Giving up your DNA

Sorry, Nasor, that's not what the ratio means. 1:150 million means there will be only TWO complete matches in 300 million records.

That's just about the total population of the U.S. and is why they chose the limited sequence that is currently being used. That is with a GOOD sample, though, not a partial. (And I know about the "birthday problem.);)
Where you you getting your numbers and how are you doing your math? The odds of two random profiles matching perfectly at all 13 loci are about 1 in 10e15. That means you would need a database of just 37 million people before you had a 50% chance of finding a match. At 96 million there would be a 99% chance of at least two people matching (and probably many more). And most places aren't even looking at all 13 loci.
Where you you getting your numbers and how are you doing your math? The odds of two random profiles matching perfectly at all 13 loci are about 1 in 10e15. That means you would need a database of just 37 million people before you had a 50% chance of finding a match. At 96 million there would be a 99% chance of at least two people matching (and probably many more). And most places aren't even looking at all 13 loci.

Hi, Nasor,

I honestly can't remember at the moment. It was something over a year ago (I think) and I was visiting a site from a link that I found on the AMA website. It was dedicated to forensic tests in general and had a nice section on DNA tests and records in particular. The 1:500 million ratio was easy to remember because of something rather personal.
Read-Only's DNA submitted into a general human genome project.

Scenario 1: 200 years future time, a chicken dna and Read-Only's DNA are cross-mutated...and result in a chicken humanoid. The chicken humanoid claims to be related to Read-Only who lived 200 years before him...the mansion from Read-Only's family estate goes to this chicken humanoid.

Scenario 2: Aliens infiltrate the local police department and take out Read-Only's DNA...they analyze his DNA, and deduce how to destroy and annihilate using genomic weapons all the human race. All the human race is killed off...using this genetic weapon.
Scenario 3: A merceless heartless killer kills a young girl in the park, she, the killer goes and spills Read-Only's DNA on the fragments of the girl's dead body. The forensics uncover the DNA of Read-Only...arrest him...and jail for eternity.
Scenario 3: A merceless heartless killer kills a young girl in the park, she, the killer goes and spills Read-Only's DNA on the fragments of the girl's dead body. The forensics uncover the DNA of Read-Only...arrest him...and jail for eternity.

Scenario 4: Draqon is eaten by a 'gator and his DNA ceases to exist. Oh, well, nothing lost in any way.:D