Full born atheism is anti-intellectual

Anyone who claims that belief in a deity is the one thing that separates us from the animals, and uses language to do it, is overlooking some aspects of the situation.

But that is nothing compared with the notion that a "full born" atheist can believe in nothing, think nothing. The only explanation I can come up with for that howler is the assumption that, to a theist, without a deity there is no abstract, spiritual, or "larger realm" aspect of the world at all. Taoists are secret Deists, then ?

Again we see theism taking the credit for all the good in the world. A sort of spiritual plagiarism, that - a form of greed, maybe ?

Putting words in my mouth eh? :mad:
Again you describe a material interaction.

Moreover, your brain is pretty good at faking sensations. Everybody's had a few. The question isn't whether you've had odd sensations, it's whether you feel the need to ascribe them to supernatural phenomena. Let's face it, dropping acid will get you far weirder sensations than the ones you've likely had.

how do you know? you're just saying that because it's what you want to believe. you have absolutely no idea what i've been through. THAT'S a fact.
Again you describe a material interaction.

Moreover, your brain is pretty good at faking sensations. Everybody's had a few. The question isn't whether you've had odd sensations, it's whether you feel the need to ascribe them to supernatural phenomena. Let's face it, dropping acid will get you far weirder sensations than the ones you've likely had.

....Man that is soo true :D
As I said in another string on this..

And since the Moderators have allowed Multiple topics on the same issue posted by people who just want their own headline to say the SAME thing.....

As I was saying, just because there are two sides.. doesn't make them equal in weight logically.

This is fallacious logic at it's most eggregious and laughable.
Just as the string title is an oxymoron and fallacy.

There is every evidence that man created Gods.. thousands, and No evidence God/s created man.

If one were to grow up on a desert Island with inately intelligent people without anyone ever having known about any Jesus or Mohammed Myths.. there would be no Chrsitianity nor Islam.. just Rational explanations for physical phenomenon.

You don't have to be "Indoctrinated" with Atheism, that Is the Natural UNindoctrinated state.

[Unintelligent or defensive] Religionists, especially the unsecular pious types, try to foist this idiocy of equivalence of reason of the two positions where there is None.

Here we have the moderator of the Science section - arguing for the Supernatural! (Not to mention herself a Pious Muslim believer.)

Great Stuff sci-f!

It's 'anti-intellectual' to Believe in something for which there is NO evidence, much less proof.
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SAM said:
Putting words in my mouth eh?
Responding to your posts on page one of this thread.

SAM said:
Its true. A full born athiest believes in nothing. What could he possibly think?
- - - -
See? Anyone who denies the one aspect that separates us from animals has got to be demonstrably stupid.
how do you know? you're just saying that because it's what you want to believe. you have absolutely no idea what i've been through. THAT'S a fact.
I know that anything you feel is necessarily a material phenomenon, so your proclamation that the 'spiritual' cannot be verified materially is void if you've felt something.

More to the point, I know perfectly well that the brain is capable of producing all manner of unexpected sensations, and that by no means does that necessarily constitute something supernatural.

...and I said "likely had." I'm not discounting the rather remote possibility that you're experiencing Jesus beating you with a llama while you're wide awake, it just doesn't seem particularly plausible.
Correct, and do you know why he can't understand them?

Because they don't communicate properly.

However; the opening post in all of my threads is what is the goal; and sadly it was mis understood (eat that doubting mennace!).

Also, I will say it again, full born atheism is anti-intellectual (eat that doubting mennace!).

It is the unfortunate nature of forums to not communicate properly at times, or to communicate in a different way that is acceptable.
I guess that the form of this forum is acceptable but that isn't my point at all.
My words are perfectly fine. If you were to talk with me on messenger you would find that you are faced with the very same words (for example. Although perhaps to a lesser degree.)


It is true that atheism full born and grown is anti-intellectual. That is the only point I'd wished to make and have a discussion of from the opening post. So let the games continue or perhaps let the game(s), once more, "begin."

It is the unfortunate nature of forums to not communicate properly at times, or to communicate in a different way that is acceptable.
No it isn't. Anything that can be conveyed in a letter can be conveyed in a forum.

I guess that the form of this forum is acceptable but that isn't my point at all.
My words are perfectly fine. If you were to talk with me on messenger you would find that you are faced with the very same words (for example. Although perhaps to a lesser degree.)
That suggests to me that it is the nature of you to not communicate properly at times.

It is true that atheism full born and grown is anti-intellectual. That is the only point I'd wished to make and have a discussion of from the opening post. So let the games continue or perhaps let the game(s), once more, "begin."


Well you've failed to make it.
redwards said:
I know that anything you feel is necessarily a material phenomenon,

Do you KNOW this?

Just a question for the site skeptic if you don't mind.

Let's hear your philosophy, if you would, and then if comfortable enough, I may share mine.
Also, I will say it again, full born atheism is anti-intellectual (eat that doubting mennace!).
Good for you. Keep repeating that and we'll all eventually just fall in line with you and just accept it as truth. Oh. Wait. That's theism. Sorry. I'm a free thinker. I need a bit more than cultural indoctrination and an authority complex to accept certain things.
No it isn't. Anything that can be conveyed in a letter can be conveyed in a forum.
Yes it is.
Anything that can be conveyed in person can be conveyed in a forum.

This goes to suggest comprehension misunderstandings not to mention jeleousy.

That suggests to me that it is the nature of you to not communicate properly at times.
And your point is?

Well you've failed to make it.
Quite possibly.

But I still would like to see your philosophy before I begin to elaborate on mine, mr "doubting mennace."
Do you KNOW this?

Just a question for the site skeptic if you don't mind.

Let's hear your philosophy, if you would, and then if comfortable enough, I may share mine.
How do you feel things? Nerve impulses. How are nerve impulses generated? Physical stimulation of nerves.

How else? There is no other way.

P.S. for all of the science challenged out there, physical stimulation includes friction (mechanical interaction) and electromagnetic interaction (heat, i.e. light).
No physical sensation has ever been observed in the complete absence of material phenomena, so this is established as well as anything can be.

I'd like you to tell this to another member..... one I am quite fond of;

This does not exclude quantum experiences.
Good for you. Keep repeating that and we'll all eventually just fall in line with you and just accept it as truth. Oh. Wait. That's theism. Sorry. I'm a free thinker. I need a bit more than cultural indoctrination and an authority complex to accept certain things.

Any statement is acceptable so long as you can respond to it. IMO.

But, I'm not going to dismiss your free thinking. Put it this way:

Elaborate the point. Consider it. Think about it in the context given. That's all that my words vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvibe.