Millions? Lol no, there are a million posts, only 7,000 members.
And many therapists are incels who can't get laid. Because therapists tend to be beta males.
If you say so.
Millions? Lol no, there are a million posts, only 7,000 members.
And many therapists are incels who can't get laid. Because therapists tend to be beta males.
You're smart enough to know your opinions leave out myriad factors affecting relationships. If you want to vent, go for it. I just fear to see this "incel" idea become more radicalized...All the therapists I've encountered were usually single and been years since they been laid.
Women claim they want a man who treats them right and cares about their emotional needs, but really they want an alpha male, because they hate men who are weak.
And you know what therapists are? Weak. Non-violent. They advocate pacifism, non-violence, resolving conflicts the Jesus way. Pathetic.
But I want to go on to about the ancient times. In the ancient times, it is said that only 1 out of every 17 men could get laid. That is absolutely ridiculous. That level of oppression seems insane to believe. So, out of every 17 males, only 1 male gets to have a happy life. That seems retarded. I don't even know how such a society could function, all of the males in it would be angry and bitter and fight with each other constantly, so I doubts on these so called "historical facts". In any case, even if such historical records are fake, it is a useful illustration to demonstrate the problems of hypergamy: Women seeming to gravitate towards one man only, like Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp, for instance, and the rest of the males are discarded and forever alone, always encountering resistance and flak from women for even trying. Women always making up excuses, stating reasons why these males are just never good enough for them, and how they will never compare to Brad Pitt. So males get super competitive, try-hard, and bitter, in this infinite contest to try and prove their worth to an unattainable, infinite standard. And its a double standard because, if a male acted like how women do, they would be called a chauvinist. For instance, if a woman told me she loved me, and I said, "Nope. Can't date you, we can't have sex, because, you're just not as hot as Angelina Jolie. I only date girls as hot and as famous as Angelina Jolie." I would be called a chauvinist pig. But women can go around saying "Brad Pitt is my standard, you will never be able to reach his league" and then I am told things about how all I need to do is be rich and famous like Jim Beluci and women will love me, and I am supposed to accept this extreme form of misandry as "civilized" and "progressive".
For shame....Other than that, get a hobby. Maybe start drinking, so you can wallow in self pity and feel sorry for yourself because on average it takes less beer for women to become intoxicated.![]()
Perhaps some people who are not violent are cowardly, but was Jesus a coward? Was someone like Martin Luther King jr a coward? Please do not confuse non violence with cowardice. This confusion is one of the reasons why we have overcompensating men in our know what therapists are? Weak. Non-violent. They advocate pacifism, non-violence, resolving conflicts the Jesus way. Pathetic.
If you don't like that sort of behavior you shouldn't be doing it yourself, right? Instead of trying to fix the situation Incels are reveling in it. Hey look someone robbed me so I'm gonna rob someone else while complaining about how I got robbed. It's textbook hypocrisy.Women always making up excuses, stating reasons why these males are just never good enough for them, and how they will never compare to Brad Pitt. So males get super competitive, try-hard, and bitter, in this infinite contest to try and prove their worth to an unattainable, infinite standard. And its a double standard because, if a male acted like how women do, they would be called a chauvinist.
Jesus, if he was real, was literally insane. And he was poisoning our population with certain values.Perhaps some people who are not violent are cowardly, but was Jesus a coward? Was someone like Martin Luther King jr a coward? Please do not confuse non violence with cowardice. This confusion is one of the reasons why we have overcompensating men in our society.
Like I said not all incels are the same. Eliot Rodgers was a fucking idiot and even bad a being a mass murderer. He litterally walked up to a sorority house rang the door bell and just walked away, instead of just breaking the glass door. And half of the people he killed were utter incels like himself, he was a buffoon. His idea of a utopia is a society with only men and no women, which is homo to the max.If you don't like that sort of behavior you shouldn't be doing it yourself, right? Instead of trying to fix the situation Incels are reveling in it. Hey look someone robbed me so I'm gonna rob someone else while complaining about how I got robbed. It's textbook hypocrisy.
what point do we need to embrace Jesus's cultural ideals of total emasculation and servitude?
It is astonishing that your critique of him is not about his ideology and beliefs that led him to mass murder.. Nor the fact that his utopia was about making the beautiful women he felt owed him sex, pay for their crimes of not wanting him..Like I said not all incels are the same. Eliot Rodgers was a fucking idiot and even bad a being a mass murderer. He litterally walked up to a sorority house rang the door bell and just walked away, instead of just breaking the glass door. And half of the people he killed were utter incels like himself, he was a buffoon. His idea of a utopia is a society with only men and no women, which is homo to the max.
You strike me as a horrible little person. It seem to me you deserve all the unhappiness you are feeling.Like I said not all incels are the same. Eliot Rodgers was a fucking idiot and even bad a being a mass murderer. He litterally walked up to a sorority house rang the door bell and just walked away, instead of just breaking the glass door.
That wouldn't be the greatest pick-up line...Like I said not all incels are the same. Eliot Rodgers was a fucking idiot and even bad a being a mass murderer. He litterally walked up to a sorority house rang the door bell and just walked away, instead of just breaking the glass door. And half of the people he killed were utter incels like himself, he was a buffoon. His idea of a utopia is a society with only men and no women, which is homo to the max.
And yes, people like Eliot Rodgers make us look bad, especially when he refuses to fuck any woman other that a 10, it makes me think he is a closet homo actually.
It is astonishing that your critique of him is not about his ideology and beliefs that led him to mass murder.. Nor the fact that his utopia was about making the beautiful women he felt owed him sex, pay for their crimes of not wanting him..
Because reasonable people would peg that. Not you though.
You are whining that he was too stupid to break through the glass door to murder the women inside the sorority house and instead walked away and murdered people in the street after murdering his room mate..
All I can attract are ugly girls but no girl that I am even a little attracted to ever shows any interest in me.
I don't want to remain a lonely and psychotic virgin forever when I see other guys get married and they are happy and also many of them have good-looking girlfriends.
So I think that I should really find a way to kill myself because I just don't see a future for myself worth living.