God Is Self-contradictory. Hence, God Doesn’t Exist.

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TruthSeeker said:
Using monetary a measurement to measure height!?!?


That is the right answer.

And why not?
Your question is about weights.
And the 'pound' is used for both!


TruthSeeker: "No. They are different times of the day. There is an illusion that it is the same simply because we use the same clocks and they are all synchronized. If you change the time in your clock, what happens now?..."

Your 'No' is wrong!

Because simultaneity is not defined by days or hours or minutes.
Simultaneity is judged and established as universal
only by the use and the correct and clear perception of
this moment that we call 'NOW'.

And so your above argument is completely irrelevant and off the mark.

TruthSeeker: "...Regardless, you always perceive the time as an absolute time. You are in an absolute frame of reference (i.e. you) therefore, you will indeed experience a sense of absoluteness. But for a kid that is not even yet inside a woman's belly, what time is it?...".

Absolute frames of reference are defined in terms of absolute time,
not the other way around.

And what that question means?
Do you really believe a 'woman's belly' cannot be used as
an absolute frame of reference?
Einstein was able to use for that purspose anything that
can move!

TruthSeeker: "...Again, relative absolute frames of reference. You are not aware to the implications. For the little kid, time began 2 weeks ago. For the old person, time began 99 years ago. Do you think they perceive the same time?".

Again, your remark is off the mark.
Absolute time is based on universal simultaneity,
and universal simultaneity is based solely on
the universal NOW.
Is that fair and square?

Absane said:
Wow you are so wrong on the first line. Good job.
"Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily" - William of Ockham.
Wouldn't the explaination of everything be easier if God did exist? I am not claiming he does, but I think this is the simplist explanation. God not existing would mean we would need to explain every thing about where the universe came from, for example. It's much easier to say God made it.


I'm afraid you (Absane) is the wrong one right after the 'WOW'!
Because as you can see,
"Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily" = "Get rid of redundant entities".

In addition, your belief that 'existence of God would make the explanation of everything easier' is baseless. Because the use of God in that case would not constitute an explanation of any kind. Not only that but also you would add, on the top of the initial problems, the additional burden of explaining the unexplainable and logically untenable device of your own creation called 'God'.

And so no person with a fair grasp of science or philosophy would say this
erroneous statement of yours 'It's much easier to say God made it'.
Frankly, 'It's much easier to say God made it' is a scandal on your part!

Is that fair and square?

AAF said:

That is the right answer.
So? You still don't see God when He is right in front of your nose!??!?!!?!? :eek:

And why not?
Your question is about weights.
And the 'pound' is used for both!
Not that pound. :eek:
And I asked you how tall you are!
AAF said:

TruthSeeker: "No. They are different times of the day. There is an illusion that it is the same simply because we use the same clocks and they are all synchronized. If you change the time in your clock, what happens now?..."

Your 'No' is wrong!

Because simultaneity is not defined by days or hours or minutes.
Simultaneity is judged and established as universal
only by the use and the correct and clear perception of
this moment that we call 'NOW'.

And so your above argument is completely irrelevant and off the mark.
Who is to say what NOW is!? My NOW is completely different then yours!

TruthSeeker: "...Regardless, you always perceive the time as an absolute time. You are in an absolute frame of reference (i.e. you) therefore, you will indeed experience a sense of absoluteness. But for a kid that is not even yet inside a woman's belly, what time is it?...".

Absolute frames of reference are defined in terms of absolute time,
not the other way around.
That's an illusion because your time is completely subjective.

And what that question means?
Do you really believe a 'woman's belly' cannot be used as
an absolute frame of reference?
Einstein was able to use for that purspose anything that
can move!
Of course it is an absolute frame of reference! You can use anything is an absolute frame of reference. That's why it is relative!!!!!!!! :eek:

TruthSeeker: "...Again, relative absolute frames of reference. You are not aware to the implications. For the little kid, time began 2 weeks ago. For the old person, time began 99 years ago. Do you think they perceive the same time?".

Again, your remark is off the mark.
Absolute time is based on universal simultaneity,
and universal simultaneity is based solely on
the universal NOW.
Is that fair and square?
There's no such a thing as an absolute NOW. There are only relative absolute frames of reference. None of them is more true then the other. They are all equaly true and equaly absolute. That's why "absolute frame of reference" in itself is a relative term!
TruthSeeker said:
A rock is not a person. From your logic, a rock does not exist. :bugeye:


'...a rock does not exist...'!
From where you got that idea?

Look, TruthSeeker!
God has to have mind and will and means to do things.
He must have personality, otherwise He would not be God.
So far, you've turned a blind eye to this very central idea,
and just kept on saying over and over and over again that 'God
is not a person, is not a man, and has no brain

So what kind of a God is your God?
Is the Universe a God, in your view?
Is the essence of matter a God, in your view?
Is mathematical infinity a God, in your view?
Is absolute time a God, in your view?
Is absolute space a God, in your view?
Is the chain of causality a God, in your view?

If any of the above is a God in your view, then you are
simply using metaphors and useless analogies.
Because none of the above can think or want or design or invent.
And to call such entities individually or collectively God would be
confusing, tricky, romantic, and a waste of words.

Is that fair and square?

AAF said:
So what kind of a God is your God?
Is the Universe a God, in your view?
Is the essence of matter a God, in your view?
Is mathematical infinity a God, in your view?
Is absolute time a God, in your view?
Is absolute space a God, in your view?
Is the chain of causality a God, in your view?

If any of the above is a God in your view, then you are
simply using metaphors and useless analogies.
Because none of the above can think or want or design or invent.
And to call such entities individually or collectively God would be
confusing, tricky, romantic, and a waste of words.

Is that fair and square?

I want to know if God is conscious.
AAF said:

Simply stated, Ockham’s Razor is this: "Get rid of redundant entities".

God is a redundant entity. Because it's much simpler to assume that the world is eternal. The hypothesis of Creator explains nothing. It simply pushes the PROBLEM one floor upstairs! It's futile and redundant.

Can God create Himself?
He must. Because God is not just any creator. God, by definition, is an Absolute Creator. The Absolute Creator, who cannot create Himself, is a contradiction in terms.

But that presents at once a thorny and unresolvable dilemma.

Whether God can or cannot create Himself, a believer must land himself upon one of the two horns of this DILEMMA:

God can create Himself out of NOTHING. Therefore, NOTHINGNESS is greater than Him.

Or God cannot create Himself out of NOTHING. Therefore, He is not absolute. He is relative, weak, and completely redundant.

In short, the idea of God is self-contradictory, and logically unfounded. Accordingly, it's false. To do away with it, its self-contradiction is enough. No further disproof is required.

So why do people claim from time to time that 'God' cannot be proved or disproved scientifically?

The only explanation of such an obvious fallacy is that 'Homo sapiens' by nature is a social animal and always ready to do anything to please inmates and get along with them even on the expense of reason and logic.

The last refuge for the folks of faith to save their 'Eternal God' from the ravages of logic and reason is to suppose that either He is timeless or He is living outside time all by Himself!

Nice try! But it doesn't help them at all. To say that God is outside of time is logically equivalent to and the same as saying that He does not exist.

moreover, getting rid of time is absolutely impossible. And even when you deny time in words, you affirm it logically in a big way. The reason for this absolute impossibility is that the flow of time forms a homogeneous continuum of all rates from the infinitely small to the infinitely large all at once. And each rate of time flow implies the rest as a necessary consequence.

Take as an example the ordinary pendulum clock!
It has three hands that run at different rates.
These three hands of the clock are only a partial snapshot of the actual flow of time.

The second hand implies on its side an infinite series of hands that run at faster and faster rates until end up with the moment hand where the rate of time flow is infinite.

The hour hand of the clock, also, implies, on its side, an infinite series of hands which run at slower and slower rates and have as their limit the eternity hand which does not move at all.

Thus there is no escape from time. And life of God outside time is meaningless.

In fact, time is an essential attribute of God.
No time; no God, but the reverse is not true.
That is to say that there is always time whether there is God or not.

Finally, we should not forget that 'God' is, also, an ideal. In other words, the idea of 'God' is the model and the blueprint according to which you would certainly construct yourself, if you were given the power to re-design and build yourself from scratch. In this sense, even though God has no basis in reality, as an ideal is absolutely perfect and useful and you should keep Him as a guiding star and blueprint for impoving yourself at all levels.


you obviously didn't get the part where Christians believe God is ETERNAL. no beginning no end. He's been around forever. that is one part that humans CAN'T wrap their minds around.
zeeebratracks said:
you obviously didn't get the part where Christians believe God is ETERNAL. no beginning no end. He's been around forever. that is one part that humans CAN'T wrap their minds around.


Hi zeeebratracks:

If you can't wrap your mind around it, then you must drop it.
Because what that failure of 'wrapping' means, is that this 'thing' of yours is illogical and impossible and absurd and can never be real.
AAF said:

Hi zeeebratracks:

If you can't wrap your mind around it, then you must drop it.
Because what that failure of 'wrapping' means, is that this 'thing' of yours is illogical and impossible and absurd and can never be real.
Fallacy of ignorance.
TruthSeeker said:
Kant is not God. Fallacy of authority. ;)


Be nice to Kant!
He believed in many of your ideas, including
no-brain, no-mind, and no-feeling for God!
1. A being with higher consciousness possesses two abilities A) the ability to discern between the object and a representation of the object, and B) the ability to apply concepts and form judgments about objects.

2. If a being has the ability to discern between the object and a representation of the object, and the ability to apply concepts and form judgments, then that being must be able to grasp the difference between the self and not-self.

3. A being is omnipresent when that being occupies or is present in all places, far or near, in all times, past, present, or future.

4. There is nothing that is not-self for an omnipresent being by definition of omnipresence.

5. So an omnipresent being cannot grasp a difference between the self and not-self.13

6. Therefore, an omnipresent being cannot possess higher consciousness.

7. In short, God cannot have a mind because omniconsciousness is impossible.
Premise #1 is wrong. A being with higher consciousness would not discern between objects because objects are simple representations of infinite realities processed by the brain. We only define objects because our brains cannot deal (or is not used to) with infinite information. God can.

That denies premise #2.

Premises 4 to 6 are also wrong simply because God is everything.
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