God Made Me - A Teachers Guide To Indoctrination

Maybe it's important for the very reason you seem to think it isn't important: That everyone dies. That a being has roughly one hundred years with which to experience life - I would prefer that time be spent in an environment of peace, growth and understanding; as opposed to an environment of hate, war and slavery.

Are you of the opinion that death invalidates any attempts at consciously attempting the betterment of humanity while alive?

You are basing your argument that it is 'better' to do something that better humanity. This is already a moral argument. Why should anyone do jack squat for humanity?

Peace be unto you ;)
You are basing your argument that it is 'better' to do something that better humanity. This is already a moral argument.
It's more an observational argument. People seem to enjoy life more when they're in an environment in which they feel comfortable vs. an environment from which they constantly feel the need to shield themselves.

Why should anyone do jack squat for humanity?
You don't have to do jack squat for humanity; this is not a plea on my behalf. But, I find this brief spurt of conscious experience and our collective potential (however temporal) to be interesting, and a worthwhile pursuit. It seems there are others here who feel the same, hence their concerns over the indoctrination of children.

The 'why' is irrelevant. Why venture out over that snowy mountain? Why invent tools? Why use fire? When weighed against the fact that all life eventually ends, sure - there's no reason why anyone should do anything. But when weighed against the fact that life has started, an opportunity arisen; well why the hell not?
Okay, but its not right or wrong in either case. They may be 'concerned' about indoctrination, but others (those doing it) are not. You don't have a moral high ground to say they're wrong and it should be stopped.

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
The only logical atheistic perspective on morality (at least what I consider logical) is relative morality
You considering a perspective on morality "logical",

from your perspective of an a priori committed belief in deities as irrefutable sources of absolute morality, who communicate that absolute to you through magic books interpreted by experts,

is not really evidence in an argument.
786 said:
But relative morality is akin to no morality in the end.
That silliness is why some atheists observe that you have no morality - you just haven't recognized that yours, too, is "relative", and so you have no protection against its corruption by authority.

Your choice of book and expert, for example - is that absolutely reliable?

Others, like me, observe that under certain confusions you are arriving at what actual morality you have the same way we all do, and so you have a morality - confused and inadequate justification is no barrier to having the morals in the first place. Some theists have excellent, profound, solid moralities.
Okay, but its not right or wrong in either case. They may be 'concerned' about indoctrination, but others (those doing it) are not. You don't have a moral high ground to say they're wrong and it should be stopped.
So a school which promoted racism or sexism - you'd have no objection to it? Does history not paint a sufficiently complete portrait of the degradation that the above-mentioned issues can cause in society?
You considering a perspective on morality "logical",

from your perspective of an a priori committed belief in deities as irrefutable sources of absolute morality, who communicate that absolute to you through magic books interpreted by experts,

is not really evidence in an argument.

Its not 'evidence' in a argument between an atheist and theist. But it is for a theist.

But if its an atheist vs atheist argument (which is the POV I was arguing from if you haven't noticed)- I find it laughable that an atheist can make an argument for 'indoctrination is wrong' while also believing in relative morality. Norsefire is an example who is an atheist who is clearly different in his morality.

Others, like me, observe that under certain confusions you are arriving at what actual morality you have the same way we all do, and so you have a morality - confused and inadequate justification is no barrier to having the morals in the first place. Some theists have excellent, profound, solid moralities.

It may be that we are arriving at morality in a 'similar' fashion. It still doesn't doesn't change the fact that you can't say your morality is right compared to another, even if the other person in question is a theist. The theist though can say that an atheist's morality is definitely wrong because they have a basis for it which is at some point derived from something other than themselves.

Peace be unto you :)
So a school which promoted racism or sexism - you'd have no objection to it? Does history not paint a sufficiently complete portrait of the degradation that the above-mentioned issues can cause in society?

From an atheistic point of view, all of 'history' and 'society' doesn't have to mean anything.

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
Its not 'evidence' in a argument between an atheist and theist. But it is for a theist.
Or, shorter version, it's not evidence.
786 said:
I find it laughable that an atheist can make an argument for 'indoctrination is wrong' while also believing in relative morality
When you are done laughing, attempt to acquire an education. You will learn the difference between mockery and understanding through personal experience, among other benefits.
786 said:
The theist though can say that an atheist's morality is definitely wrong because they have a basis for it which is at some point derived from something other than themselves.
All human morality has the same basis. You have no idea what it is, because you haven't done the research or devoted the thought, or attended to those who have.

Btw: reason, derived community principle, and similar factors, are just as much "outside" the atheist as the theist. Morality providing deities, on the other hand, are not found in the world outside the thest's mind. The atheist and the theist have reason and human nature in common, outside themselves. The deity is personal, inside the theist, and everything derived from said deity likewise. So you have it backwards.

What theists have is a particular kind of justification. It is based on a disavowal of responsibility for the rules of their morality and the consequences of the decisions they make. It looks like cowardice, from the outside. Blaming imaginary authorities for one's moral rules is not honest.

If you think adulterers should be stoned to death, say so and own up to your rules and their consequences and their motives - don't weasel around about some deity and his magic book commanding all of humanity to stone the promiscuous.
786 said:
From an atheistic point of view,
You don't know what my point of view is, as an atheist.

You continue to make false statements about it. Why do you continue to spread falsehood? If you read above, I have made some corrections to your most obviously screwy claims - please try to attend to them in the future.
Or, shorter version, it's not evidence.

Sure it is. If one thing is accepted as fact- you can't get more 'evidence' than stating the fact- so sure it is for theists.

When you are done laughing, attempt to acquire an education. You will learn the difference between mockery and understanding through personal experience, among other benefits.
All human morality has the same basis. You have no idea what it is, because you haven't done the research or devoted the thought, or attended to those who have.

That 'basis' is as groundless as any other basis as long as the underlying philosophy is that of Atheism.

Btw: reason, derived community principle, and similar factors, are just as much "outside" the atheist as the theist.

But none of this matters because they are all groundless. 'Reason'- who's reason?

'Derived community principle'- which community? Why does community matter

'similar factors'- similar answers as above.

If you think adulterers should be stoned to death, say so and own up to your rules and their consequences and their motives - don't weasel around about some deity and his magic book commanding all of humanity to stone the promiscuous.

Doesn't that mean its not 'my morality' but one that came through something other than me, even though its a 'personal diety'.

Not everyone is happy with morality provided by their religions, take GeoffP for example. He doesn't want to apply any biblical laws. Can you then attribute this to GeoffP, I can't. Clearly your previous arguments were complete bs- even though the assertion that a deity is 'personal' is correct in a sense. The deity though is universal if you care to know.

You don't know what my point of view is, as an atheist.

Sure, I don't know your point of view as an atheist. But I know mine if I was an atheist. All atheists don't have the same point of view :) (oh ya relative morality?)

You continue to make false statements about it. Why do you continue to spread falsehood? If you read above, I have made some corrections to your most obviously screwy claims - please try to attend to them in the future.

No.. I still see all your morality to mean jack squat within Atheistic thought. Its a 'true statement' which you don't want to accept, for understandable reasons.

Peace be unto you ;)
Sure it is. If one thing is accepted as fact- you can't get more 'evidence' than stating the fact- so sure it is for theists.
It isn't a "fact" unless you can show that it's true. Simply stating something and claiming it to be a fact doesn't work.

That 'basis' is as groundless as any other basis as long as the underlying philosophy is that of Atheism.
Hence the request for you to get an education. The "underlying philosophy" isn't atheism.
It isn't a "fact" unless you can show that it's true. Simply stating something and claiming it to be a fact doesn't work.

Show who? I said it was evidence for theists- I never said it was for atheists.

Hence the request for you to get an education. The "underlying philosophy" isn't atheism.

So you don't count Atheism as a philosophy? What, perhaps Humanism?

Can you please first describe which philosophy which is based in Atheism holds any value from an atheistic point of view? I find all philosophies to be pointless as long as you are an atheist. You can come up with your own 'morality' but it still means jack squat.

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
Sure it is. If one thing is accepted as fact- you can't get more 'evidence' than stating the fact- so sure it is for theists.
Statements of belief do not somehow become statements of fact when uttered by theists. Theists are not a special kind of magic person whose beliefs become facts if they all say so.

See the Bandar-Log, in Kipling's "Jungle Book".
786 said:
No.. I still see all your morality to mean jack squat within Atheistic thought
So? You have no idea what "atheistic thought" is.
786 said:
That 'basis' is as groundless as any other basis as long as the underlying philosophy is that of Atheism.
Atheism is not a philosophy, underlying or otherwise.
786 said:
But none of this matters because they are all groundless. 'Reason'- who's reason?

'Derived community principle'- which community? Why does community matter

'similar factors'- similar answers as above
Reason is "groundless"? community and principle and so forth are "groundless"? You sure about that?

Anyway, my point was that they are outside the individual, shared between everyone regardless of belief - and deity is not.
786 said:
Doesn't that mean its not 'my morality' but one that came through something other than me
Your deity is inside you. You are responsible fro what you accept "through" your own internal factors.
786 said:
But I know mine if I was an atheist.
Just quit claiming that is how actual atheists think.

That is how a theist thinks. And dragging in a God doesn't improve it much.
Atheism is not a philosophy underlying anything.... I sure as hell think the fact you reject the belief in God presents you a understanding of the world other than an understanding presented by God.

Yes reason is groundless as is any community.

Anyways I'm repeating myself so I'll just leave it.

I would be interested in knowing why Norsefire does not believe in relative morality anymore.

Peace be unto you ;)
Show who? I said it was evidence for theists- I never said it was for atheists.
Untrue: you claimed it was a "fact" and also claimed that was all the evidence required.

So you don't count Atheism as a philosophy? What, perhaps Humanism?
Atheism is not claimed to be the basis for morality. Hence, again, the requirement for your education.
Do try to read what is written, as opposed to just using a post as an opportunity to display your ignorance.
Untrue: you claimed it was a "fact" and also claimed that was all the evidence required.

Fact for theists.

Atheism is not claimed to be the basis for morality. Hence, again, the requirement for your education.
Do try to read what is written, as opposed to just using a post as an opportunity to display your ignorance.

I never said Atheism is a basis for morality. What I do contend is that atheism leaves everything else that talks about morality as groundless. Perhaps you don't make the connection.

Atheism + X = doesn't matter.

Peace be unto you ;)
Fact for theists.
Wrong. A fact is a fact or it isn't. If it can be shown to be factual then it must be a fact for all.

I never said Atheism is a basis for morality.
786 said:
That 'basis' [of morality] is as groundless as any other basis as long as the underlying philosophy is that of Atheism.

What I do contend is that atheism leaves everything else that talks about morality as groundless.

Didn't I just say Atheism + X = does matter.. Atheism is still in that equation no?

If you read my statement again, I said all of those 'basis' are 'groundless'- those other 'basis' would be the X in the equation, which can be anything. But as long as Atheism is there, it makes it groundless.

Because of the questions I asked to Iceaura.. you say reason I ask whose? Community? Which.. and even if you come up with these. why do they matter. You're replacing God's authority with something of your own- and that's authority has no reason to be respect or accepted. Anyone has the right to do whatever the hell they want because these added philosophies actually don't mean jack squat.

Peace be unto you :)
Didn't I just say Atheism + X = does matter..
That's an opinion. Only. And yet to be "supported" let alone demonstrated to hold any water.

If you read my statement again, I said all of those 'basis' are 'groundless'- those other 'basis' would be the X in the equation, which can be anything. But as long as Atheism is there, it makes it groundless.
No, that isn't what you wrote:
Originally Posted by 786
That 'basis' [of morality] is as groundless as any other basis as long as the underlying philosophy is that of Atheism.
You stated that the basis is groundless as long as the underlying philosophy is atheism. And, as has been pointed out, atheism is not the "underlying philosophy" for morality.

You're replacing God's authority with something of your own
Wrong. I repeat: get an education.
That's an opinion. Only. And yet to be "supported" let alone demonstrated to hold any water.

Sure, its only a logical connection which you don't want to make. Its not like it is something physical that has physical evidence.

No, that isn't what you wrote:

You stated that the basis is groundless as long as the underlying philosophy is atheism. And, as has been pointed out, atheism is not the "underlying philosophy" for morality.


Let me quote what you quoted me as saying :

'That 'basis' [of morality] is as groundless as any other basis as long as the underlying philosophy is that of Atheism. '

I never said that the 'basis' was Atheism. I said the 'basis' is groundless, as long as the underlying philosophy is Atheism.

That is regardless of what you base it on- i.e any philosophy X (Humansim?)- the end result is still groundless as long as the underlying philosophy is 'that of Atheism' - that is as long as the philosophy is 'atheistic'- please note I didn't say that the underlying philosophy is Atheism, but 'that of Atheism'- I was trying to say 'atheistic' essentially (maybe a misunderstanding).

Wrong. I repeat: get an education.

X = some authority other than God. Which would be the basis for an atheistic philosophy. Atheism doesn't replace God with some other authority, but the X (philosophy in conjunction with Atheism) does.

Peace be unto you ;)
Sure, its only a logical connection which you don't want to make. Its not like it is something physical that has physical evidence.
You keep claiming this, yet you have, so far, failed to show there is any logic to your contention.

Let me quote what you quoted me as saying :
'That 'basis' [of morality] is as groundless as any other basis as long as the underlying philosophy is that of Atheism. '
I never said that the 'basis' was Atheism. I said the 'basis' is groundless, as long as the underlying philosophy is Atheism.
One more time: the "underlying philosophy" [of morality] is NOT atheism, even for atheists.
Please learn to read.

That is regardless of what you base it on- i.e any philosophy X (Humansim?)- the end result is still groundless as long as the underlying philosophy is 'that of Atheism' - that is as long as the philosophy is 'atheistic'- please note I didn't say that the underlying philosophy is Atheism, but 'that of Atheism'- I was trying to say 'atheistic' essentially (maybe a misunderstanding).
And you are still:
A) wrong and
B) making assertions that you have yet to show to be true.

X = some authority other than God. Which would be the basis for an atheistic philosophy. Atheism doesn't replace God with some other authority, but the X (philosophy in conjunction with Atheism) does.
Atheists don't "replace" god. They simply ignore that particular fantasy.
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