God is a liar and I have the proof!

Maybe they did die. We as their decendants are the walking dead. Only those living in paradise are truly living.
And apparently my step-mom is a real Christian. She is completely blinded by her blind faith and the snakes that work her like a charm. She truly believes that Adam and Eve were real people.

As does my mother. And she would call anyone that said otherwise a false prophet that is "of the Devil"!
the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Means the SAME DAY, NOT YEARS LATER as was the case.

You can repeat the same thing over and over again as much as you want... it's still a disputable point.

People haven't always talked the same as they do now. The statement could easily have been meant this way:

The day that you eat from that tree, will be the day that your death is assured.

Which does not mean that they will die that very day... it only means that if they eat from the tree, they will surely die sometime.
There's a whole pre-existing argument on what the verses indicate and how they are relevant/irrelevant to practitioners - if one wants to formulate a grand argument it could pay to examine these issues
(otherwise one runs the risk of simply countering an argument that not even practitioners hold as valid - kind of like preaching to the converted)

God forbid one might practice Christianity and believe the Bible doesn't mean exactly what it says! I have news for you, speaking as a past tense Christian I can tell you that the Bible is always taken literally until the literal translation is INCONVENIENT to the faith. As you are not, nor ever have been a Christian you are not qualified to speak on this. I am because I have been one for 22 years! And unlike most ignoramus Christians I actually read the entire Bible when I was a Christian.
You can repeat the same thing over and over again as much as you want... it's still a disputable point.

People haven't always talked the same as they do now. The statement could easily have been meant this way:

The day that you eat from that tree, will be the day that your death is assured.

Which does not mean that they will die that very day... it only means that if they eat from the tree, they will surely die sometime.

While you're at it you should write your own translation of the Bible, you've already got one verse under your belt...

Funny how people are so quick to use a double standard with the Bible. Take it literal here, modify it a little there, and get the message you want it to say!
Genesis 2:17 (KJV)

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Genesis 3:4-5 (KJV)

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Genesis 3:22 (KJV)

22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Note how everything the serpent said turns out true, but what God said "thou shalt surely die" turns out to be false.

"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us"
ONE OF US? US? Hmm... God or gods? :scratchin:

Pretty straight forward, if you don't fool yourself into letting some scumbag pastor or priest do your thinking for you!

Arguments? Agreements? BRING IT ON!! :deal:
What do you think the writers meant? After all, that day brought death upon them. On that day death came to humans. Also one might consider that "day" might mean something else than just that single day. I don't think that those that wrote it made such a simplistic error, if they did an error though then it is a error, and surely God is no liar.

If you do your thinking yourself you might just get some answers. Also, even I refer to myself as "us" sometimes for some strange reason lol, not in the same way Gollum does though...

Also, there is nothing that say that the devil can't say the truth, if it has the right motives :)
While you're at it you should write your own translation of the Bible, you've already got one verse under your belt...

Funny how people are so quick to use a double standard with the Bible. Take it literal here, modify it a little there, and get the message you want it to say!

one could say the same of you
(there are very good reasons why you have to roll your dice off the backboard in vegas)
John99... the christian that dismisses gods book as a work of fiction. It's classic.

Its not classic, its inconsequential. Why would it matter to you anyway?

You're wasting your/our time here. You have nothing intelligent or ground-breaking to add to the argument. You are naught but a buzzing fly! :yawn:

no kidding. i thought you wanted to discuss this but obviously you dont. going back and forth with insults is a waste of time. you dont like the response you got so you ignore it. GOOD BYE.
While you're at it you should write your own translation of the Bible, you've already got one verse under your belt...

Funny how people are so quick to use a double standard with the Bible. Take it literal here, modify it a little there, and get the message you want it to say!
Well, it's pretty obvious what was meant with the passage, so it's not like we are stretching things. Also, it might not be that important to you if you don't seek for an answer, but only to refute things, so you might not get what you would look for, if you would be a honest searcher for truth.

Cause surely the writers didn't mean that God told a lie? So we can tell beforehand that they meant something else.
What do you think the writers meant? After all, that day brought death upon them. On that day death came to humans. Also one might consider that "day" might mean something else than just that single day. I don't think that those that wrote it made such a simplistic error, if they did an error though then it is a error, and surely God is no liar.

If you do your thinking yourself you might just get some answers. Also, even I refer to myself as "us" sometimes for some strange reason lol, not in the same way Gollum does though...

Also, there is nothing that say that the devil can't say the truth, if it has the right motives :)

You are not getting that concept from the Bible, you are regurgitating someone else's interpretation, yet nowhere is what you said indicated. You are FABRICATING text! Read the TEXT as if some theologian hadn't told you how to think! That is the point of this exercise. Clear your mind of their bullshit and my bullshit and just read it as it is! Why is it so hard for you people to get that through your thick skulls? Are you that indoctrinated that you have to be told how to think? The mind control is deep with you people, seriously!
While you're at it you should write your own translation of the Bible, you've already got one verse under your belt...

Funny how people are so quick to use a double standard with the Bible. Take it literal here, modify it a little there, and get the message you want it to say!

The bible is one of the most ambiguous and contradicting writings on Earth. If you want to take every verse literally, that's your basket of fun... but my point is still valid. Or do you really believe grammar and syntax are identical between languages, or even over time within the same language?

I'm not saying my translation is correct. I'm just saying that your point is arguable. You're the one with the strict interpretation that you won't admit could be wrong.
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The bible is one of the most ambiguous and contradicting writings on Earth. If you want to take every verse literally, that's your basket of fun... but my point is still valid. Or do you really belief grammar and syntax are identical between languages, or even over time within the same language?

I'm not saying my translation is correct. I'm just saying that your point is arguable. You're the one with the strict interpretation that you won't admit could be wrong.

It's not wrong, it's astrological allegory. That is why it should be taken literally, just from an astrology mindset. This is why the Bible makes no sense, because it is nothing but an elaborate child's fairy tail. But there are people who think it is true because the are told it is history and not astrology.

Of course the idea that God is a liar seems strange, why would he lie, he doesn't need to. But a lot doesn't make sense when you view the Bible through historical glasses. When you view it through astrological glasses, however, he could put on a tutu and dance to the Barber of Seville!
The whole Bible is mostly astrological allegories. The reason the book of Revelation doesn't make any sense is because it's an astrological allegory. It makes sense when you start to interpret it in that manner. [See The Book of Revelation]. The Old Testament also originated as an astrological allegory. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of Virgo and Bootes, the constellation next to Virgo. The whole story of Moses is an astrological allegory. There is no evidence that any of it actually happened, and quite a lot of evidence that it didn't. So is the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors, the youngest and most favorite of twelve brothers. The number 12 again is a tip off that this is an astrological allegory of the 12 months of the year and the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Quote source here
After all, that day brought death upon them.

Not true unless you can show that without having eaten from the tree of life that they were immortal. Simply put, gods panic shows they couldn't have been. If they were already immortal then eating from the tree would be of no consequence and thus god would have nothing to poop his panties over.

Its not classic, its inconsequential. Why would it matter to you anyway?

It is classic, it's not inconsequential. I wouldn't say it matters to me as much as it might matter to this god of yours. What holiday ticket does doubt, lack of faith and lack of belief in the words of your god get you?

It simply shows that not even the god squad actually believe the shit that is written. They just cherry pick the parts that sound nice to them and throw the rest in the heap.
So God is a liar and your proof is the Bible?? The Bible!?
How is that proof, especially considering God didn't write the Bible. isn't that considered hearsay in a court of law, which makes it inadmissible?
So God is a liar and your proof is the Bible?? The Bible!?
How is that proof, especially considering God didn't write the Bible. isn't that considered hearsay in a court of law, which makes it inadmissible?

According to any good Christian the Bible is "God's word" and infallible. Don't believe me? Just ask Adstar.