Global Tiger Day - July 29th


Matter and Pixie Dust
Valued Senior Member
From the article --> The natural habitats of these big cats (and many other species of wildlife) continue to thin as their territories grow fragmented, artificial and more distant from each other, cutting tigers off from their kind. Poaching and trading of tiger parts are less of an issue today than it was decades ago but it continues to plague conservation efforts to an extent. Encroachments into Protected Areas in forests is both inevitable and destructive to traditional forests and farmland, reducing green cover. As the size of wildlife reserves shrink, another big problem arises: conflict of tigers with humans in adjoining habitats.

Just thought this was worth sharing, as to raise awareness. Any thoughts?

From what I've learned through reading up on this, tigers keep the population down of others animals (as they serve tigers as food) and this is important because if the population of other animals (prey) increases too much, they too risk extinction because food sources will be limited.
When the alpha predator is removed from a habitat the other animals suffer. They killed off all the wolves in Yellowstone and the deer overbred and were too lazy to move far from the watering holes. There were no new aspen trees there for seventy years, the deer ate the shoots as soon as they appeared.
When the alpha predator is removed from a habitat the other animals suffer. They killed off all the wolves in Yellowstone and the deer overbred and were too lazy to move far from the watering holes. There were no new aspen trees there for seventy years, the deer ate the shoots as soon as they appeared.

It's nothing short of heart breaking. Within the next decade, tigers may become extinct if measures aren't taken to protect them, and their habitats.
It's nothing short of heart breaking. Within the next decade, tigers may become extinct if measures aren't taken to protect them, and their habitats.
Couldn't agree more....
Here is another article re Elephants who along with Tigers and probably Rhinos, face similar challenges.
Increasing value of ivory poses major threat to elephant populations

The global price of ivory increased tenfold since its 1989 trade ban by the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), new research has found. The University of Bristol Veterinary School study, published in Biological Conservation [25 July], is the first to analyse trends in global ivory market values since the ban came into effect.

Higher ivory market prices lead to higher poaching incentives, and therefore greater numbers of elephants being killed. Despite the CITES ban on ivory, poaching associated with its illegal trade has not prevented the suffering of elephants and is estimated to cause an eight per cent loss in the world's elephant population every year.

Using a large dataset of ivory prices collected between 1989 and 2017 from literature searches and visits to ivory markets across Africa, Europe and Asia, together with information such as ivory product type (raw, polished, carved), weight, region, and legality, the researchers were able to determine the factors that drive increases in ivory prices.

Since the ban, ivory has become an increasingly valuable commodity, with Asian markets having the highest prices and Africa the lowest. From the data, the researchers were able to determine that the global average price of ivory increased tenfold (~1,019 per cent) between 1989 and 2014 and appears to be slowly decreasing since. Factors that influence activity include where in the world the ivory was sold; whether the ivory had been carved or worked in any way; the legality of the sale; and finally, the total volume of ivory that was estimated to have been traded that year.
more at link.....

I got into trouble once [not sure if it was here or elsewhere, by daring to suggest that when these poachers were ever caught, they stand them up against a wall and shoot them. Just the usual with regards to the animals who were paying the actual stand them all up against a wall!!



From what I've learned through reading up on this, tigers keep the population down of others animals (as they serve tigers as food) and this is important because if the population of other animals (prey) increases too much, they too risk extinction because food sources will be limited.

where ever you got that from, it is a clear sign your reading propaganda.
the slight is the suggestion that apex predators deplete natural wild life.

"bush-meat" is effectively any wild animal killed and then sold as meat.
the bush-meat trade and clear-burning Forrest (turning natural habitat into grazing land free of all other animals{wiping out prey animals leaving only live stock for the tigers to eat})is wiping out more natural wild animals than a tiger population 10 times the size could do on a good day.

the only solution to solve the extinction of Tigers is a socialist coalface process that directly delivers food, housing & education to those living in the areas making them the protectors of the Tigers.

the global alt-right push is anti environmentalism.
all those people voting for alt-right politicians are responsible for species extinction and endangerment
India is now home to nearly 3,000 tigers, a third more than it had four years ago, according to the latest tiger census.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who presented the findings on Monday, said the tiger population had risen from 2,226 in 2014 to 2,967 in 2018.

He added that India is "now one of the biggest and most secure habitats of the tiger".

India is now estimated to be home to around 70% of the world's tigers.

India counts its tigers once every four years - it's a long, arduous task that involves forest officials and scientists trekking across half a million square kilometres (193,000 sq miles) looking for evidence of the tiger population.

It's nothing short of heart breaking. Within the next decade, tigers may become extinct if measures aren't taken to protect them, and their habitats.

extinction Vs extinction of wild Tigers ...
China is breeding Tigers in large Tiger farms to chop them up and sell them for body parts.
The money that asians are willing to pay for tiger body parts to eat is hundreds of millions of dollars.

that is a genetics issue.

i guess cow penis tea is not as sexy sounding as tiger heart tea

i wonder if they make a flavor of that for their astronauts

asian astronauts tiger penis dinner in a tube...


Much of the illegal international tiger trade goes to China and Vietnam, but these tiger heads were seized by law enforcement in the U.S. and are now stored at the National Wildlife Property Repository, in Colorado.

Photograph by Kate Brooks, Redux
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