty dick cheese. Just wait until you get to night time!

Is this what you wait for? Are you a cock sucker with a vengence? :rolleyes:

Your lord has provided me with an endowment of 13 inches come suck this one!. :D

by the way, before I expose the truth here and create my final post...

I would like to hear your comments toward the SPIRIT which caused me to do all of this work.

Just a reminder, only the Devil tempts men to do evil... Right?
create my final post...

Best thing you've said thus far... will it REALLY be your final post?
The following is the completion of my testimony and the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is likely that these words are what caused the saints and the Lord himself to be tortured and murdered.

These words will appall the jews, shock the christians, and give comfort to the non-believers and those who hate God until now.

In the beginning, the Father (called the Forefather by Jesus) was the light which came into being of itself. Being full of Joy, Love, and Thought, He sought to make a creation to express his joy. He created 12 beings which are Angels, which are Gods. All other beings including mankind are descendents of these 12. 8 of these Gods which Jesus called the eight assembly, sinned because they had pride in themselves and became aggressive beings. The other 4 Christ called the Third assembly. These are the Archeangels who are Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel. Notice their names all end in "el". Now begins the old testament of the bible. The eight assembly thought to themselves "let us create man in our image". They created Adam, an immortal man who would live forever. In their sick scheme, they planted a tree in the garden called "the knowledge of good and evil" and told Adam if he ate of it he would become like a God but would die in that day ( 1 day is 1000 years). So the eight assembly used temptation and a catch 22 situation of confusion and deception to screw with Adams mind. To top it off, they took a rib from Adam and made a woman and proceeded to convince her to eat of the tree. She ate of the tree and came to Adam. Seeing that it did not kill her, he ate also as would any man. So these "Gods" cursed Eve with monthly menstruation and kicked Adam out of the garden and forced Eve to follow him. Adam died after 900 some years, before he reached the age of 1000. So, man is the creation of the eight assembly who is evil and twisted. They boast that they are Gods and are full of Pride in themselves. Much of the bible is written about them calling them the jealous God, and other things. Satan/Lucifer is one of these 8. He is the God of this world which means he is the creator of it.

Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. That means all of you because you are works of the devil. Now, he gave you the opportunity to choose between him or your father the devil. Jesus Christ is the Forefather manifested as a man. The Forefather put his spirit into the virgin Mary and became a man for this purpose. You may call upon him, cut yourself off from your father who calls himself God, and bypass your fathers fate. You will be put throught the fire of purification to remove your sinfull nature and you will be allowed to enter heaven for eternity. Otherwise you will suffer the fate of the eight assembly which is to depart into outer darkness and into the lake of eternal hell fire.
What I find really hard to believe is that people actually sit around making this stuff up.
Witless:we had a fellow like you in hungerford once, and a another started a clan, the peoples temple, and another in waco, your kind get every where, but there very evil and very dangerous, "please I beg of you dont harm anybody." even if you think your doing the right thing, think about it first, please.
"Guess what happens when you get to heaven? Every day you have to lick the rancid thousand year old smegma off the glans of god's almighty penis, and savour the taste of his almighty dick cheese. Just wait until you get to night time!"

Hey I wrote that and I was joking!! (I thought it was appropriate humour, given the craziness of this thread)

So wjj, why are you writing this, to threaten people?
Bowser said:
Just a reminder, only the Devil tempts men to do evil... Right?

A little brain and a little fear. That's a good thing.
Did you think I was a powder puff preacher, carrying my cross to sacrifice myself so you could be saved? Not so. Let me tell you a little.

I am many times more evil than the devil himself. It takes a large snake to scare a small one. If it were up to me, I would rip out your intestines and make you eat them before you died.

My goal is not to save you or condemn you. In fact, you people who inhabit this world are nothing more than the work of the devil to be destroyed in the winepress of the wrath of God. You are like cockroaches. Letting you into heaven would be like you letting a cockroach into your house. six million cockroaches in our house would force us to build another house and move to a different location.

I am a soldier and servant of the Living God. That is, the God which will be the only one living when my work is done.

You know the story. Only a few (the elect) will survive the wrath of God.
I am here to find the truth and shout it from the rooftops. To expose the works of the devil who are the eight Gods who became defective. Humans being their offspring are born evil and die evil. What happens after that is up to you. I'm just giving you the truth.

I must spread you cockroaches aside to dig down and find the truth and expose it. When it is exposed to the Lords satisfaction, the teardown of this world will commence.

You think you are Gods. I promise you that you are much less significant than I am. I came from heaven and will return there. When I was young, I loved everyone as much as I loved myself. God has raised and trained me in hell to have a heart so hard that nothing in this world is worth the dust that it was made of to me. I have no desire to live now or in eternity, either here, in heaven or anywhere else. I do only that which God puts in me to do. I am the last and I am here to see God's wrath through to its completion. My fate was sealed before I was born this time around. Your fate is up to you. Choose God, or choose the fate of the eight.

Isn't it a beautiful day?
Wow! What a wonderful, peaceful, loving christian. Just like Jesus.
Turning the other cheek, praying for his enemies, judging not lest he be judged, etc.

Seriously though witnessjudgejury you sound like you could be experiencing some serious mental disturbances. Is that what you think of us?

Well heres what I think of you.
My guess (although I'm only in 2nd year), would be that you are a delusional narcissist.

here is an excerpt from

"He feels that he is omnipotent, and misjudges his power and that of his opposition. He underestimates challenges facing him and pretends to be "Mr. Know-All". His sensitivity to the needs and emotions of others and his ability to empathise with them deteriorate sharply. He becomes intolerably haughty and arrogant, with sadistic and paranoid tendencies. Above all, he then seeks unconditional admiration, even when he does not deserve it.He is preoccupied with fantastic, magical thinking and daydreams his life away. In this mode he tends to exploit others, to envy them, to be edgy and explode with unexplained rage."

I am quite concerned that you may be capable of going in to a crowded area and killing a lot of complete strangers.

Do you ever talk to other people (in real life) about the thoughts you stated in your previous post?

EDIT: Here is another good link

"The Delusional Narrative Solutions

The narcissist constructs a narrative in which he figures as the hero - brilliant, perfect, irresistibly handsome, destined for great things, entitled, powerful, wealthy, the centre of attention, etc. The bigger the strain on this delusional charade - the greater the gap between fantasy and reality - the more the delusion coalesces and solidifies."
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Some day, this witless character will come to realize he had his head stuck up his own ass so deep, that life just passed him by. He will have no friends, no wife, no kids, and die a lonely lunatic. Unless we are witnessing the making of another Rev. Jim Jones or Dave Koresh jackass.

Witless please make an appointment to see a shrink, you are a danger to self and unfortuanately to others.

I am a soldier and servant of the Living God... when my work is done - I would rip out your intestines and make you eat them before you died.

As a servant of god, would you at least offer up some sauce with that intestine? Salt and pepper?
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