Ghostly Denial

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Please do not troll.
I think ghosts made that rule.

So, if you aren't easily scared, there are no ghosts for you? :) You aren't promoting or advertising for ghosts are you? Do you have a book coming out about ghosts or a TV show? James wants to know.
That show definitely has a following and I’m skeptical of “reality shows” in general, mainly because you come to learn that not much of it is “real,” and is basically scripted.

But, it’s still a creepy show. Like you could totally believe in ghosts after a few episodes of haunted prisons. lol Have you ever watched it?
Probably. Or, at least, some other similar show; there are lots of them. I don't regularly watch that stuff, because I don't find watching people holding various "detection instruments" and running around pointlessly in the dark, jumping at shadows, to be worth an hour of my viewing time.

I can totally understand how easy it can be to get sucked in by that sort of junk, though.
I must have some psychological problem to have experienced this and be able to go unnoticed as having any psychological problems.
It's more likely that people have noticed, but you haven't noticed them noticing.
I mean seriously, if I just completely turned 180 degrees right now I could convince a majority of people here that any solid scientific fact is false.
So far, you haven't done very at convincing anybody here of anything, as far as I can tell. More than a few people have expressed their opinion that you probably have some mental health issues, so I suppose that's one thing.
This forum seems like a practical joke.
Why are you posting here, then?
I honestly can believe you guys even added a forum over this topic on ghost, UFO’s, and monsters.
It's amazing what you can make yourself believe.
Moderator note: Seattle has been warned for trolling.

(This member is upset because he was advised to declare vested interests when advertising in another thread.)
Like I said, I discovered a theory to Boltzmann the entire galaxy. Then everything transformed into Boltzmann Brains. Grey Aliens in the form of Marian Apparitions jumped out of my picket fence where I then ran inside before they could get to me, where I met the ghostly image of Donald Trump and his family along with his top intelligence agents.

Do you find it hard to distinguish what's real from what isn't?
Here's some background on Boltzmann brains for those unfamiliar with the term:

"The Boltzmann brain thought experiment suggests that it might be more likely for a single brain to spontaneously form in a void (complete with a memory of having existed in our universe) rather than for the entire universe to come about in the manner cosmologists think it actually did. Physicists use the Boltzmann brain thought experiment as a reductio ad absurdum argument for evaluating competing scientific theories.

In contrast to brain in a vat thought experiments which are about perception and thought, Boltzmann brains are used in cosmology to test our assumptions about thermodynamics and the development of the universe. Over a sufficiently long time, random fluctuations could cause particles to spontaneously form literally any structure of any degree of complexity, including a functioning human brain. In this thought experiment, a Boltzmann brain is a fully formed brain, complete with memories of a full human life, that arises out of thermodynamic equilibrium. The scenario initially involved only a single brain with false memories, but physicist Sean Carroll pointed out that entire bodies, even entire worlds and solar systems are more likely to be Boltzmann entities in a randomly fluctuating universe..."

Do you find it hard to distinguish what's real from what isn't?
I am actually feeling fine. Thanks for asking. The encounter accord many years ago when Donald Trump was still president. They entered a pocket dimension they where using to protect himself from the constant flood of zombies.
Here's some background on Boltzmann brains for those unfamiliar with the term:

"The Boltzmann brain thought experiment suggests that it might be more likely for a single brain to spontaneously form in a void (complete with a memory of having existed in our universe) rather than for the entire universe to come about in the manner cosmologists think it actually did. Physicists use the Boltzmann brain thought experiment as a reductio ad absurdum argument for evaluating competing scientific theories.

In contrast to brain in a vat thought experiments which are about perception and thought, Boltzmann brains are used in cosmology to test our assumptions about thermodynamics and the development of the universe. Over a sufficiently long time, random fluctuations could cause particles to spontaneously form literally any structure of any degree of complexity, including a functioning human brain. In this thought experiment, a Boltzmann brain is a fully formed brain, complete with memories of a full human life, that arises out of thermodynamic equilibrium. The scenario initially involved only a single brain with false memories, but physicist Sean Carroll pointed out that entire bodies, even entire worlds and solar systems are more likely to be Boltzmann entities in a randomly fluctuating universe..."
So, in a nutshell, this is more philosophical than scientific? Philosophy will answer more questions in other words related to Boltzmann brains, than science will... since the theory can't ever be tested.
Here's some background on Boltzmann brains for those unfamiliar with the term:

"The Boltzmann brain thought experiment suggests that it might be more likely for a single brain to spontaneously form in a void (complete with a memory of having existed in our universe) rather than for the entire universe to come about in the manner cosmologists think it actually did. Physicists use the Boltzmann brain thought experiment as a reductio ad absurdum argument for evaluating competing scientific theories.

In contrast to brain in a vat thought experiments which are about perception and thought, Boltzmann brains are used in cosmology to test our assumptions about thermodynamics and the development of the universe. Over a sufficiently long time, random fluctuations could cause particles to spontaneously form literally any structure of any degree of complexity, including a functioning human brain. In this thought experiment, a Boltzmann brain is a fully formed brain, complete with memories of a full human life, that arises out of thermodynamic equilibrium. The scenario initially involved only a single brain with false memories, but physicist Sean Carroll pointed out that entire bodies, even entire worlds and solar systems are more likely to be Boltzmann entities in a randomly fluctuating universe..."
I believe the wiki contradicts itself in the first and second paragraph. The only theoretical physicist that claims or confirms or denies that exotic universes have a larger occurrence is Sean Carroll. This finding was never confirmed to overwrite the first one that came before it. I can assure you that any other findings on this subject deny his claims.
So, in a nutshell, this is more philosophical than scientific? Philosophy will answer more questions in other words related to Boltzmann brains, than science will... since the theory can't ever be tested.
For all I know this universe was entirely made of Boltzmann Brains, before I arrived here. Some amount of temporal spam may have untwined the universal strands binding into Boltzmann Brains. The past eights or so Universe my personal world line passed through to get here was already Boltzmanned before we arrived.

At one point during the journey, it appeared as though the Boltzmann Field flip flopped so that everything that was Boltzmanned became normal matter and everything that was normal matter became Boltzmanned. They claimed they had been plotting for thousands of years to achieve this goal. The Boltzmann Brains may have played a role in this transition at one point.
For all I know this universe was entirely made of Boltzmann Brains, before I arrived here. Some amount of temporal spam may have untwined the universal strands binding into Boltzmann Brains. The past eights or so Universe my personal world line passed through to get here was already Boltzmanned before we arrived.

At one point during the journey, it appeared as though the Boltzmann Field flip flopped so that everything that was Boltzmanned became normal matter and everything that was normal matter became Boltzmanned. They claimed they had been plotting for thousands of years to achieve this goal. The Boltzmann Brains may have played a role in this transition at one point.
I’m all for moving “outside of the box”, but this seems like an odd way to think about one’s own existence and the universe, in general.
That's not what I asked. Try again?
No, the last line of my second from last post had the word not in it. It has somehow mysteriously vanished.

I have only experienced this occurring in these forums. I believe there may possibly be some bug in the system that changes this while here, because some other user has a psychological disability that removes this word. They are given preferential treatment to disguise this by actually removing the word from post. That can make a big difference in what is said.

There is a name for this disease, but I don’t remember what it is called. I only heard of it, maybe, once, before. I actually thinking about taking a break from this, since it seems to be going off topic, now, before James R goes into a psychotic banning frenzy.
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