general cryptzoology


Registered Member
Hello my name is raremon and I created this forum for the general discussion of ghosts, cryptids etc. I hope to be updating it regularly. So please feel free to post any encounters with cryptids you may have had as well as any information you wish to share. Enjoy :)
Whoa, you again? Hmm I tend to be replying to your posts as of late... Well... I myself have never had any experience with anything of the like, but cryptozoology does interest me.

So to start off... What do you think about these gems?

Shadow People

I assume you are asking about shadow people in general,if you are not feel free to specify. Shadow people are a form of ghost found all over the world as all ghosts are. Ghosts can take many forms and shadow people are one of the most known. They are seldom as clear as your picture though and not very clearly defined.
I saw a shadow figure of myself and realized it was my shadow. Anyways I dont believe in ghosts and etc.
I assume you are asking about shadow people in general,if you are not feel free to specify. Shadow people are a form of ghost found all over the world as all ghosts are. Ghosts can take many forms and shadow people are one of the most known. They are seldom as clear as your picture though and not very clearly defined.

Hmmm but I thought they were considered to be something other than a ghost, as ghosts are generally the spirits of deceased people. As most people who witness these beings often feel a presence that was "never human", and is often accompanied with a feeling of great dread (or so I have read).

As for the shape not being clear, what about the hat man? A world-wide phenomenon (also a shadow person), but like the rest of the shadow people, has been associated to sleep paralysis. An odd an rare game, called the LSD Dream Emulator had an entity called the "gray coat" which had an antagonistic function, and is remotely based on the hat-man type of shadow person. The connection is mentioned below on the wiki page.
Yeah, the hat man entity/phenomenon is a subcategory of shadow people. It is from what I have read, they aren't simply "shadowy ghosts", but are a completely different kind of entity entirely. I imagine a ghost could take the form of a shadow, likely creating this confusion of classification.
Here is the 'hat man' as described by an individual from Juarez.

Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi women's headquarters report that using the shadowman is indeed unconstitutional, devised is a new more sexually acceptable term: SHADOWWOMAN


"I have personally seen them", account a young frightened boy
.... "They lurk right next to the fridge at 3am, eating away mom's chocolate icecream!".

I am appalled to say the least, from such deviance in our establishment, creatures of the netherside, harborers of parallel universe, where else could they have come from?!
Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi women's headquarters report that using the shadowman is indeed unconstitutional, devised is a new more sexually acceptable term: SHADOWWOMAN


"I have personally seen them", account a young frightened boy
.... "They lurk right next to the fridge at 3am, eating away mom's chocolate icecream!".

I am appalled to say the least, from such deviance in our establishment, creatures of the netherside, harborers of parallel universe, where else could they have come from?!

Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi women's headquarters report that using the shadowman is indeed unconstitutional, devised is a new more sexually acceptable term: SHADOWWOMAN


"I have personally seen them", account a young frightened boy
.... "They lurk right next to the fridge at 3am, eating away mom's chocolate icecream!".

I am appalled to say the least, from such deviance in our establishment, creatures of the netherside, harborers of parallel universe, where else could they have come from?!

Hebebe hebebe