Global warming is it really happening


Registered Senior Member
I have heard that we as a world have changed the climate by unbelievable amounts yet i do not think this is the case. If you takes a look at a map of the earth 10,000 years ago you see the bearing strait and the english channel being connected and land was less present in some areas and more in others. the earth changes constantly i yes we may be to blame for heating it up a little but i think the numbers are overestimated in terms of how much we have made an impact. i just think we need to adapt and move on your anyone's thoughts'?
Let me tell you that human beings are destructing the Earth very bad.
If we wait a little longer there is no Earth to protect or to live on any more.
Earth is dying, don't you see?
Are you really that blind that you do not see how Earth is suffering underneath these dumb, useless wars humans found out long ago.
We, human beings are destructing Earth.
Not a little bit, but forever...
We may live here, and what do we do?
We destruct the world given to us, by fighting eachother for the most little stupid thing we humans can think of.
Because only humans are paranoid and yealous of their neighbours, because of their new car or so.
Material interests.
Not important people.
Only material, nothing warm to hold and love...
I choose a better life for as long as I can, I take Love, no material things.
Not important.
The warmth and Love of a real, live human being...
That is all what is important...Love!
;) :p ;)
But I do mean it...
For real...
And I am not a bible freak, just me, myself...
I'm not so arrogant as to think that we can change something that's been around for billions of years (not to imply that anyone thinking the obverse is), all the while surviving meteorites, volcanos, earthquakes that produce the gases that we synthesize, nor am I blind to the fact the the human race moves sluggishly towards goodness and peace, and that we will most likely curb our destructive efforts or take them elsewhere before it is too late.

The alternative is a mass genocide of all those of bad and destructuve temperament, and I hardly think the gain of that worth a few generations of eventual wisdom on the part of humans, though oftentimes I question myself.
If anyone watched "Hyperspace" in TLC, you will notice that the Sun gets hotter over the years and soon, we will lose our comfort zone, that is the comfort zone will move outward. While the speculation is over several million years, if the process is nonlinear, it can happen in a matter of thousand years.

Which means, we better learn to teraform Mars - fast....
This global warming up is going a lot quicker then you think.
Thousands of years?
If we go on like this?
No, no way...

There are plants growing on the North-Pole...
What does that mean?
Thousands of years?
I guess a lot less years.
Enormous ice giants melt, and all the melting water flows into the Ocean.
So the Ocean gets colder on places where it has to be warm.
This means a lot of dying by Sea-animals.
The understreaming? (sorry, don't know the word in english) of the Oceans are changing.
So Whales, Dolphins and all Sea-animals are in danger then.
This melting is already started, nothing to do to stop it...
So, no thousands of years, not for the Sea-animals any way.
Nor for us.
The Oceans will rise higher and higher.
Earth cleans herself, from us.
Like a big washing machine, everything dirty, like humans, washed away and start all over again.
With a New Earth.
Well, I don't know.
I do know that the melting of ice goes fast at the North Pole.
And there is found vegetation growing.
It sounds no good.
Poor creatures of the Oceans, what have we done to them?
Yes, of course...
Silly me.
How could I forget that fact? About the Ice-Age?
I am a fool, really.
Silly me forgot that it was the Ice-Age, through which the Earth gets warmer every day (sorry for the bad english).

I think that is why the weather here is so good and so warm for the time of the year, I mean, it is Fall, but we have 20 degrees Celsius here in the Netherlands.
This is very unusual, but I guess this is also a fact, because of the Ice-Age, which I completely forgot. All the Ice is now melted and that is why it is too hot for the time of the year here.
Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Man, how you come up with it? So stupid. The Ice-Age :confused:
Global warming... or cooling?

Banshee said: <i>"I think that is why the weather here is so good and so warm for the time of the year, I mean, it is Fall, but we have 20 degrees Celsius here in the Netherlands.
This is very unusual, but I guess this is also a fact, because of the Ice-Age, which I completely forgot"</I>.

We in Argentina (Cordoba, 31°South) are enjoying a nice Spring, with exceptionally cool temperatures as never seen in recent years. It seems that the winter doesn´t want to go away. October 1st, 2001 saw a nice snowfall in our mountains (<b>never seen before</b>) and our highest temperature recorded since September 21st (start of Spring) was 28°C, when we usually have 32°C by now. Perhaps that can be blamed on Global Warming, in the same extent as Al Gore blamed Global Warming for the terrible blizzards that ravaged Eastern U.S. back in January 1998.

I really expect the world to warm a little more, because that way we could reach the good temperatures recorded back in the Medieval Climatic Optimum (800 AD - 1250 AD) when the Vikings named "Greenland" the island now covered with ice, and grew vineyards in northern Canada.

Something I wouldn´t like to see is a world like the one we had back in the 1550 (during the Little Ice Age) when chronicles of the foundation of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (1548) (12°S, full tropical area) told about "<i>tree trunk splitting in half due to the severe frosts in winter</i>".

Rising temperatures? See satellite temperature records and watch how <b>they have remained the same since 1979</b>. Rising ocean levels? Where? Earth have been cooling for 70 years now, but that is something the Global Warming establisment will never acknowledge.

Leave your fears aside and start enjoying life!
Welcome to Sciforums, Edufer. When does winter normally end there in Argentina? Do you live in southren Argentina?
Thanks for your welcome!

Originally posted by wet1
Welcome to Sciforums, Edufer. When does winter normally end there in Argentina? Do you live in southren Argentina?

Our winter starts Jun 21st and ends September 21st. I live right in the middle of Argentina (31°S - 34°W) and normally we have (or use to have) verey mild winters, warm Springs and HOT Summers. Temperatures of 40 - 45°C were the usual thing. Now we barely go over 38°C.

As we have a Mediterranean climate (no ocean to buffer temperatures), the extremes were wide apart. Weather has changed now (from very dry climate to quite humid), but it is due to extensive forestry done and construction of big dams in the south and in Brazil (Itaip&uacute;, and more than 30 more there). The humidity has gone up a lot, so it is acting as a buffer to keep temperatures at a more steady level.

So that´s the reason for a lot of snowing in our hills, but never had snowed as late as October and never sooner as May 4th.

If you want to see our website (FAEC - "Argentine Foundation for Scientific Ecology" (we have an English version) go to htpp://
it might give you and idea of what´s really going on in the field.
Welcome to Sciforums, Edufer. When powerful organizations with their billions, are behind information, the world can look very different...

Once I was told by a chemical engineer that PCB is so stable and non-reactive that they use it in high temperature electrical transformers. It does not oxidize easily....
Originally posted by kmguru
<i>Welcome to Sciforums, Edufer. When powerful organizations with their billions, are behind information, the world can look very different...</I></B>

Indeed. You can say that about the Sierra Club, the NRDC, Greenpeace, the EDF, WWF and other big guys in business. As for us, we can barely pay our internet site (you can see we have not our own private domain, but are in a "free service" site. A meager 6 MBytes page. We are a bunch of idealistic idiots, tired of the abundant quackery found in the enviromental issue. If you understand spanish, you must have read that we get no money from no one, government, companies or members, although we have been offered good money from reknown polluters for avising and counselling them. Our advise was free: "<b>Do you pollute? Clean up after your pollution.</b>" If we were rich we would have a nicer website with lots of stuff for selling. You see that my book "Ecology: Myths and Frauds" is free on the web, although editors wanted to publish it for making money.

<i>Once I was told by a chemical engineer that PCB is so stable and non-reactive that they use it in high temperature electrical transformers. It does not oxidize easily.... </i>

Yes. PCBs are extremely stable, and won´t react easily, even with oxygen, a quite active chemical. That´s one of the reasons why they won´t react --<b>at normal temperatures found in the environment</b>-- with most other compounds. PCBs have been linked to cancer by many scientifically flawed studies, that have been proved wrong. For an excellent and impartial view of this important issue go to the <A HREF=""><font color=red><B>American Council on Science & Health</B></font></A> (ACSH) website and look for the scientific facts on PCBs. You might be suprised.
More on PCBs

kmguru: if you had trouble finding the PCB information on the ACSH website, here is one link (of many papers) in the site:

<A HREF=""><b>Click here</b></A>
Hi Edufer, nice to see a person from Argentina at the Sci Forums, welcome.
So in your country temperatures are no good either? It doesn't belong to be so cool in this time of year?
I do not agree with your point that we go back to medieval temperatures, it is not so.
Through the ages, the Earths crust moved, slowly and not noticable, but Earth moved. The Poles are on another degrees of longitude and latitude these days.
That happens through the years. So it comes that even the meridian is moved. The degrees of longitude and latitude change every day a very, very little, you can't even notice it, so slowly.
But it happens.
And through the ages, land moved with Earth, but not at the same 'speed', you see.
It is not ok that temperatures in your country are not normal, Nature has had enough now.
I wonder, how long it is going to take before humans ruined all of the Planet. And always, humans forget about the woods, trees, plants, and all the animals they destroy.
The woods are full of the mess people leave behind.
There are ashtrays there to throw your garbage in. But no. Why? Lets throw it in the woods. Plastic bags, everything.
I hate it, humans acting like nothing cares but they themselves.
And you go on thinking that it is not so bad. It is bad, look and listen...
Maybe then, you people will understand what I mean.
Hi Edufer:

I come from heavy engineering (including nuclear, refinery, biochemistry and neuroscience) background. So I know, what you are talking about. May I suggest you to put up the english version of the pages. You can get extra free space in yahoo, geocities and other sites as a free member. That way, you can spread out the graphics which takes up space but link them in a HTML page. Send me a private email, I may have some ideas for you.

As long as truth is told that benefits the world, I am for it. Biases towards one side or the other cause problems and one can loose objectivity. Let others decide what to do with the truth.

Good Luck.
To kmguru:

Originally posted by kmguru
Hi Edufer:

<i>As long as truth is told that benefits the world, I am for it. Biases towards one side or the other cause problems and one can loose objectivity. Let others decide what to do with the truth.

Good Luck.</i>

Thanks kmguru for your kind words. My background also include 4 years of Mechanical and Aeronautical engineering, two years in Antrhopology, two years in Art at the Art Students Lague in New York (back in 1961-62), and have been in charge of mechanical maintenance of our familiy limestone quarry and quilns. (Caterpillar shovels and trucks, Decauville diesel locomotives, lime kilns, etc). One "sabatic" year was spent at AECL´s (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. as head of the Technical Translations Dept. (English and Italian to Spanish, and viceversa) where I got deep into the Nuclear issue and found how there was wide discrepancy between the scientific facts and the "antinuke" agenda.

I also have a three-years trainign in Electronics (from basics to micro processors) and that made it possible for me to help my elder brother with his electronic and computing equipment in sientific research on Neurophysiology. (He was -now retired- professor of Experimental Psychology at Cordoba National University and Senior researcher at "<b>Mercedes and Martin Ferreyra Institute of Medical Research</B>", founded by my family in memory of my grandparents, and also a "guest researcher" at Columbia University in New York).

By the way, in our Institute was carried out the work that led to the world famous Papanicolau test for cancer of the uterus, by Drs. Ines Allende (a female doctor, and head of the team) and Dr. Papanicolau, who finally got the credit --back in the fifties women were not well seen at the labs. Quite an injustice.

About our page in the the web, I am building one at "" under the domain: <A HREF=""><b>"Mitosyfraudes"</b></A> but it is still under construction. In we have 20 Mbytes of space, so there will be room for lots of graphics, where I plan to have a page full of pictures of my more than 30 years of traveling and exploring the Amazon jungle, living among wild tribes (the headhunters Jivaro of Ecuador, the isolated Ewarhoyana at the border between Brazil and Surinam, the almost extinct Sirion&oacute; in the Bolivian Amazon, etc).

I agree completely with you about trying to spread the truth, but the problem is <b>"who holds the truth?"</b> Apparently, the truth lies near the scientific facts --observed, checked and rechecked facts, not <b>"perceived" factoids</b>-- but, as new scientific evidence comes to surface every day, making old "facts" obsolete, we must travel with "feet of lead" on grounds we have once assumed as solid.

In my very brief profile is listed my email, so if you want to share your ideas with me you are gratefully welcome. Any how, I´ll repeat it here: <font color0red><b><A HREF="mailto:edufer@sienectis,">My Email Here</A></b></font>. Hope to hear from you.