George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

Burglars may be cautious, or lazy.
Or perhaps, as opportunists, they don't need to travel far to find an open window or unlocked door.
They tend to burgle not far from their homes.
As with a lot of the stuff on here, it doesn't make much difference,
but you might find the data of interest.

It should be noted that the availability of vehicles after age 16 can change the distance
individuals travel to commit burglaries a bit. It has been noted that the farther the distance
traveled, the more likely a burglar is to get higher “rewards” (Snook, 2004). According to our
data, burglars aged 12-20 traveled roughly 1.8 miles to their targeted location; 21 to 30 year olds
traveled an average of 2.1 miles. There is a drop back down to roughly 1.7 miles from ages 31-40
and a further decrease to about 1.4 miles at ages 41-50. The average distance rises again at 51+
years going up to 1.7 miles again. It seems distances are relatively stable for the most part which
falls in line with other research,such as Wright & Decker’s Burglars on the Job.

About what I expected - 2.2 to 3.4 km. Even in Auckland 2.2km can be enough to put you in a different suburb.
Where I live, 2.2km will get you from one of the poorest parts of the country to the richest parts of town (or some of them anyway).

How far from Martins girlfriends house was he when all of this went down? I have less than a mile in my head.
@ Trippy,
1. You're still assuming Martin threw the first punch.

Yes. This is what was claimed. Police were called. Trayvon was 6'2 and very muscular. GZ would really be pushing sanity to initiate a fight here, but your point is taken. I don't believe it, but it is an opinion.

He thought "Da Golds" (GOLD TEETH) added to his tough guy reputation (based on phone SMS extractions.


2. Black Kid... White neighborhood... Take a moment to think about it...

The neighborhood was half white. Does a half white neighborhood make it white?
It was 20% black...

I'm thinking about it and do not see this point.

Are we listening to the same phone call? 28 seconds into the phonecall, the first time he was asked "He looks black." Not "I'm not sure." It suggests that he has already made up his mind.

Yes. He first says "He looks Black" when asked. However 35 seconds later he can see better (Walking towards his truck at this point) and says "He IS a black male". To me (opinion) it seems like he had verified it to himself and police. Confirming a prior opinion, yes, if that's how you want to phrase it. Did he know the kids skin color BEFORE the 911 call?

Remind me, who was he visiting again?

TM and his father were visiting his father's fiancée and her son at her townhome in The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. This was hundreds of miles (Half a state) from where TM lived and grew up (Miami-Dade, Florida).
the myriad of justifications for zimmerman's actions i've read are apalling besides silly and nuts. that it's implied that even somehow if martin was in the wrong neighborhood or that it wasn't his neighborhood it justifies his killing etc. people are pretty dang unethical, eh?

TM and his father were visiting his father's fiancée and her son at her townhome in The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. This was hundreds of miles (Half a state) from where TM lived and grew up (Miami-Dade, Florida).

horrendous, because he didn't have permanent residence there, it somehow justifies killing. unbelievable...
@ Birch,
If he attacked GZ and tried to take the gun, then GZ had a right to defend himself. It is a FACT there was a prolonged fight. It is a fact SOMEONE yelled for help 14 times in 38 seconds. Maybe it was Trayvon yelling, but that's not what the courts concluded. His fighting experience was not even brought up in court.

Your above comment about permanent residence is ridiculous and who he was visiting was asked by Trippy. You are making things up and inserting them into the conversation.

Trayvon was killed in a fight. Period. He was not gunned down walking home.

I will add: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY THOUGH FOR ANY KID THAT SELLS ILLEGAL HANDGUNS TO OTHER KIDS LIKE HE DID ACCORDING TO HIS SMS TEXT EXTRACTIONS. POST 584. I am not saying he deserved to die, but that I will not mourn or care. I also think his violent past shows he is the type of man that would attack GZ.
Wouldn't it have been a good idea for Zimmerman to let Martin know that the reason he was out on a rainy night, following muscular boys around,
was because he was part of a neighborhood watch?

He thought "Da Golds" (GOLD TEETH) added to his tough guy reputation (based on phone SMS extractions.
Shoot him, he's got gold teeth.
@ Trippy,

Yes. This is what was claimed. Police were called. Trayvon was 6'2 and very muscular. GZ would really be pushing sanity to initiate a fight here, but your point is taken. I don't believe it, but it is an opinion.

Zimmerman had the security of having a gun in his pocket and the confidence that the law would back him.

The neighborhood was half white. Does a half white neighborhood make it white?
It was 20% black...
Unless you're saying it was 30% "Hispanic or Other" Which is it?

I'm thinking about it and do not see this point.
Look up "Institutional racism".

Yes. He first says "He looks Black" when asked.
Correct - this proves he had already developed an opinion by this time.

However 35 seconds later he can see better (Walking towards his truck at this point) and says "He IS a black male". To me (opinion) it seems like he had verified it to himself and police. Confirming a prior opinion, yes, if that's how you want to phrase it. Did he know the kids skin color BEFORE the 911 call?
He clearly had an opinion before the phone call. Are you saying that he has to have absolute knowledge before it can be an influencing factor? You've never acted on an opinion?

TM and his father were visiting his father's fiancée and her son at her townhome in The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. This was hundreds of miles (Half a state) from where TM lived and grew up (Miami-Dade, Florida).
And you're missing the point.

Oh, and one more thing. In spite of your insistence that absence of proof is not proof of absence, you would have us believe that the absence of evidence of Zimmermans guilt is evidence of the absence of his guilt?
(Insert Title Here)

KWHilborn said:

Your description does not match any given by witnesses. The ONLY description given of Trayvons actions were by GZ when he described them to police.

You make the point for me.
Listen the safest place I've ever lived was not in NY where they have strict gun laws but in Eureka Springs,
Arkansas where everyone openly carried. In Eureka I never had to lock my front door.

I can think of whole countries that are safer: Japan, Australia, Netherlands, France, that right FUCKING France, etc, etc. All of which have stricter guns laws and fewer guns per capita than the USA! Many things separate NY from Eureka Spings, like radical difference in median income, population density, ethinicities, etc, etc, any which of these factors could be the cause in the difference in crime rates, trying to determine the effects of guns laws verses these two very different places and amongst all the dilution in cause and effect by all these other factors is like trying to determine which ocean you pissed in via samples taken from different oceans!

The reason why there is so much gun violence is because typically criminals can get hold of a gun while most people go unarmed.

This is call a hypothesis, in this case one unsupported by any evidence. Ideological people though tend to believe hypothesises are true despite lack of evidence or even huge amounts of evidence against.

The kid died not because he didn't turn down his music but because he was confronted by an armed perpetrator. If the perp KNEW that those two men where carrying a weapon do you think he would have gotten into an argument with them over music they were playing in their car in a parking lot no less? I doubt it.

You did not read that case did you? the 'perp' had a register gun and killed them claiming he saw them with a shotgun (which was never found and not likely hidden by them). Clearly you logic fails in this case: he thought they were armed so he unloaded his gun on them as fast as he could! He did not 'respect' them in anyway.

Family vendettas? I don't know what that would has to do with anything.

Often people argue that gun arm society would be a respectful one, like back in the 'good old days', well a lot of things were different back then beside lots of men with openly holstered guns and quick draw training, like dualing was legal, family vandettas and all out clan warfare (Macoys verse Hatfield for example) these things could have made people more 'respectful' as well. Again its a matter of how many differences there were from then to today and somehow point at guns as the causative difference out of all the other possible factors is illogical.

Studies generally show if you own a gun your more likely to shot your self or a family member then an intruder.

Do you believe for a second Zimmerman would have followed Trayvon if he KNEW that the young man was armed?

Considering how you failed to read the minds involve in the case I brought up, I not going to imagine what Zimmerman would have done, he might have shot Trayvon from afar within moments of recognizing he was armed for all we know!

I say he would have called the cops and not left his apartment.

He was in his car... you don't read do you?

The reality is that the US is not going to be disarmed

Does not need to be! We could implement all kinds of things to try to reduce gun violence without having to fuck with the 2nd Amendment. For example require every gun owner to have training or else pay a fine, require gun insurance or else pay heavy fines, have gun insurance companies handle all gun registration (thus separating the "Big Bad Government" from gun registration records) and gun storage inspections. We also have the technology now for rapidly opening gun safes and gun safety system like RFID key ring activated guns, we could require gun owners place their guns in such guns safes (or else pay massive fines or receive increase insurance prices), heavier criminal charges for gun trafficking, illegal gun sales, gun swapping, unregistered or uninsured guns, etc, etc

Look we require every car owner have a licence, car insurance, car registration, maintain car standards, right? Why don't we place at least some of those kinds of regulations on guns? I'm not asking to take away all guns, just for a little more regulation which is perfectly within the bounds of the 2nd amendment... is that so much to ask for? Look at the Swiss, there guns (and ammo) are highly regulated as well as having every family require to be arm as and part of a militia.

Go and check the stats and you will find that the states with the strictest gun laws also have the most gun violence and commonly by those who arrive at a firearm illegally.

Again this is an inability for you to see the problems of cause and effect: states might have more gun restrictions because of high rates of gun violence, not vice verse of gun restrictions causing high gun violence: correlation does not mean causation! Again other countries demonstrate the benefits of gun regulation or even bannishemt. Australia for example banned and bought back all automatic and semiautomatic rifles and shotguns in since 1996, resulting in reduce homicide and suicide rates that could even be correlated with the rate of buy back per Australian state, thus removing any other national factor!
More importantly if your claim that more guns would reduce gun violence was true then we would have seen an increase in Australian homicide rates, not a decrease!
Studies generally show if you own a gun your more likely to shot your self or a family member then an intruder.

that makes sense but what happened in this case also illustrates how many more unnecessary deaths would occur if 'everyone' were packing like it was a cell phone, beeper, wallet etc as zimmerman did. there are so many situations in the home and outside where things can get heated and the ease, immediate availability and temptation of using such a weapon when one is angry would, i think, result in more gun-related deaths overall. having stricter gun control and liability for having a gun, i believe, is the best route.
kwhilborn said:
Zimmerman (only witness) claimed Trayvon was standing on his neighbors lawn in the rain when he fist saw him. He was not on a sidewalk or road or even walking. Just standing there in the rain looking out. Had he been walking he likely would be alive now. Watch a re-enactment. He was NOT taking the most direct route home
Y'know, I'm sure these re-enactments are fascinating (which version of Zimmerman's retelling did they use?), but we have a transcript of the initial phone call: Zimmerman does not describe someone standing on a lawn casing a house - he has no address, does not call the cops to a house, does not even mention the possibility of the kid being a lookout for a burglary in progress, does not seem to be at all worried about the kid having friends handy, none of that - the kid appears to be walking, alone, and Zimmerman appears to be very worried about his being a black male in a hoodie - in exactly those terms. He is following the kid, not watching him case a house. He does not know where the kid is going, whether he is taking the most direct route or some more meandering route while he talks to a girl on the phone, nothing - he knows only what he sees.

And what he sees, was "up to no good". What he sees, he follows down the street with a firearm in the middle of the night, in the rain. So what was it that he saw? Let's take him at his word: a black male in a hoodie.
@ Trippy,
Oh, and one more thing. In spite of your insistence that absence of proof is not proof of absence, you would have us believe that the absence of evidence of Zimmermans guilt is evidence of the absence of his guilt?

Say this 5 times fast.

I do not profess to know who was innocent or guilty in this case. I just know that the scenario painted and most of us originally heard was that GZ had stalked and murdered his prey for simply racial reasons. When people actually look at the situation it is at least plausible Trayvon was planning a crime(from SMS extractions, and school/police reports). It is also plausible he threw the first punch based on his reputation as a fighter (from SMS extractions). If either are true then GZ is not the monster he is painted to be.

I don't think any neighborhood watch would allow a suspicious person to vanish from view. I wouldn't. We do not know what he saw that made him suspicious. The only evidence we have that Trayvon was NOT acting suspiciously is the scenarios everyone makes up in their own private fantasy land. If we stick to the facts then nobody knows what Trayvon was doing. He certainly was not taking the most direct route home.

This is sounding more and more like "I have no sympathy for any woman who was raped who was acting like she wanted it." Because afterwards it's always easy to claim that she was acting like a slut. "Did you see her text message about that guy? And did you see the way she looked at her boss? And he's married! She gets no sympathy."
@ Trippy,

Say this 5 times fast.

I do not profess to know who was innocent or guilty in this case. I just know that the scenario painted and most of us originally heard was that GZ had stalked and murdered his prey for simply racial reasons. When people actually look at the situation it is at least plausible Trayvon was planning a crime(from SMS extractions, and school/police reports). It is also plausible he threw the first punch based on his reputation as a fighter (from SMS extractions). If either are true then GZ is not the monster he is painted to be.

I don't think any neighborhood watch would allow a suspicious person to vanish from view. I wouldn't. We do not know what he saw that made him suspicious. The only evidence we have that Trayvon was NOT acting suspiciously is the scenarios everyone makes up in their own private fantasy land. If we stick to the facts then nobody knows what Trayvon was doing. He certainly was not taking the most direct route home.

Are you saying that Zimmerman had knowledge of Trayvon's so called history?

Psychic perhaps?

And Neighbourhood Watch are only meant to call the police and leave it there. Not follow them by car and then on foot, even against police advice and then breaking all the rules of Neighbourhood Watch by following someone, in a car and on foot and doing so while armed.

What Zimmerman did was to act the part of a vigilante.

If we stick to the facts, Martin was actually taking the direct route home. If you look at a map of the estate, he was taking the direct route home, even while he was being followed and then chased by Zimmerman.

We do know what he saw that made him suspicious. A black male in a hoodie walking in the rain while talking on the phone.

He said this on the phone to the 911 dispatcher.
kwhilborn said:
I just know that the scenario painted and most of us originally heard was that GZ had stalked and murdered his prey for simply racial reasons.
That's not true. That's not what anybody heard at first, and it is still an uncommon take on things - the only person presenting it here is you.
kwhilborn said:
When people actually look at the situation it is at least plausible Trayvon was planning a crime(from SMS extractions, and school/police reports). It is also plausible he threw the first punch based on his reputation as a fighter (from SMS extractions). If either are true then GZ is not the monster he is painted to be.
GZ is still a racially biased vigilante who followed an threatened and fought with and finally shot an unarmed teenage kid on the public street.
There is no way they are going to convict a member of a Neighborhood Watch of second degree murder,
unless the evidence is overpowering.
My gut feeling is that he was guilty of something, but that's no better than Kwhilborn's subjective judgement.
The evidence isn't there.

After this, every police liaison officer who oversees such groups will take pains to delineate what roles police and public should play.
If people are acting in a quasi-official capacity, they need to be trained, and they need some form of identification.
The "stand your ground" statute should be redefined, if not repealed.
If there are no witnesses, and you have a good enough story, you can kill anyone, anywhere.
Especially, of course, if they are young, Black, and in a hoody.
@ Captain kremmen,

If we stick to the facts, Martin was actually taking the direct route home.

Direct would be following the sidewalk and keeping right past the clubhouse. Turning left and going behind all the houses was a detour. Also GZ (only witness) makes it sound like the route was not direct in nature. Perhaps he was pacing back and forth and backtracking as he cut between homes. Your "FACTS" are only what you fantasize happened, as only GZ knows for sure.

We do know what he saw that made him suspicious. A black male in a hoodie walking in the rain while talking on the phone.


This was a neighborhood of townhouses. It was 20% black so one in five people walking home from the store would likely be black. The neighborhood was also 30% Hispanic so half the people walking home from the store would be black, mixed black or of another (non white race).

A black person walking home would be a very, very, common sight here. This is relevant because the media has painted a picture of a black person seeming out of place in a white neighborhood when this is simply not true.

So your claim
We do know what he saw that made him suspicious. A black male in a hoodie walking in the rain while talking on the phone.

This would be a common sight in a neighborhood where half the people are not White. I would suggest the term suspicious might be like the word implies.

Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.
Causing one to have the idea or impression that something or someone is of questionable, dishonest, or dangerous character or condition.

He could have been walking up to houses and peering in the windows for all we know.

From Wikipedia
Another [School] suspension in October 2011 was for graffiti, when Martin was observed by a security camera in a restricted area of the school marking up a door with "W.T.F."[28] When he was later searched by a Miami-Dade School Police Department officer, looking for the graffiti marker, the officer found a dozen pieces of women's jewelry and a watch in his backpack, which Martin said a friend had given to him. A screwdriver was also found, which was described by the school police investigator as a burglary tool. The jewelry was impounded and given to the police.

This Wikipedia article indicates that at one time a police officer did suspect Trayvon of breaking into homes and stealing Jewelry. There is more to this story, but the information has not been verified by anyone other than a few newspapers.

GZ - I felt he was suspicious because it was raining. He was in-between houses, cutting in-between houses

I do not think simply walking home would be deemed suspicious. He was first noticed on the lawn of a neighbor, not walking, and not on the road or sidewalk.

- he's on drugs or something

Now if i was going to describe someone as on drugs they would need to be doing something crazy. Maybe he was moonwalking in peoples driveways, or walking in circles. Maybe Trayvons Cellphone allowed him to talk hands free and he just looked insane talking to himself. Maybe he was doing handstands on garbage cans or pacing around in circles. Maybe he was looking for a lost lighter on the ground and performing a search grid that seemed illogical to a bystander. NOBODY KNOWS. GZ lawyer advised GZ not to describe events beyond the initial police investigation.

Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out

Before GZ even left his truck. (from wikipedia link above)
Zimmerman told investigators that at one point Martin circled his vehicle,[Note 8] and he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation.

He rolled up his windows to avoid a confrontation. It does not sound like walking straight home to me. If any man circled my vehicle (Black or White) while looking confrontational I might think they are not walking directly home.

Now he's just staring at me. Dispatcher: OK--you said it's 1111 Retreat View? Or 111? Zimmerman: That's the clubhouse... Dispatcher: That's the clubhouse, do you know what the--he's near the clubhouse right now? Zimmerman: Yeah, now he's coming towards me.

Just Staring at him. That' sounds like he was just standing there. It sounds like he starts walking when he says "Now he's coming towards me".

It's a home it's 1950, oh crap I don't want to give it all out, I don't know where this kid is. Dispatcher: Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes then? Zimmerman: Yeah that's fine. Dispatcher: Alright George, I'll let them know to meet you around there okay? Zimmerman: Actually could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at? Dispatcher: Okay, yeah that's no problem. Zimmerman: Should I give you my number or you got it? Dispatcher: Yeah I got it [redacted by Mother Jones] Zimmerman: Yeah you got it. Dispatcher: Okay no problem, I'll let them know to call you when you're in the area.

"I don't know where this kid is" he says from his truck. Then he decides to try to locate the kid when he says, "Actually could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?". The dispatcher does not say , "No stay where you are", The dispatcher says roughly" No problem we have your number and can call you when we get there". He then has (he didn't have to follow, he had to get out of truck if he was to locate kid) to get out of truck to go down footpath and try to locate the person for police who are coming. He was not following Trayvon at this point, he was looking for him. His search path went towards back gate and GZ did not locate Trayvon until he was heading back to his truck from there. Trayvon allegedly came from back of houses path and confronted him at the T. Had Trayvon followed that path to the end he would have been close to his destination.

The dispatcher asked if Zimmerman was following Martin, and Zimmerman replied "Yeah." Then the dispatcher said, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replied with "OK" and stated that Martin got away

So He did not follow. He let Martin get away.

So according to GZ Trayvon was going in between houses and wandering around acting drugged up and confrontational in the rain. If someone came up to my car and circled it I would certainly add a few levels of craziness to their composure.

Note: It is also possible that Trayvon was just walking straight home and GZ made up all of the above (nobody knows). A black person walking in this neighborhood was a very common sight though. I do not think GZ would phone 911 if the kid was simply walking home though. Opinions obviously vary.
(My supposed arguments in bold)

If we stick to the facts, Martin was actually taking the direct route home.
Direct would be following the sidewalk and keeping right past the clubhouse. Turning left and going behind all the houses was a detour. Also GZ (only witness) makes it sound like the route was not direct in nature. Perhaps he was pacing back and forth and backtracking as he cut between homes. Your "FACTS" are only what you fantasize happened, as only GZ knows for sure.

We do know what he saw that made him suspicious. A black male in a hoodie walking in the rain while talking on the phone.

When people argue with me, I prefer them to quote things I have said.
None of us know what happened.
We only know what Zimmerman said happened.
Without evidence to the contrary, what he says passes as the truth.
Everything else is speculation.