Fundamental Fundamentalism: part 2

Public Service Announcement

The preceding temper tantrum is brought to you by the Bible. Remember, "The Bible: a verse a day helps keep sanity away."

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Well, Tiassa, I think it's not a waste of your time and effort. I suspect all such internet ramblings may be of assistance in your writing somehow, if only to give you character ideas.

Godboy, um, this is really a cheap and simplistic way to say it, but you're nuts.

PS: I am also one of thsoe people who is always writing a book, and never gets time or motivation to actually do it.
When Tiassa bitches somehow it's intelligent. When I tell him off for being a jackass. I'm throwing a tantrum.

You people are retarded.

Originally posted by Adam
Well, Tiassa, I think it's not a waste of your time and effort. I suspect all such internet ramblings may be of assistance in your writing somehow, if only to give you character ideas.
I must commend tiassa on the humour, wit and patience with which he demolishes kb. :) The time and effort gone into his posts provides sciforums with LOL, which I suspect, was his intention in the first place. So in that sense, it's definitely not wasted.

However, if the intention was to somehow alleviate kb's ignorance .... THAT would be a true waste of time.
Originally posted by KalvinB
When Tiassa bitches somehow it's intelligent. When I tell him off for being a jackass. I'm throwing a tantrum.

You people are retarded.


No, Ben. The difference is comments like that. You only ever say three things, although in different ways:
1) You suck at debating.
2) You're retarded / you suck.
3) Anything outside my particular perspective has no proof and believing in it makes you a close-minded bigot.

Tiassa has a habit of working around a point as though telling a story, I would say as an attempt to more clearly illustrate that point. I rarely do that; I'm not very subtle at the best of times.

As for me being a close-minded dumb-arse, well, I'll believe it when I see evidence, or when it makes some sort of logical sense.

The essay you began the thread with was okay, but it could be a really great essay if you made comparisons between the good and bad bits of both religious tomes. Such as include the sensible guidelines out of the christian book, such as "Don't steal stuff", and the more horrendous psycho crap such as those quotes I posted. See if you can include similar material from the Koran as well. So, cover both extremes from both books, then maybe include some interviews with Christian and Islamic priests or whatever to see how they view all that material, both the good and the bad. If you did that, I think it would be a damn good essay.
Tiassa is a jackass. It's been demonstrated a number of times.

It's his stupid little game he plays. He'll be a jackass until you call him a jackass and then he'll play innocent victim like the stupid jackass he is.

He doesn't tell stories. He writes novels full of shit and then hands you a shovel and expects you to clean it up. Basically you could hand him a Ming Vase and he'd shit in it and then expect you to clean it out. Preferably with your tounge as he holds your head into it.

-end rant-

I know it's a good essay. The 3rd one is going to lay out the consequences that Al Queda will face for their view of the Koran which are pretty much contained in the 2nd part. Basically that they'll all be dead before the war is over. I've got 8 pages to kill so I'll probably do quite a bit of Bible/Koran comparison. Mostly just to reiterate the concept of authority and also the concept of peace.


There's another thing you've got in common with Tony1, Ben. You both have a shit complex.
Basically you could hand him a Ming Vase and he'd shit in it and then expect you to clean it out. Preferably with your tounge as he holds your head into it.
Literacy, Ben. It's a vital part of learning. There are a number of organizations available to you which will gladly assist you in developing your reading skills.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Coprophilia

It all make sense now. Ben and shit and mind.....Then his posts. :D
Tiassa once against can't manage an intelligent comeback (if it can even be considered a comeback). But it doesn't really matter since he's got his dog Markx to make him feel better.

Originally posted by KalvinB
Tiassa once against can't manage an intelligent comeback (if it can even be considered a comeback). But it doesn't really matter since he's got his dog Markx to make him feel better.


I can see you are enjoying beeing insulted. I guess some people like that. :D :D
Oh, that is just *too* funny!

Thank you so much KalvinB...I haven't laughed like that all *day*.

This is what I'm talking about...
Tiassa once against can't manage an intelligent comeback

This, from a guy who (when backed into a corner) loves to shoot out posts consisting of not much else than
Ignorant pathetic dribble is an accurate description of all you people have to offer.

Kalvin, I'm a nice girl most of the time, but you are such a prize ass, I just can't help myself.... You truly are a bigoted, narrow-minded little fuck, and why does it not surprise me at all you're keen on Jesus as well? While one is not necessarily a symptom of the other, they seem to go hand-in-hand more often than not.

I only wish Jesus and Mohammed were here today, I'd love to see the two of them comiserating over a cup of coffee about how badly their followers listened to the message....
Final score and comment from teacher

193 out of 200 points possible

"Your elaboration research is very well written. You clearly establish fundamentalism and address misconceptions."

The only thing I got docked for was mechanics.


I'm curious, Ben, since you only like to tout your authority; what class at what school was this written for?

I would tell you why it's important to know, but based on past example, you wouldn't understand.

After all, if the assignment was to establish a thesis, gather X number of sources as a minimum, and then pour them into a conclusion, I would give you the same score. You obviously did your research; whether or not you paid attention to it may not be part of the criteria.

Who knows, though ... it might be a good paper. However, being that you are a confessed whore, I'm not going to grant your website the pleasure of a hit. Prostitution is, after all, immoral ;) Thus another of your Quixote victories plays out as another market hook.

Congrats on the paper, though. You should point your teacher to these topics as an example of what you had to go through to get it done. She might take back the markdown on mechanics. Seriously, I had that happen once with my research: my teacher noted, "The counterpoint isn't as clearly expressed as in your past work." I pointed out that we were talking about a certain brand of religion and noted, "Have you ever tried to get an honest answer out of them?" He didn't give me all the points, but enough to remove the minus sign from the end of the letter on my term grade.

Tiassa :cool:
It was for English 102 at a community college. Not the class with the highest standards but I consistanty score very well on all my papers for all my classes (mostly philosophy) so it's worth more than a grain of salt.

If people get pissed off at me for the first 2 papers that's kinda the point. If someone gets pissed off at me for my understanding of their religion and then works to prove me wrong, I've done my job. If I'm right oh goodie but if not, all that matters is that I made someone really think about what they believe and why.

When it comes to religion you can beat someone other the head all you want but until they personally arrive at the conclusion you arrived at of their own understanding they're just going to use their everything shield which usually consists of two fingers.

Well and fine

Good show, in fact. I wouldn't deign to argue with the score. If you were telling me it was for a mail-order advance degree in theology, I would have fallen over laughing, mind you. It's all in what it's aimed at. In that sense, might I suggest that in the future, you let us know such details as what paper you're writing. In the sense of arguing the theological niceties ... well, for an ENG102 paper, I admit, I wouldn't have bothered.

It's not that it's not a valuable topic in that sense, but to merely have provided Armstrong an Kapuscinski should have been enough. If I find your thesis offensive, I can then remind myself that it's for English 102; not to disparage the class, mind you, but to remind myself of what the priorities are. Form, function, research, as your instructor points out.

Tiassa :cool: