God is love or we Get Infinite punishment for our finite sins

Non sequitur. But let me ask you something pertinent. Does every one of the decisions taken, using those calculations, work out as predicted? No. And why not? Because we have no (reliable) calculus of human behaviour.

would you say that our genetics is a calculus of human behavior? that whatever variable the environment gives us, we process it and respond accordingly?

imo, and in my profession, there are two primary reasons why bad decisions are made. one is imperfect knowledge. the other is imperfect intention.

the removal of what the bible calls sin, will perfect our intention, and allow us to be at one with the source of perfect knowledge.

Again you're conflating a calculus with containing some mathematics.
Players practise shooting because they cannot guarantee getting it correct each and every time, even though the equation for doing so is basic.
And your comment about "if his team has the correct response to any offensive or defensive move the opposing team makes, they'll win the game" is equally facile. Since they DON'T know the opposing team's moves (i.e. there is no input until the game occurs) then the result again is not calculable.
Plus, of course, there's always luck and random variation in a game of sport.
How many predictions of a game's result - made before the game occurs - actually come true? And why do the ones that don't come true not do so?

the inability (unreliability) of the human body, and a lack of perfect knowledge.

Quantifiable? To god I assume you mean. Otherwise, no.

yes, i mean to god.
would you say that our genetics is a calculus of human behavior? that whatever variable the environment gives us, we process it and respond accordingly?
Um, no. :rolleyes:
Because we don't do the calculation.

imo, and in my profession, there are two primary reasons why bad decisions are made. one is imperfect knowledge.
Now you're getting it. And you will admit that we don't have anywhere near perfect knowledge of ourselves, yes? And that would also include imperfect knowledge of what the variables actually are, let alone what values to assign to them.

the removal of what the bible calls sin, will perfect our intention, and allow us to be at one with the source of perfect knowledge.
That's your view. Unsubstantiated by anything in the real world.
Um, no. :rolleyes:
Because we don't do the calculation.

our bodies do the calculation, so technically, we do.

Now you're getting it. And you will admit that we don't have anywhere near perfect knowledge of ourselves, yes? And that would also include imperfect knowledge of what the variables actually are, let alone what values to assign to them.


That's your view. Unsubstantiated by anything in the real world.

not necessarily. if there's a will there's a way.