Fundamental(ist )Humor(this is not funny)

Hello again Stretched!

So if my son loves and respects me, he would comfortably follow my example.

This is a good example, and yes. But remember that rules apply to him that don’t apply to you, all for the benefit of your son though.

But then why did god create us? What is our ultimate purpose?

It is believed King David wondered about this very same thing.

Psalm 8
4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

A clue is in the New Testament.

John 3
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Maybe God created us out of love, this is what I believe. Our purpose? For me it is to learn about God and people, and to become a better person day by day. All this plus the 9-5 job and the rest that goes on with life :)

What divine revelation makes humans follow their chosen God?

Sometimes it is a divine intervention that causes someone to choose a specific religion (I know it’s happened in Christianity not sure about the other religions). For most though it is the culture in which they are brought up.

Lemming3k said:
Thankyou for the reply adstar.

Perhaps i phrased my question badly, people who turn to the book for guidance aren’t getting it as it could be given, if guidance deliberately allows misinterpretation then it is rather poor guidence, i think you are trying to get at only those with love in their hearts choose the correct path after seeking guidence, i feel some people dont know any better than to do what their interpretation dictates and feel it is correct regardless of anything else.

Lemming3k i am struggling to find another way to explain the thoughts that i have but i will give it an other shot. I will use an analogy but i feel that no analogy can perfectly describe it.

Think of a good water filter. Firstly in this filter there is a course grating designed to get all the bigger stones. Next comes a fine grating designed to get al the little pebbles that pass through the course grating after this there is a fine paper cartridge to take out all the little specs of dirt and then finally a special membrane designed to remove all chemical contaminants from the water.

Now the designer of the filter made it with the goal of getting water and water only. Now the bigger stones think they have made it when they reach the course grating. The pebbles think they have made it when they reach the fine grating they look back at the bigger stones and shake their heads saying you have not got through the filter and so on down throughout the different sections of the filter those who reach the next stage look back at those stopped before them shaking their heads. They all think that in the end the designer will open up the filter and pull out the grating or cartridge or membrane that they have reached but the designer wants the water and the water does not know it has arrived until they get out of the other side of the filter.

Many People decide to go out and find God. But the truth is God cannot be found. The truth is, God reveals Himself to those He wills to reveal Himself too. Some people go to the bible and read it saying in their hearts I will discover God. I will define God and but Him into the box of My making. Along the way they inevitably find a teaching of God that goes against their concept of what God should teach it is then that they seek a theological interpretation of what they have read to conform it to their own thinking of what is right. They then have found their place in the filter they do not have the meekness to accept Gods will on faith, to carry on to the next level. So in the end they really where not seeking God with the right spirit they where looking for ”their God”, their concept of God, what God should be to them. Reading the bible for them is a waste of time because they only hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest. They in their own pride, their own thinking, know even before they start to look what God should be and they go out to find ”their God”.

Other people of course know they are limited human beings. They know they can never figure God out. Before they read the Bible they call out to God with a genuine heart asking Him to lead them to understanding. Asking Him to give them all the understanding they need, to be with Him. They have the right spirit and are guided by the Holy Spirit not to understand all things, but to understand what they need to understand. When they receive the knowledge they are meek enough to humbly accept it with joy.

In the end what does God really want?

This is what im curious about, but i guess if the message is real i shall find out one day what its correct interpretation is.

I believe that everyone will know the truth. But the question is will they know it before their earthy lives end or after it ends?

Despite being atheist i can in a way agree with and understand what you say, warfare doesnt benefit anyone and christians main belief is to be peaceful and loving so taking part in warfare is very much against what they should be doing, though of course we may find out one day that god finds it acceptable in certain circumstances. Someday we may see.

God has used war and i believe He continues to use war as an implement of His wrath. But He does not choose to Use Christians as and implement of His wrath upon the world. He uses us as His ambassadors to give the message of forgiveness to those who will hear it. For a Christian to die is nothing important, for we have eternity with God. But the death of a non-believer is indeed a terrible tragedy. It is far better to be killed then to be a killer.

"i embrace the Love of the Truth that is in Jesus my Messiah"

I just wanted to pick up on this and get a complete definition to make sure im understanding it correctly.

I'm not sure what you want here Lemming3k? When i say that i embrace the Love of the Truth i am embracing Gods Love that has been revealed through the Word of God, Jesus. His revelation is so wonderful it brings a tear to my eye.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
pete I think we all know he found it, the main point is he shared it, and I'm sure jim huber would be happy with that.
Adstar your analogy was good and explained things a lot better, and also your explanation of love of the truth was fine, i was just checking about that one, thankyou.
I believe that everyone will know the truth. But the question is will they know it before their earthy lives end or after it ends?
I think we can only know the certain truth after it ends.
God has used war and i believe He continues to use war as an implement of His wrath.
That would explain why he allows wars to happen, but i wouldnt understand the need for his wrath, if he wants people to be loving and peaceful and follow jesus' teachings a war is not the best way, scaring them into it with wrath is not a good way to get people to learn because they want to learn, only because they feel they will be spared.
But He does not choose to Use Christians as and implement of His wrath upon the world. He uses us as His ambassadors to give the message of forgiveness to those who will hear it. For a Christian to die is nothing important, for we have eternity with God.
Depending on any sins committed i shall presume?
But the death of a non-believer is indeed a terrible tragedy. It is far better to be killed then to be a killer.
I think all death is a tragedy as we dont know for certain what is there for us afterwards, i would hate for people to die believing there was something more if there wasnt.
audible said:
pete I think we all know he found it, the main point is he shared it, and I'm sure jim huber would be happy with that.

I'm sure he wouldn't be too distressed, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't want a link. He's got a lot more to say than is in "Fred wanted to ski"
Lemming3k said:
Adstar your analogy was good and explained things a lot better, and also your explanation of love of the truth was fine, i was just checking about that one, thankyou.

No worries i only hope the explanation explains what i think. :)

That would explain why he allows wars to happen, but i wouldn’t understand the need for his wrath, if he wants people to be loving and peaceful and follow jesus' teachings a war is not the best way, scaring them into it with wrath is not a good way to get people to learn because they want to learn, only because they feel they will be spared.

Well does God use war to motivate people to accept Jesus as Messiah or not? Lets look at an example of a war. Think of WW2. The most bloody area of conflict in that war was the battles involving Hitlers Nazi forces and Starlins Communist forces. Did God use Hitlers Nazi army and His SS divisions as implements of His wrath against Starlins communist army and His fanatical Red Guards? Or Did God use Starlins Communist army and His fanatical Red Guards to carry His wrath against Hitlers Nazi army and His SS divisions? Both Hitler and starlin killed Christians, if i was living in those times and in either of those nations i would refuse to join the armed forces of either and both systems would have imprisoned me either in a concentration camp or in a gulag prison. Anyone refusing to take part in military service no matter what there reason would face persecution and usually death. Both Starlin and Hitler where anti-christs. and their loyal populations who also took part in their crimes. So God used both systems to carry out his wrath on each other by allowing Hitler to try to fulfill His desire to create a nazi super power in Europe. The battles on the eastern front where the most vicious in the war No mercy was shown to prisoners or the civilian populations. So God used both forces as a tool of His wrath on each other. Now was the point of the exercise to bring them to believe in God through fear?? I have no doubt that some people caught up in that terrible war would have turned to God and renounced their former evil ways but they would have been shot by either by the Gestapo or the NKVD men so they would not have been spared. i do not think many of Hitlers SS men or Starlins Red Guards would have ever renounced their evil ways.

""But He does not choose to Use Christians as and implement of His wrath upon the world. He uses us as His ambassadors to give the message of forgiveness to those who will hear it. For a Christian to die is nothing important, for we have eternity with God.""

Depending on any sins committed i shall presume?

You presume wrongly. Jesus said there was only one sin that would never be forgiven men, "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" All Other sins are forgiven those who repent and accept The Word of God, Jesus, as Messiah. God is just and merciful these two concepts are not contradictory because it is Just to have forgiveness on those who acknowledge the evil of there wrong doings and are repentant of heart. To agree with the Will of God is to be justified in Spirit.

I think all death is a tragedy as we don’t know for certain what is there for us afterwards, i would hate for people to die believing there was something more if there wasnt.

What would i loose if i died and ceased to exist? would i not know love in this life? would i not know joy? would i not enjoy good food? would i not have danced with happiness? What pain or regret would i have if i died and ceased to exist? Non whatsoever. ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
adstar you pointed out one battle during the second world war, what of all the other wars and now name the ones, that were started by and due to religion, far too many.
your statement is invalid. adstar (99% of wars were directly due to religion).
adstar said:
But He does not choose to Use Christians as an implement of His wrath upon the world. He uses us as His ambassadors to give the message of forgiveness to those who will hear it. For a Christian to die is nothing important, for we have eternity with God.
this is why you christians will never respect life, because you think there something better.
thats why there will always be wars, as long as theres religion.
adstar said:
What would i loose if i died and ceased to exist? would i not know love in this life? would i not know joy? would i not enjoy good food? would i not have danced with happiness? What pain or regret would i have if i died and ceased to exist? Non whatsoever
now apply that to a victim of war or murder, and then tell us what they have lost, especially a child.
it's not the life you take, it's also the lives you ruin.