Dennis Tate:
I asked you a lot of very specific questions about two of your posts. You have skipped over them - essentially ignored them - and then gone on your merry way almost as if I never posted anything. Why is that? Were my questions too difficult for you to address? Or is it that you'd prefer not to confront those kinds of things? Are you so comfortable in your beliefs about near death experiences and the like that any suggestion that they aren't good evidence for God or the supernatural just goes in one ear and out the other? Or what?
Should I write you off as a person I should simply ignore, then? Somebody who isn't worth listening to, because you just ramble on regardless of what anybody else says to you?
When it comes to fundamental energy or energies we know that electromagnetism, gravity, weak and strong nuclear force ARE NOT FUNDAMENTAL ENERGIES....... but instead are complex energies somehow made up of less and less complex forms of energy or energies that operate at RELATIVELY LOW LEVEL energies in comparison to truly fundamental energy as explained by String Theory!
Gravity, electromagnetism and the nuclear forces are not "energies" - or at least not in the vague sort of way you seem to be using that term. They are best described as "fundamental interactions" that describe how the fundamental particles in the universe (that we know of) all interact with one another.
Probably you are thinking of theories that "combine" the four "fundamental interactions" into a single "super force" at very high energies. So I guess there's a hint of actual physics in what you're talking about, but it sounds like you don't understand it very well - or more that you understand it from a sort of "popular science" perspective, which tends to use words to explain things rather than mathematics and quantitative theory.
In that article that I gave a couple of quotations on String Theory from it was mentioned that Stephen Hawking Ph. D. was having difficulty with gravity......
gravity would not fully fit in mathematically with ONE ORIGINAL SUPERFORCE in merely ten dimensions of space and time so as of the time of that article
M-Theory postulated eleven dimensions of space and time to make full unity into one force possible.
Bosonic String Theory works with twenty six dimensions of space and time and I ran into evidence in parapsychology or pseudoscience that would imply that Bosonic String Theory is probably going to win out over M-Theory over the long term.
Okay. You were doing well right up until you mentioned "evidence in parapsychology or pseudoscience". What does parapsychology have to do with string theory or fundamental forces? And what is the "evidence" you're referring to?
You know that "pseudoscience" is "fake science" - nonsense dressed up to look like science, essentially? It has the trappings of science without bothering about any actual evidence collection or methodological rigour, or critical thinking - those kinds of things that we find in real science.
My guess is that there may be TWO fundamental energies.... one based on Super Strings which I assume correspond to light.....
the other perhaps based on Super Waves that may be the primary component of GRAVITY that Dr. Hawking was having trouble
fitting into the mathematics for full unification. But that is just a guess.
Well, there's a difference between a wild guess and an educated guess. Which is yours?
Are you educated in the physics necessary to understand string theory properly? Are you able to read Hawking's original scientific papers and understand them? If so, then your "guess" might be worth something. If, on the other hand, you've just read "A brief history of time", without really understanding the last half of the book, and a few other pop-science articles on string theory that contain no mathematics, then your "guess" is unlikely to point us towards fruitful avenues for future research.
What is a far worse sign is that you appear to be putting as much, or more, emphasis on information you believe you have from pseudoscientific ideas (parapsychology and near death experiences, for instance) as you do on information from real scientific sources, like Hawking. That suggests to me that you're not very good at telling the difference between science and pseudoscience, yet.
As far as a test to prove this to be untrue.....
One of the most productive ways to disprove this basic idea would be of course connected to
attempting to disprove Energy from Quantum Vacuum.
Why does energy somehow go off the scale in larger and larger particle accelerators or massive vacuum chambers?
I don't know what you're referring to when you say "energy somehow goes off the scale". Can you refer me to a specific source that makes that claim? That is, a reputable scientific source (even a pop-science one will do), not a crank pseudoscientific source?
In which experiment(s) did "energy somehow go off the scale"? In what way? With what measurement? The energy of what? I want some details.
There is a facility being built in Europe that will probably soon have the answer but......
Which facility? What kind of facility?
Energy from Quantum Vacuum could compete with the oil industry so........
Maybe, if it could be harnessed. And so...?
don't hold your breath waiting for information on what is being found out there to be released to the general public.
You think there's a conspiracy to hide important science from the public, concerning limitless sources of energy, or similar? Got evidence of that?
Actually having already read chapter thirteen of Stephen Hawking's Universe before I read Mellen Benedict's near death experience I was actually kind of shocked at the many similarities between what Mellen Benedict reported being shown about the history of the
universe before the Big Bang...... with the speculations from an Agnostic angle that Dr. Stephen Hawking wrote out in that chapter that
is entitled The Anthropic Principle.
Did Mellen Benedict already read that book before his NDE??????
My impression is that Mellen Benedict's near death experience occurred in the 1982 but..... "Stephen Hawking's Universe "was not published until 1989.
Can you list a few of the similarities? Maybe five of them, say, for starters? How specific are they?
Are you claiming that this Mellen Benedict person gained access to special knowledge about physics as a result of a near death experience? Is there any
other evidence of that?