Dennis Tate
Okay. And what tests might conceivably prove that belief to be incorrect? Are there any? If not, then the belief is probably not a scientific one.
Can you please define "fundamental energy"? I don't know what that means.
Maybe I do. How do you propose to measure intelligence? What would be the most important difference between the "first intelligence" and whatever came just before that?
What makes you think that forms of energy can predate the big bang, in the first place?
And then, what makes it "obvious" to you that "intelligence" would originate in that form of energy?
What form would that pre-big bang Intelligence have taken?
None of this is at all "obvious" to me, and so far you've provided no reason why I should accept any of it.
Why do you think that "near death experiences" are a real experience of "higher invisible dimensions", as opposed to merely being the imaginative experiences that an oxygen-deprived brain might have, for example?
That seems like a total non sequitur to anything you said before that. What has plant fear got to do with fundamental energies, the big bang, or near death experiences? You're all over the place.
What makes you suspect that animists may have access to special knowledge? Why animists, in particular?
Since there's no good evidence that any such thing actually happens, is it really worth wasting time speculating on how it might work, if it was real? Surely the first step is to confirm that "out of body experiences" actually occur.
What convinced you?
That would tend to refute your belief that "out of body experiences" aren't the product of the brain, would it not?
Nerve conduction in the human body and in the brain also uses electricity. Does that help?
I don't know what you mean by that. String theory only references the usual fields that physicists already know about, the electromagnetic field being one of them.
What do you mean by a "higher level truth"? How many levels of truth are there? How do you know?
You have a quote mark at the start of this. Whom are you quoting?
Energy isn't "stuff". It's essentially an accounting system. How could anything be "composed of energy"?
Can you name anything that is "composed of energy"?
Also, you keep saying that lots of things "seem obvious" to you. Based on what? Your overactive imagination?
There are lots of ifs and assumptions in that sentence.
I don't know what "fundamental energy" is; maybe you'll explain.
On what basis do you "assume" that Stephen Hawking shared your belief in "fundamental energy"?
As for evolution: we already know it's possible. It happens. That's an established fact. We don't need infinite time for that.
It sounds to me like you don't have the first clue about what "evolution" means, or what the "theory of evolution" is about.
Again, what makes you think that "near death experiencers" have special access to knowledge - or access to special knowledge?
Do you understand what Hawking is talking about? He is speculating that there might be a multiverse consisting of a large number of "island universes" which have different values for their fundamental physical constants (the ones that determine the relative strengths of fundamental physical forces and so on). But Hawking always explicitly stated that this is speculation. It is not verified in any way.
There are a number of reasons why I take NDE accounts very seriously.......
(which does not rule out the possibility that somebody might make up an NDE account for less than sincere reasons but).......
the effect of near death experiences on the people who have had them is impressive. Even the researchers quoted in various Psychology Today articles on the topic seemed to
have felt that these accounts had some sort of psychological value.........
even if it was just to give people at least some sort of "hope" or sense of value in the larger scheme of things.
Bright Lights, Big Mystery | Psychology Today
For Sappington and others, the issue is not whether the person is actually meeting God, but why NDErs routinely seem better adjusted, more at peace and content with themselves and the world after their experience. Disregarding, for the time being at least, how they got that way, and focusing on the changes themselves, psychologists would like to borrow this newfound sense of well-being and utilize it in therapy.
Reports are highly consistent and common: "I understand things so much more" and "My senses all seem heightened." Subjects claim "sudden knowledge and comprehension of complex mathematical theorems." Psychologist Ring has identified a consistent set of value and belief changes. They include:
a greater appreciation for life
o higher self-esteem
o greater compassion for others
o a heightened sense of purpose and self-understanding
o desire to learn
o elevated spirituality
o greater ecological sensitivity and planetary concern
o a feeling of being more intuitive, sometimes psychic.
o He also observes "psychophysical changes," including:
o increased physical sensitivity
o diminished tolerance to light, alcohol, and drugs
o a feeling that their brains have been "altered" to encompass more
o a feeling that they are now using their "whole brain" rather than just a small part.
NDErs undergo radical changes in personality, and their,significant others--spouses, friends, relatives--confirm these changes, reports Bruce Greyson, M.D., clinical psychiatrist and associate professor at the University of Connecticut. Like Sappington, he is concerned with what can be learned from such new outlooks on life." (Psychology Today, article Bright lights, big mystery, by James Mauro, published on July 01, 1992)
There are at least two ways of looking at the fact that NDE accounts or something like them actually have a number of ways of being generated......
some of which can be done under what appears like "laboratory conditions."
I am one of those people who tend to think that this tends to verify that there is something "real" about these.....
my guess at this time would be a connection between our "over soul" as former Atheist and near death experiencer Mellen Benedict termed it.....
for the part of our memories, identity or personality that seems to exist even before we were born or even conceived????????
The Dr. Ian Stevenson research may eventually be understood to shed some light on whatever that might be??????
Psychological Triggers of Near-Death Experiences
By Kevin R. Williams, B.Sc.
1.Brain Seizures
2.Brain Stimulation
4.Extreme Gravity
5.Extreme Meditation
6.Extreme Stress
7.Falling from Heights
11.Mental Dysfunction