God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.

@Greatest --

I don't see that in Signal. Sure his ideas might be frighteningly naive from my point of view, but he does generally think about things, maybe not enough, but the thought is still there. I think that sometimes Signal gets defensive(like everyone and their mum), but he still doesn't often give in to the "sheeple" tendencies, not that I've seen anyways.

Time will tell.

If you check his communication, a bunch of open statements so far with me, he has nothing to teach anyone and does not sound like he wants to learn either.

I don't think God has rested from the works of creation. Things are still evolving, planets and stars are still being formed, it's on going.
I think the statement he rested on the 7th day is prophetic, some time in the future. When the universe has been finished then it is time to rest. I don't know whether it is Christian or not but it could well be as good as any other interpretation. It is the one I live by.
God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.

The tree of knowledge.
Two things. Do you value your moral sense?
Would you give it up along with most of what you know since most is subject to being good or evil?

Why do you think A & E would value it any less than yourself?

Life without morals is not worth living so we must thank Eve, then Adam, for making the right choice.

The tree of life.
As to living forever. If you just created children and were going to raise them and teach them what to eat or not, what tree would you first feed them?

If bright, I will assume you made the right choice. The tree of life. The most important tree.

Then that brings up the uncomfortable question of why God chose to feed them something else first. His decision and your brighter one are in opposition. You chose the moral and intelligent decision while God did not.

You make a better parent than God. Even if we ignore his preventing A & E from reaching what would save them. The tree of life. I call that murder.

Take a bow and have God bow to you.

If you do not agree that man is a better parent, then you are not much of a thinker and you should question your morals.

I wouldn't want most people to have omnipotence, especially if they had a while to get used to it.
Since God is a fantasy, created by humans, originating in ancient times, to explain mysteries for which they had no science, I would just as soon have this fantasy bow to me, for I have climbed out of their confusion into a newer confusion for which I have no science and, by demanding obeisance from the deity of antiquity, I can rid myself of the fundamental superstitions that interfere with my ability to perceive the new reality, enabling me to move on to ridding myself of the newer superstitions that presently interfere.

In this way, I will hand the world to another generation who can face its own superstitions with greater strength, unchained to my shortcomings, and then I have done a thing more moral and perfect than all of the saints of any religion.
Time will tell.

If you check his communication, a bunch of open statements so far with me, he has nothing to teach anyone and does not sound like he wants to learn either.

You are, of course, the greatest there is, was, or will be!
It would take thought to know a bit about sin and what motivates it.

As you can see, Signal will deny without offering anything to refute. That means he will not take the time to think of the issue.

If he knew what drove his sin then he would have given it instead of an unqualified denial.

That is a sheeple trait.
Do not refute. Deny and run away.

Since God is a fantasy, created by humans, originating in ancient times, to explain mysteries for which they had no science, I would just as soon have this fantasy bow to me, for I have climbed out of their confusion into a newer confusion for which I have no science and, by demanding obeisance from the deity of antiquity, I can rid myself of the fundamental superstitions that interfere with my ability to perceive the new reality, enabling me to move on to ridding myself of the newer superstitions that presently interfere.

In this way, I will hand the world to another generation who can face its own superstitions with greater strength, unchained to my shortcomings, and then I have done a thing more moral and perfect than all of the saints of any religion.
Would you care to expand on the newer superstitions you talk of?

I wouldn't want most people to have omnipotence, especially if they had a while to get used to it.

God has never been proven to be omni anything.
Man just created him and added on any and all attributes they could name.
Man made God, the word and the myth, a wish list of all our hopes and dreams.

Some of us grow up and recognize this fact.

Since God is a fantasy, created by humans, originating in ancient times, to explain mysteries for which they had no science, I would just as soon have this fantasy bow to me, for I have climbed out of their confusion into a newer confusion for which I have no science and, by demanding obeisance from the deity of antiquity, I can rid myself of the fundamental superstitions that interfere with my ability to perceive the new reality, enabling me to move on to ridding myself of the newer superstitions that presently interfere.

In this way, I will hand the world to another generation who can face its own superstitions with greater strength, unchained to my shortcomings, and then I have done a thing more moral and perfect than all of the saints of any religion.

+ 1
Well put.

If God created the universe and rested on the seventh day, and there is no mention of God working on the eighth day, does that mean humans were making the decisions thereafter, using their free will?

We usually blame god for all the evils of the world, when the bible has him resting. The Lord of the earth was Satan, who was in charge after that. But Satan was like knowledge of good and evil, part good and part evil. This is what occurs.
If God created the universe and rested on the seventh day, and there is no mention of God working on the eighth day, does that mean humans were making the decisions thereafter, using their free will?

We usually blame god for all the evils of the world, when the bible has him resting. The Lord of the earth was Satan, who was in charge after that. But Satan was like knowledge of good and evil, part good and part evil. This is what occurs.

Who can blame Satan or Eve for rebelling agains total dictatorship and an immoral insane God?

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

The wage of sin is death. What sin did Jesus do to earn his wage?

If God created the universe and rested on the seventh day, and there is no mention of God working on the eighth day, does that mean humans were making the decisions thereafter, using their free will?

We usually blame god for all the evils of the world, when the bible has him resting. The Lord of the earth was Satan, who was in charge after that. But Satan was like knowledge of good and evil, part good and part evil. This is what occurs.
The Universe is ended on the Sixth Day. On the seventh day Rested. For there there was nothing to do, the Universe was gone. So you can't have an eighth day. God that's rugged!
What our universe is going to be ended!:)
@Rob --

How do you know that that one verse, where it says he rested on the seventh day, is prophetic when none of the others in Genesis are?
Since God is a fantasy, created by humans, originating in ancient times, to explain mysteries for which they had no science,

Unfound, and probably not true.

In this way, I will hand the world to another generation who can face its own superstitions with greater strength, unchained to my shortcomings, and then I have done a thing more moral and perfect than all of the saints of any religion.

You are wrong. You can have hope with out faith, but hope doesn't care if faith is absent. The day faith is taken from the world will be the day man was doomed.
@Rob --

How do you know that that one verse, where it says he rested on the seventh day, is prophetic when none of the others in Genesis are?
I take it from the attitude of the NT theologians saying things like they were expecting to enter into the Rest Day of God, in other words they were looking forward to something even they thought hadn't happened yet.
Do you know the ones I'm talking of or do you need me to find them?

The other aspect of this was from Genesis. If you look at it as to what happened on the 6th day, you never actually get past there. we are still in the 6th day when you follow the Bible through to the current period.
I would say there are plenty of other prophetic passages in Genesis too.
It definitely isn't the only one.:)
God has never been proven to be omni anything.
Man just created him and added on any and all attributes they could name.
Man made God, the word and the myth, a wish list of all our hopes and dreams.

Some of us grow up and recognize this fact.

This response makes no sense. The OP is presuming God exists. I realize you are an atheist, but the OP presumes God's existence, then concludes that really we are better than this God, if this God existed.

I point out that I would not trust humans with omnipotence and then you tell me that God does not exist. You are missing the point of your own thread.

Save your insults for yourself, please, and either actually respond to the content of my post rather than recounting your assumptions about me along with your off topic thoughts, or ignore my post. But this was just silly.